Roll Call 2011 - post all your updates!

hi girls,
i'm new in this section, just moved here from TTC...
we are trying for more than a year now and went to see a GP last week. We were referred to do bloods and semen analysis and we'll take if from there then...
for some reason, this is so scary and nerve wrecking for me, didn't really expected to be so disappointed and stressed over it. and i can't really share it with anyone..:(
i'm glad i've found this forum, it helps to know i'm not alone... and you girls are so positive!
good luck to all! xx

Hay ETee,

welcome to LTTTC the girls here are great and have great advice.

sorry you haven't had much luck over the past year, hope your referral goes well.

Sorry eobrien, just realised i missed your update ages back :blush:

All updated :)

Welcome ETee :good: I know it's a worry, but hopefully they'll just come back and tell you nothing is wrong and you're just taking a little bit longer than many :hug:
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Im now officially started my first course of Clomid!!!
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Please can you add me to the clomid group, won't be able to start till next cycle as I am on day 5 of this cycle so from end of this month will start clomid!
Hi Louise, my latest is that we've gone from the fertility clinic to being referred to the infertility clinic, just got to phone on Monday and make sure it's been done. x x
can I be updated to undertaking final tests before IVF referral. Got confirmation on what's going to happen from the fertility clinic yesterday
Can you add me in- having hsg and sperm test week after next before starting clomid xxx
Hi Lou, not sure if I've updated but my infertility appointment is the 2nd of December! :yay: x x
Hi Louise can you update me please, have had day1 bloods done FSH 4.9 LH 2.7, awaiting hubby's semen analysis results and having day 21 bloods on 21/11/11. Also awaiting fertility clinic appointment. Thanks X
Update as of 11am I've received my letter my appointment is Dec 15th infertility clinic at gynaecological out patient dept. I have no idea what will happen and am.surprised its just for me not DH any ideas ladies? Xx quite nervous and excited x
DP, my consultant saw us both at the fertility clinic and said when we get referred to the infertility clinic that we would both go and he'd talk to us together. It's mainly for me but he will still ask DH questions and sort out tests. :) x
I'd take him along anyway, even if he just ends up sitting in reception :)
My letter said to bring OH

That was after the letter telling him to bring me (and details of his menstrual cycle) and then the next one saying that they only do appointments in the woman's name.
Ah right that explains it then, he's going to book the day off work ill have to book the day off too but will have to explain.why to get paid time off hope I can trust keep tjier mouths shut xx
Hi louise, Can you update me please. We have 1st fetility clinic appointment 29th Nov
Hey Louise hope your ok Im still not online so feel like my right arms cut off! Wee update though Im starting my 2nd cycle of provera then clomid at 100mg. I have to go for a 12 day scan to see if Im ovulating!

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