**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

It's a boy!!!! Already decided on a name...Riley! He's a right little wriggler!xx
Yaaaaay!! Lush name too!

Jesus christ these boys are well and truely in the lead lol xx
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Aww thank you! We'd pretty much decided boys names but had nothing for a girl! Got a right little heartbeat!xxx
Love having names ready :)

Charlie was a lil wriggler yesterday too!! We were in there ages he couldnt check his 4 chanbers properly becausenhe woulnt keep still lol xx
Aaaw yay!
Lovely news ladies :)
Another girl finally! Lol
And love the name Riley :) xxx
Congrats on all scan news :) Riley is a nice name :)

We had to be scanned twice because she had a full stomach and it looked like stomach was too high but it wasn't thank god!
Congratulations ladies. Think may is defiantly one for boys
Congratulations Andrea and Jojo! Any names yet Jojo or are you leaving it for a bit.

Just got back from taking Freddie swimming at leisure centre, great time but traffic was awful, 2 hours travelling for 1 hour in the pool. My legs are killing me from all the clutch and brake control in the traffic jams that only ever seem to happen on hills. Xmas film on, sofa, choccie biscuits and hopefully a snooze. Knackered.
We don't decide until the day really but I'm pushing for Anna , Amelia or Jennifer
We don't decide until the day really but I'm pushing for Anna , Amelia or Jennifer

Know what you mean, we're going to have 4 or 5 ideas for each gender and decide after we've seen them. All those names are lovely but I think Jennifer would be my favourite.
My personal favourite is Anna, but I don't think hubby is keen because my name is Joanna and it's quite close. I'm
Not too sure Jennifer works with Luke - I also likes Louisa but hubby hated that last time. We had a choice of 2 when Luke was born and he just looked like a Luke
Hi girls! Congrats all :)

Well....they 'think' it's a girl!!!! There were two of them in the room and they both said they thought it was a girl but weren't 100% and said not to spend too much money. BUT we didn't see any boy bits at all. There was nothing between 'her' legs so a very unfortunate boy if it's a boy!! I pressed a bit harder and said something like, "so you think it could be a girl then?" And one said "if I was putting money on it, I'd say girl".

What do you think?!?! Xxx
Edit to say that they both said they couldn't see any boy bits. Xxx
Very exciting!!! Pink r catching up!! Congrats huni Xxx

I have severe baby brain. I've had a major slip up that LUCKILY I've corrected early!! We have a frozen turkey for Xmas day. Last night we were discussing when to defrost - packaging said 3-4 hours out of the fridge, 5-6 in. Ok, so fridge on Xmas eve. I've had a bit of a panic today and talking to some of the older ladies in work felt this might be a bit wrong so I rechecked the packaging. It is 3-4 and 5-6 respectively - per 454g. It's a 5.4kg turkey. It needs to come out tomorrow/the morning after AT THE LATEST! Idiot. I really worry myself sometimes!!!!!

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