**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

so I was holding
Luke while hubby cut his toenails and he was giggling, I was giggling too- then before you know it I felt a tiny toenail fly into my throat lol.

Merry Christmas Eve all!
Merry Christmas Girlies!!!

Charlie Bump is 21weeks today :) xx
Merry Christmas everyone :) hope you're all having a lovely day with your families. Xxx
Mixture of fireman Sam, chocolate and cars of different sizes results in manic child! Take note lol
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Merry Christmas everyone..have a lovely day! Can't believe I'm 18 weeks already..it's going so fast!xx
Merry christmas everyone. I'm relaxed in sofa watching muppets. Hope you are all having a great day xx
Hope you all had a great day yesterday. Freddie had a fab day, spent all of it dressed up as Captain America and building bits of Lego. Getting ready for Xmas the Sequel today as my bro and sis in law are coming for the day.

Baby 21 weeks today, scan on Weds, can't wait!
Hope you all had a great day yesterday. I've been to town and got a few bargins for baby :) got my prep machine for half price and then I picked up a little car sleep suit for hospital bag. Have one pink and one blue now. And a little elf suit for next Xmas. Got more bargains in mother care and some mat wear in new look.
Hope you all had a great day yesterday. I've been to town and got a few bargins for baby :) got my prep machine for half price and then I picked up a little car sleep suit for hospital bag. Have one pink and one blue now. And a little elf suit for next Xmas. Got more bargains in mother care and some mat wear in new look.

Sounds like you've done very well :)
I popped into next this morning and got a few pink bits, I was so excited! Even OH was a little excited too, he didn't moan about me buying stuff like he normally does haha.

Been to the walk in with Oscar this morning, he's got bronchiolitis :-( we could have done with taking him yesterday, but with it being Christmas obviously nowhere was open and we didn't think he was bad enough for a&e. We've got to keep a close eye on him the next 24hrs incase he gets any worse and needs a hospital visit. He had the same last December, we ended up spending the night in hospital :-/ xxx
At work tonight and my secret Santa bought me
Really nice bottle of wine. :(

Great, a Christmas present I can't drink until the summer lol
Hi hope you all had a lovely Christmas! I was working but managed to get to spend time with oh's family, seeing my family for new year. Sounds like you've all been busy sales shopping. I'm off today as I don't start work till later on. Who was brave enough to go to the next 5am sale?
My family sent me pics yesterday of what they've bought my little man!
Oh i also felt my first proper kicks yesterday, wad amazing!xx
So I ended up at the MAC tonight with severe vomiting and vomiting blood. Luckily baby is ok, my oxygen levels are a bit low and I've got some protein in my urine. I've been discharged now, I'm back home, still been sick(altho not bloody anymore) I could cry!xx
Ouch! Was the blood just from irritation?

I've been feeling a bit light headed tonight and work is getting tough. Writing my maternity letter on my days off to give to boss in new year - OUCH! 9 week to go lol

My boobs have also started leaking!
Yeah the Dr thought I'd probably just burnt my osophogas with acid from sickness(lovely) I got to hear baby's heartbeat though which was lovely 144 bpm, double what mine was! Absolutely fascinated me.
When are you taking your maternity leave jojo? I know I'm supposed to have a mat form and write a letter to my boss,but where do I get my form from?xx
Your mw will give it to you at next appt. you need to inform your employer before 25 weeks.

I'm going off first week of March I think at 30 weeks, although technically 32 as I have a few weeks holiday to take
Well I'm 21 weeks atm and not due to see mw till 21st Jan. I'm thinking of going start-mid of march,give me chance to make sure everything is sorted for baby's arrival. Can't believe it's nearly approaching!xx
Im having a ballache trying to get my matb1.
Next app isnt till 28wks as its 2nd preg. Left 2 msgs with drs now for mw and still nothing.
Ill be 22wks on friday so time is running out!

Ill call surgery again in the morning as i dnt even have a number for my mw x

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