**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

Yaaaaay :) congrats xx
I'm hoping they will tell us tomorrow. We obviously already know it's a girl lol, but I still want it confirming if possible.
I had a sudden panic this morning when I realised we hadn't sorted anyone to watch Oscar while we go for the scan! All sorted now tho :) xxx

I have severe baby brain. I've had a major slip up that LUCKILY I've corrected early!! We have a frozen turkey for Xmas day. Last night we were discussing when to defrost - packaging said 3-4 hours out of the fridge, 5-6 in. Ok, so fridge on Xmas eve. I've had a bit of a panic today and talking to some of the older ladies in work felt this might be a bit wrong so I rechecked the packaging. It is 3-4 and 5-6 respectively - per 454g. It's a 5.4kg turkey. It needs to come out tomorrow/the morning after AT THE LATEST! Idiot. I really worry myself sometimes!!!!!

Aw fuck i need to check mine!!!!
Yaaaaay :) congrats xx
I'm hoping they will tell us tomorrow. We obviously already know it's a girl lol, but I still want it confirming if possible.
I had a sudden panic this morning when I realised we hadn't sorted anyone to watch Oscar while we go for the scan! All sorted now tho :) xxx

How did next vip go...

I spent £339 :shock: :shock: :shock: fml!!!!!!!

I have severe baby brain. I've had a major slip up that LUCKILY I've corrected early!! We have a frozen turkey for Xmas day. Last night we were discussing when to defrost - packaging said 3-4 hours out of the fridge, 5-6 in. Ok, so fridge on Xmas eve. I've had a bit of a panic today and talking to some of the older ladies in work felt this might be a bit wrong so I rechecked the packaging. It is 3-4 and 5-6 respectively - per 454g. It's a 5.4kg turkey. It needs to come out tomorrow/the morning after AT THE LATEST! Idiot. I really worry myself sometimes!!!!!

Oh nooooo! I did think 3-6 hours seemed pretty quick lol. Good job you checked! Xx
Haha. Kim you're a plonker. Although I reckon I could do the same thing
Jesus Christ babyslog! Are you hoping for a lottery win this Xmas!!! Hahaha. So much for a sibling of the same gender being cheaper!! I bet it's all nice though - I'm well jealous. I LOVE next. I really want to go to the Boxing Day sale but we went 5am last year and in the child's section people were just horrid! Proper scrapping for stuff and grabbing whatever. Not sure I can handle it!!

Oh Jenni. I didn't even think, saw it on the packaging and assumed they must know what they're talking about!!!
Oooooffff. I wrote more than that but it's disappeared.

I just said that we were excited. And I feel very lucky.

Oh and that I spent about £60-70 on girls vests and sleep suits in the next sale. Plus a few things for my gorgeous boy :) xxx
I think i gt more for noah that charlie haha!!

But Noah is covered for 3-4 & 4-5yrs and ive bought the next 2 sizes of shoes for him too aswell as a winter coat for next yr!

Charlie has some new gear too so not all of Noahs hand me downs!

Ive also got some bits for their bedroom as we r going for a 'star' theme wen they share :)
Got OH some trousers too lol.. But yes, i need a sodding lotto win to pay for all this shit! My OH was like HOW FUCKING MUCH!!!!!!?

Luckly have a few hundred in savings that i could use! It was spose to be a start of saving for a 2017 holiday when we r a family of 4.. but o well lol!!
Claire.... the forum doesn't like emojis so that might be why it cut you off!!!

Meh... Who needs a holiday when you've got a wardrobe full of nice new next clothes anyway?! Hahaha!! I can remember the dramas with "oh my god how much Should I pack" in May last year.... Bring back memories Claire?! We're hoping to go to Disneyland next September for the little mans 3rd birthday. Not sure if I can book it before baby's born though? Need to phone up when I'm ready!! X
Ah Kimbo that was it. We are doing Eurodisney too. We've said that we will go in November though when they're ready for Christmas but not mega expensive. Xxx
Aw god i over packed so much when we went away in May. I do it every year lol. But when ur packing for a child i ended up bringing half my house lmaooo!
Haha. We did the exact same. Dexter had, literally, 4 outfits for each day plus spares. Ridiculous. I wore the same dress nearly every single day!
I was way better on our second holiday with him - pyjamas I go a bit mental for! And nappies. Im terrified of running out of nappies!!! (Weirdo) x
Yaaaaay :) congrats xx

I'm hoping they will tell us tomorrow. We obviously already know it's a girl lol, but I still want it confirming if possible.

I had a sudden panic this morning when I realised we hadn't sorted anyone to watch Oscar while we go for the scan! All sorted now tho :) xxx

How did next vip go...

I spent £339 :shock: :shock: :shock: fml!!!!!!!

That makes me feel slightly better....although it was still over £250 :-O I honestly don't know how it happened! Haha not looking forward to picking it all up, there's well over 50 items.....!!! Xx
Same and although alot is ready from 29th some stuff is in jan and feb!!!! Ill be doing a few trips lol!

Atleast they cant charge me for the stuff not arriving for a while so itll spread the cost lol!! Xx
I don't even know when it's all ready lol. I know I went through and cancelled most of the 'ready in 3+ weeks' tho, I can't be bothered waiting plus saved me some money!

I ordered a few cute Xmas outfits but wasn't sure what sizes to get...trying to be organised but hoping it doesn't backfire when they're totally the wrong size lol. Xx
I got the elf sleepsuit and a bkue and white snowflake romper in 6-9..

Trying to judge what Noah was in as he was a july baby and big lol.. So im hoping theres not much difference in the sizes!

I got all the stuff that was availble lol! I thought as alot r bigger sizes for Noah or stuff for charlie and hes nt here till may that ill go bk n forth to collect. Wish i thought like u and aaved my money ahahah
I think I went for 6-9 too. I figured she'll be around 7 months by Xmas and hopefully not too big haha so should get plenty of wear before Xmas too.

I got a cute little snowman dress with tights <3

Haha it helped that Oscar was being a grumpy bum so didn't give me chance to go (too) crazy! His dad must have had a word with him and told him to stop me buying haha. Xx
Yaaaaay :) congrats xx
I'm hoping they will tell us tomorrow. We obviously already know it's a girl lol, but I still want it confirming if possible.
I had a sudden panic this morning when I realised we hadn't sorted anyone to watch Oscar while we go for the scan! All sorted now tho :) xxx

Could you not take him? We took Luke to ours.

More girl babies! Yay

We have to go do levy from butchers tomorrow but I'm
Also going to get a nice box for my frosted pink bauble baby is giving mum for Xmas... Yay! Exciting! I can't wait to reveal it!
Can't sleep!

But was searching babynanes and found Annabelle ... Hubby says Anna is boring do dune Annabelle had more to it? What do you think?
My lost do far

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