**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

My favourite name for a girl last time was Annabelle Leigh! I still love it x
That's funny Kim, I taught an Annabelle Lee a few years ago. Being a teacher really makes picking a name very hard!! Xxx
I really like Annabelle though. I like Elizabeth too. I'm not a big fan of Anna and I think Annabelle or Annabella has much more to it. Xxx
I REALLY wanted a bella, but Isabelle was too common back when I had Jake. My sister hated it though because of an anna-lee she used to go to school with!! Hahaha.

I have no girls names this time really, probably more of an indication it's a boy???
How about Annabelle/Annie for short?
One of the names we're considering atm is Isabelle, I really love Belle :) there's not too many around here either. Xx
I like Isabelle, if we had a girl that's what we would have wanted but James's cousin had a girl last year and called her Isabelle (izzy for short) xx
See I HATE izzy as a shortening and Bells too but I really want Anna as its a variation of s family name. Love alice but out surne begins with an S and it doesn't ring right
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Anyone else have really annoying OH's who can't seem to ever get ready to go anywhere without constant nagging - then moans about you nagging at them all the time?!
Scan is at 1.30 so he was meant to drop Oscar at his parents for 12, leaving enough time to have a chat there, get back to pick me up, then head to the hospital and park before 1.30. They live 20-30 mins away so he should have been leaving around 11.30. He went for a shower just after 10.30, he's been in the bathroom the whole time and has only just got in the shower. What the hell he does in there, I'll never know. Now I've still got to have a shower and get ready too....I just know we're going to be late and I'm going to end up all stressy and annoyed, again :-/
Also, he was insistent on coming home from shopping yesterday before I'd finished. He said he'd go back for 9am this morning to get the rest of the stuff, and to buy cards and presents for me (leaves everything til the last minute as usual!) - he obviously hasn't got there this morning so is going to end up disappearing tomorrow to do it when we've got loads to do :-@ he makes me so angry!!!! Sorry for the rant....lol.
Are you not able just to take hi. With you?

My husband isn't like that but today we had Luke out on his reins and did some shopping and went to
Pick up meat hamper for Xmas. Well we had never taken him out shopping without his buggy before and it was exciting for him! He got free chocolate because card factory were giving away free advent calendars and he was excited so when I took it off him to put in he bag so we had a stink and a cry - that's fine he calmed down and he was such a good boy tee rwat if the time I bought him a reduced hippo (loves hippos!) anyway we were just finishing some shopping at Herron and Luke was getting bored and wanted to go (we had everything we needed) and hubby is just browsing for pointless stuff?! So he goes on about how you can't take him on reins when you're doing shopping... Course you can! He's just being a pain in the arse!

They moan about everything don't they?!

Anyone else getting awful acid reflux? I'd almost forgotten about it

Also hubby didn't like ANY of the names!!
Awh bless him, he sounds like such a good boy, definitely deserved the hippo :) that reminds me, Oscar's reins have broken tho, need to get some more.
They say no children at scans around here, they only allow one other person into the room with you. The rooms are tiny anyway so wouldn't be able to fit his pram in, and he's definitely not one to sit still so would just be a nightmare!
Getting Oscar to his parents isn't a problem, it's just the manthing being slow and useless!
Taking Oscar shopping isn't a problem either, but OH wants to go on his own....I said he could get whatever he had to yesterday and I'd just go off with Oscar and do our own thing (probably involving lots of cake and hot chocolate hah) but he was in a grump cos it was too busy, so wanted to go back this morning which never happened. Useless man (y)
That's a bit restrictive about the scan! The hospital wee great with Luke - they have a screen on the ceiling and hey talked to him saying his little sister was giving him him a up and "wave hello!" And he did. Shame they're not all like that!
My hosp is the same. They say no 10000% to kids at 12wk scans and ive seen partners having to wait with kids and women go in themselves!

20wk they dnt mind, but prefer older kids and if possible non at all, but does state on letter that any disruption they would have to leave he room due to the detail of the scan (shouting bk n forth body parts and lengths etc) lol..
So we didnt take Noah! X
It's a good job we didn't take Oscar, only just got back from the scan. It was all going well, she was explaining everything to us in loads of detail and said everything looked fine. Then she came to the heart and stopped talking....she said she could only see the two chambers rather than 4, so might need someone else to have a look. She sent us out for a wiggle and another drink to try and fill my bladder up and get baby to move into a better position. Went back in, and she saw what she needed straight away....phew!!!
Baby is definitely a shy one though, she tried and tried to get good photos but baby just would not play ball! The lady ended up giving us some photos for free in the end, bonus.

So glad all is ok tho :)

They wouldn't tell us gender, but we saw between babies legs and couldn't see anything like we did with Oscar, so pretty sure it's still a girl!! :)
Ooh how exciting! Another girl to join the list! Glad all is ok though bet your heart sunk when she said she could only see 2 chambers xx
Aw that happened with us on noah& charlie with the 4 chambers!
Had to go bk a week later for mishs as we were there so long!

They called someone else in on charlies asking for their advise cos he couldnt sed 4 either.
But it was all fine :) lil buggers lol xx
It was quite scary when she just suddenly went quiet, especially when she'd been so talkative before. So relieved all is ok though :)

Oh, they also said I have an anterior placenta this time.

Aw do you! I had an anterior last time, but its posterior this time xx
What's the difference with anterior and posterior placentas? I wasn't told what mine is...I was lucky and had 2 sonographers yest first was a trainee and she was fascinated, constantly smiling and soo gentle with the scanny thing,then other sonographer came in and pressed so hard I thought I was gonna wee!!xx
Doesnt mean anythig with regards to risks etc.. But Anterior at the front could just delay movements or be the cause of reduced movements later on thats all. I was up the hosp loads in tri 3 with RM. but he was all fine :)

Its when its laying low that is the risk. As u cant give birth to placenta before baby and it can also be the cause if bleeding.

So they would monitor and if it didnt move ud have to have a c section xx

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