X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Oh my JJ! You sound so calm about it! I guess you're a pro though! I'd be in full panic mode! Hope it settles down for you x
Oh my JJ! You sound so calm about it! I guess you're a pro though! I'd be in full panic mode! Hope it settles down for you x

Ha , not ready in my head for panic- Just the thought of a day in triage on a sunday like last time being sent home at tea time , and im car less this time, must look up sunday eve trains incase - new territory this time ha
Ill shower and make sure lady garden and armpits are all spruced up just incase anything happens later just incase when hubby wakes ha

Are your pains any easier this morning?
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Thread hopping again to check for exciting updates! Can't wait until September for our thread to get exciting haha!

Ml600, that sounds horrible - does it come and go? I know some people get contractions in that pattern of going from back round bump. I count myself lucky that I only ever get them in the bump area as I am terrible with labour pain, proper girl!

Hope your bleeding stops soon Jen - have they ever found a reason for why you get breakthrough bleeding? x
Haha! I love how your personal hygiene is a concern right now!! Lol!! So if you go into labour will you still be getting a train to hospital? You just seem so calm, I'm jealous!

I had 2 of the pains in 10unutes, now nothing except niggles for half hour. Just not a nice way to be woken up!! X
Ohh my ladies, hope you're both ok! JJ, that bleed sounds terrifying!

Getting very envious of Lulu's thread, I keep whinging to hubby can it be my turn and then think no cus I need to get my hair done first! Such a silly today, honestly.

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Me too kumber!! It's my birthday in 9 days and I want to get my hair done next week!!

H16 yes it starts as a niggle, becomes unbearable, then goes away! Lasts about a minute but they are so irregular!! I've got myself up to see if moving about either stops them or kicks them off! I wish there was a way of knowing what was going on xx
Yeah does sound like it could be irregular contractions then bless ya. How many weeks are you?
My contractions started with that kind of pattern a day or two before labour kicked off x
Oh dear! I'm only 36! I want to make it to 37 to have a water birth... Little monkey needs to stay put! Did yours come really randomly? These can be 30-40 minutes apart? X
Yeah very randomly for a couple of days then on day three I woke up at 1am with terrible period pains that progressed into contractions 5 mins apart by 5am. Took me 23 hours to have baby from 1am x
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I agree, sounds like irregular contractions! I've still got them and wouldn't wish them on anyone for this length of time, feel like my body's saying it's ready but he's going no thanks, I'm comfy! Hope this is the start for you ml!

Noo I'm not ready!! I have a MW appt tomorrow so do you think he would examine be if I asked? I just want to know. If these are contractions I want a cesarean lol! I thought they would feel like period cramps but jeez, they hurt! It's been 40 minutes without one now... X
Yeah contractions huuuuuuuuurt. The worst time though I think is when they're not regular or intense enough for pain killers and you just have to breeeeeathe. Blergh, vile. It's worth asking for the mw to check you, definitely! Will it be your 36 week appt?

Yeah it will be. They feel like someone is inside my uterus, grabbing everything they can and pulling it in... I sound like a nutcase don't I lol x
Morning ladies well it's all go in here at the mo.

I ended up back at the hospital yesterday due to bleeding so had have another anti d injection. Was there for 7hrs cause they wanted a doc to see me :(

Baby was all ok and moving well.

She needs to hang on for another week at least and stop scaring us xx
Just popping in to say....OUCH!

Please pray for me that I've made enough progress for them to be able to break my waters at lunch time xx
Yeah contractions huuuuuuuuurt. The worst time though I think is when they're not regular or intense enough for pain killers and you just have to breeeeeathe. Blergh, vile. It's worth asking for the mw to check you, definitely! Will it be your 36 week appt?

Seconded! I thought my pain threshold was awesome before labour, boy was I wrong! I cried, I screamed.....but I also laughed! The wost part was having to wait until 6cm before pain relief, after pain relief I could smile again lol x
Can't believe how much is happening in here... It's gone mental :)

Lulu, I really do hope things happen quickly for you, I will say a wee prayer!

Dolly and jj, bleeding sounds scary. Dolly glad everything is ok and jj, I hope everything settles for you.

Ml, they def sound like contractions. Have you had any other signs of labour?

Natalie, have you tried sitting on the ball? Might relieve some pressure for you. I feel the same about clothes, my maternity clothes doesn't even fit but for the first time in my life I don't give a hoot. I would wear a bin bag if I thought it would be comfortable.

Michelle and sugar, how are you feeling this morning? Have things settled down? Hope you are feeling better?

Tmum glad everything is ok with you?

MT? Any word on your progress? Hope you are ok too...

Sorry if I have left anyone out. Ok that's the past few pages looked at but this weekend has been so exciting for everyone that I can hardly keep up lol!

I'm doing fine. No contractions since Monday. In fact nothing has happened since Monday! Just the usual backaches and period pains, going to toilet a few times a day, lots of pressure, nausea etc... My new symptoms this week is SO emotional, I am crying at everything and also feel a little down, swollen feet, exhaustion and an insatiable hungar all week. 2 weeks and 4 days to go. I can't believe where the time has week. Hopefully we will get the nursery finished today. I will post some pics later.

Best of luck everyone today that things either ramp up or slow down depending on timing etc...
Hi bubbles, glad you're doing well! Looking forward to your nursery pics!! Since Friday I had nausea and some vomiting and a lot of BH... But the contractions are just so irregular! Grrrr x
Wow ladies! It's not August for another couple of weeks, some of these babies are eager little ones!
I hope everyone's doing ok this morning!
All good here! Back to eating like a horse lol!! Baby is making big movements but I'm hoping it's still head down! Had a lovely cinema day of Fri with the wee man and a trip to Castle Espie to feed the Ducks yesterday! Today I'm on a mission to get our bedroom finished!!!
I can't believe so much is happening here, I'm feeling a bit left behind lol xx
Ml that's rubbish. It must be exhausting, I hope you are getting some naps at least in between xx

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