Roll Call 2011 - post all your updates!

Spoke too soon, hubbies sample actually showed low mobility plus thick fluid. Now awaiting a second sa with sperm washing and ultrasound app for me.
Sorry Dita :(

How did the result change? Or did he have a second test done?

My hubby has viscous (thick) fluid too...

What numbers did the results show?
Apparently that was the result all along, my gp just told him "normal" by mistake!!! :shock: he has put a complaint in today.

We are still hopeful though, he has started taking zinc today, no more phone in pockets... Can't think of anything else to change as he doesn't drink/smoke he's not over weight, goes to gym 4x a week so fingers crossed his 2nd test will have improved xxx
OMG that is awful! :shock: How stupid of the doctor... more like he tried interpreting results without having any knowledge about fertility :wall2:

Might want to cut out caffiene too xx
Hi Louise, here's my update. My blood results are back for PCOS and they've come back all normal. :wall: Seeing the GP next week, got a double appointment booked and no idea what will come next, assuming it will be a scan though. So still none the wiser as to what's going on! :rolleyes:

x x
Well after speaking to a friend who's a gp - looks like I should give metformin a trial for 3 mnths sooooo got a prescription and am starting metformin today x x fingers crossed :D
Worth a try to help the PCOS!!
Showing no ov with 150mg Clomid so have been given Provera and then to continue with 150mg clomid once AF arrives. Have referral back to Doctor on 28th september.
Bloody hell that kind of came around quickly :)

I hope it goes alright xx
I've seen the GP and been referred to private hospital to see a gyno. :) x
As of today I am starting provera. Hopefully to start an af the its clomid all the way!
I have an ultrasound and HSG next week - but af is 2 days late! :(
I can't phone the hospital to book the HSG until af arrives. So bloody typical....I am never late, always dead on 28 days, and now when I want it to be on time its not!
lets hope I can still have the procedure next week.
Update me please!! :)

1st cycle of clomid....currently on 2ww

Hey. Im starting my 2nd cycle of Clomid and have and internal scan on Friday 23rd xxx
Hi Lou can you update me please

Bloods fine so far, ultrasounds show everything looking healthy. Low sperm count, motility & morphology. Waiting to find out what's next.
Hey Louise, i have a 2nd scan on Wed 28th Sept, and on 1st they found slight pcos xxx
hi girls,
i'm new in this section, just moved here from TTC...
we are trying for more than a year now and went to see a GP last week. We were referred to do bloods and semen analysis and we'll take if from there then...
for some reason, this is so scary and nerve wrecking for me, didn't really expected to be so disappointed and stressed over it. and i can't really share it with anyone..:(
i'm glad i've found this forum, it helps to know i'm not alone... and you girls are so positive!
good luck to all! xx
Update...Pregnant on first clomid cycle. 2 BFP's both faint.
had bloods taken today. fingers crossed

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