The Who's Who Of TTC - Getting To Know You.

Long cycles are awful - I'm currently on CD62 myself but have been using ovulation sticks and my darkest were on CD41/43 so if that was ovulation, I am overdue AF but with cycles like mine, I take everything with a pinch (or two) of salt. :)

I agree - hope we all head over to Tri1 soon! x x
ooh well fx for you hun!! Did cheapie OPKs this month more to see when af is due and not really had anything come up, did have a darkish line on monday but not convinced that it was a positive. Just trying to Bd every other day and just see (DH is loving it at the moment and did ask if we could possibly not get BFP this month so could carry on next month!! lol)
Lol! :rofl:

Apparently the best way to do it is every other day, so you're in with a good chance hun. :thumbup:

x x
Hi Everyone :wave:

I'm littlemiss, i've just turned 27 and my OH is 28, we've been together for just over 8 years. We have a little girl age 6. I'm a personal assistant within the government and my OH is a computer and network engineer.

We only really started talking about another child since my little girl started school last yr, we would really like a brother or sister for her. OH wanted me to come off the pill a while ago but only got the guts in the middle of Nov.

Oh and we have a cat and a lizard



Aw, a little bro or sister would be so cute! :thumbup:

I hope your stay in TTC is a short one hun. :)

x x
Hi I'm Jo, only joined up to the forum today :) Im 30 and my DH is 41
Been TTC since May when I came off the pill after 10 years. Bit frustrated as my cycle seemed to calm down quite quickly to havng it every 5-6 weeks but now haven't had my AF in 3 months but BFN every time I test :(
Got a docs apt but not for another two weeks...ggrrrr.
Hubby not keen on taking this too regimented at the mo so only BD'ing as and how we feel, to try and keep it relaxed. Hoping it happens soon as 'Im extremely broody!

Welcome to the forum Jo!

3 months since your last period? Wow, hope the docs can sort something out for you soon hun, that must be so frustrating. :hug:

The relaxed approach is the best (so they say) so FX it brings you a BFP! :)

x x
Bumping this up cos there's been lots of new members join the forum. :) x x
Hi, My name is Helen I have been TTC for over 3 years!!!!! I have been married for 6 mths to the love of my life. I have 2 boys (from previous relationship) aged 4 and 8.

I work full time as a sales manager and I have finally started the ball rolling with the dr and I am being refered to a fertility specialist. OH results all came back normal.

I cannot believe that for someone that has been TTC for so long and the fact I have 2 children, how little I knew before joining this forum!!!!!!

I never posted on this thread, so shall make up for this now ;-)

I'm 32 and a computer programmer, OH is 34 and good with spreadsheets, we got married at the end of last year and would love to have a baby girl together! (and hopefully more!!)

Have been TTC for a couple of months but I don't rate our combined effort levels as very high at the mo, will probably try a bit harder come May if no joy this month!

hello eveyone,
im new to this site so thought id say hello, im 36 and trying to conceive my 4th child with my new partner who ive been with 1half years, i have 3 children from a previous relationship.
I had implanon contraceptive removed back in august 10 and we have been ttc since then, my cycle is regular as clockwork and i get the usual signs of ovulation...well so i think,,but each month the preg test is neg:oooo:
its been 6months and im not getting any younger and getting a little anxious that its not going to happen. I fell easily within 3 months with my previous pregnancies.
would love to hear from anyone with simular stories or any advice.
goodluck all x
Hi everyone, hope you're all well.

Helven - You're defo not alone, I feel the same way! I've learned loads on here, it's been a real eye-opener. x x

Tinselcat - Aw, you want a girl too? I'm the same, hubby wants a boy though, typically enough hehe. x x

Waite1502 - Hi hun, welcome to the forums. :wave: I really hope you get your BFP soon. x x
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Hi there ladies.. im Pam and have jst joined... i had my implant removed in september and have been ttc since...... honestly thought this was my month as i was over a week late and had a few signs..... unfortunately i have started today :( everywhere i turn there are baby bumps!! I am madly in love and very happy with my partner and we wold both love a baby more than anything...and keep everything crossed everymonth.... have heard so many different stories about ttc after implant/pill etc..

In the meantime we have an adoreable minatre yorkshire terrier puppy who is one and is our baby....
so much love to give and cant wait to be a mummy.

Lots of love and best wishes to you all xx
Hi all :wave:

My name is Sara and I'm from South Wales, me and OH have been together for nearlly two years, he has a son from a previous relationship whom he doesnt see because we are in Wales and his son lives in Manchester with the mother.

This is our second month of trying to conceive, we got pregnant in Sep-Oct 2010 but sadly miscarried in December, this was my first pregnancy. We are currently just obsessing over everything, don't eat this, do this bla bla! If we don't conceive this month OPK's are the way forward as my luteal phase is between 8 - 10 days and last month I worked it out as the average 14! Wish me luck girls

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

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Where has MissJ gone to? :eh:

Feel like forever since she's been knocking around.
She posted in her journal last week saying she is still abit down and the mc but her and OH are BD'ing whenever they feel like it with out thinking about TTC. She mentioned she was on CD44 last week so i think judging from her cycle lengths she would be due to test soon. xx
Yep she had a rather rough time so is just relaxing and taking it easy. Wouldn't be surprised if she's having a good lurk :)
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Ah thanks girlies :)

I don't really check out the journals very often, maybe i should lol
Aww yeah, I miss missj, hope she's ok (I'm a poet and I didn't know it lol) xx

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