TTC Roll Call - December

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Does anyone else go through cycles? Some months I feel really happy and then something will bring me down. Like I've just started using OPKs (to get into the habit of doing it because I had some hanging around) and I'd been feeling all positive but then today there was pretty much no line at all and it brought me down.

I have to keep finding ways to buck myself up, like there was a slightly darker line yesterday so I've probably oved alright and just didn't do an OPK back then.

Plus, it's been a really tough year with family problems so I think it's best that we didn't conceive yet. I keep telling myself that it'll happen when it's meant to. :)
Ah! The Highs and Lows!

Yep, very familiar with those! I was all buzzy today as got a faint ov line, had some fab nookie with my DH, we both are at home all day and the sun is shining.

But yesterday ....... Another email from another newly pregnant person sent me in a downward spin. Why do they feel the need to tell everyone? Just get fat!! We'll notice in due course :shhh:
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I;m on my first month of trying......probably -1 cycle...put me down as 1 month though xx
This is my 9th cycle TTC, and my cycles have gone from 28 das to aprox 35 <------ sooo convenient :( xxx
Well I guess I am in cycle 5 ish technically..... I tried two cycles, got pg, had mc, had to wait for aaaaaaages for af and then had to wait a few more cycles cos of some probs......... but cycle 5 makes it sound much better than cycle 8 or 9....!!
Cycle 7-9 for me too please!

Hi to everyone too cos I've been AWOL for ages, still popping in now and again to see how your all doing x x
I'm 3 (couldn't help coming on here i'm addicted). Starfish and Louise B, I know what you mean about ups and downs. I know its only been a few months but I feel so pessimistic about ttc, like its not gonna happen. xxxx
I'm still TTC in cycle 12 not been here much as works been crazy but I'm still here x
Think i got everyone updated so far :)

A Bunny82 and a BUGGY82! I was a bit confused for a sec lol
I'm on 10, felt so happy when i got a smiley face on the ovulation wotsit yesterday!
Fab idea Louise.
I started TTC in January and had a MC in may at 11 weeks and have been TTC again since so don't know if i am in cycle 10 or cycle 5!!!! I'll let you decide!!
Sounds like a 10 to me beanster, sorry about your m/c :(

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