The Who's Who Of TTC - Getting To Know You.

we got one because lots of the parents of the children i teach mentioned it when i said we were trying! There were too many comments about it for me to resist it! I bought a brand new one on ebay with sticks much cheaper than in my local pharmacy. it got pregnant on it this time, so hoping we will in Feb too!
Oooh that sounds very positive! Will definitely have to give it a closer look. :)

That's if we don't get our BFP this time around, currently CD60! x x
Hello, my name is tinks, I'm 33 and been with my OH Matt for almost 10 years, not married yet but planning for this summer...........finally!!

I came off the pill 18 months ago after 17 years so we have been careful while waiting to my body to settle, not that there was any need really, been settled at 28 day cycle without fail since first month off the pill!

We live on the southcoast and have 2 dogs, Charlie & Lilly. A maniac cat Winston (who thinks he's a dog lol) and about 40 fish. I am a civil servant and he is an engineer.

This is out first month of actively trying so quite relaxed at the mo
Hiya Tinks, welcome to the forums! :wave:

Congrats on the upcoming wedding, you must be so excited! :)

28 day cycles - lucky you! That's great hun.

Aw, love that your cat thinks he's a dog lmao!

Hope your stay in TTC is a short one! x x
Hi Tinks, nice name :)

Hope you stay in the TTC section is a short one and you get your BFP soon x
Tinks your avatar of the kitty is SO cute!! x

That'll be little winston when we brought him home last year........part time cat, part time staffie, oh and part time lion! :lol:

Hope all you ladies aren't hanging around in here too long either :dust:
Hi everybody :wave:

Im 21 with my partner 6yrs, got engaged christmas morning :dance:. We lost our baby boy in october, he was stillborn at 35w 6d:cry:. We found out he had severe fluid on the brain at 20wk scan. It kept getting worse every scan. We were told he would be blind,deaf and not be able to do anything and could have cerabal palsy or could die inutarine . So we have decided to ttc and this is our first month. Im not working as i have been in and out of hospital the last year. :dust: to all you ladies ttc xxx
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Hi everybody :wave:

Im 21 with my partner 6yrs, got engaged christmas morning :dance:. We lost our baby boy in october, he was stillborn at 35w 1d:cry:. We found out he had severe fluid on the brain at 20wk scan. It kept getting worse every scan. We were told he would be blind,deaf and not be able to do anything and could have cerabal palsy or could die inutarine . So we have decided to ttc and this is our first month. Im not working as i have been in and out of hospital the last year. :dust: to all you ladies ttc xxx

I'm so sorry for your loss heartbroken. Sending you lots luck with ttc a little brother or sister for your little boy xxx
Tinks - Aw, so cute! :) x x

Heartbroken - My goodness, I'm so sorry for your loss hun. :hug: x x How lovely to have a Christmas Day proposal! :thumbup: I hope your stay in TTC is a short one. x x
Hiya, my name is Liz and I am 25. I have been with DH for 7 1/2 years and married for 1 1/2. We are currently trying for our first. This is my second cycle of trying since coming off the pill. I am very irregular and not convinced that I am ovulating so could be with you ladies for a while!! Still having fun trying in the mean time!!
Hello Mrs N, welcome to the forum. I hope your stay in ttc is short and you're getting you BFP soon xxx

Hi MrsN!

I too am irregular so can definitely feel your pain. I'm currently on my third cycle but 5th month of trying. I've heard fab things about Agnus Castus helping ovulation and so shortening your cycle so if we don't get our positive test this time, I'm definitely giving that a go. :)

x x
Welcome all newcomers! nice to have some fresh faces around here!

Hi ladies

My name is Emma, am 26 and OH and I married on 12th December last year, and I work from home as an accountant.
Hubby and I have been TTC for 5 cycles now.
What a warm welcome u girls have given me :) thank use.. Before i fell pregnant with my baby boy (david) last year i had an irregular cycle every 6,7 and 8 weeks but did manage to get pregnant it took about 5 months. So i hope to talk with use in BFP announcements real soon and dont loose hope. Im now a 32 cycle. Im due the :witch: tomorrow so if she doesnt come im going to :test: saturday :shock:...
Yeah I heard about Agnus Castus (or agnus cactus as I always say!) Trying to just stay with it and let my body readjust naturally but very frustrating. My last cycle was nearly 8 weeks, hope this one wont be!! FX that we all get our BFPs very soon and we can all carry on chatting in Tri 1! xxx

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