TTC Roll Call - December

I'm not moving anywhere, but I'm cycle 12 now, so next cycle I'll be moving up a group. :)
I hope you get a promotion soon. ;) Then we'll have a fight to host the roll call thread because it'll be lucky. :lol:
LOL! :good:

That seems to be the case with the testing thread too - it's supposed to give you a BFP in payment for hosting it! Shut me right up when Flopsy got her BFP, she'd loan it out but grabbed it back the next cycle and now she's laughing all the way to Mothercare ;)

This position would come with a free secondhand catheter and syringe set too - bargin!
Ok - know it's early but i have to do it while i remember and there is a few new faces :)

I've tried to be intuitive about where people should be but if you're in the wrong place let me know etc etc ;)
You have me down as 10-12 month but I'm in my 14th cycle now:(
Can you update me on ur list.
Hey Louise!

Can you move me to cycle 2 please? just back from a weeks hol with hubby and catching up on all the forum news! feels like alot happens in a week :)
louise - i started ttc in june so officially december is month number 7 (which means i need to be moved) however we didn't try in october and november so im still on month 5 right?? - although i've been trying to conceive for 7 months - sort of -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxx
If you ahve a cycle every month then you're on cycle 7 in my books :)

Don't count breaks, needing a break is part of ttc ;)
Hmm hard to tell exactly what to put down as I enter in to my 4th Cycle on the 6th December if AF arrives... Praying she stays away!
I'll stcik you down for 4th then, i can always delete you when you get your BFP :)
With the way my dates have worked, I'm a similar one to Sylvie, we started ttc on what was likely OV day (didn't know my cycle then!)

Could you put me down for 3 please
D'oh, think I'm confused with what you meant by the cycles!! *Scratches head...*

Not everyone has a 28 day cycle, sometimes they can have a 60 day cycle, so even though 2 months have past they only had 1 cycle - so it seemed better to refer to them as cycles instead of months :)

Oh no! My cycles are quite short, so by that calculation I'm on about 30. I think I'll stick to how many months!

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