The cool, calm, chilled 2ww thread

Sorry and big hugs to all the ladies who had a visit from the witch.

Lara_M - I'm allergic to soo much it's better to list what I CAN have hehe. My main problems tho are oragnes (including juice and colouring, can put me into shock) seafood other than some tinned tuna, hazelnuts and I'm lactose intollerant.
Also have IBS cheers to 2 years on Tramadol high dose for my athritus bah!

Looking back I think PCOS has been a problem all my life espeiclaly my letheragicness as a kid etc even my parents would pick on me and bully me about my tash back then and my dad pinned me down and shaved it off once instead of helping me! Made me very wary about been out and about round people that's for sure :(

I'll join ya in the I hate PCOS club!
i am in the 2ww from tomorrow ladies! yes i am coming to lower the tone!!

boo to all those the witch has got already, whos with me on keeping me sane do not let me waste a digi at like 6dpo or something

dust for all! :dust:
Hey ladies! I thought i was well in the 2WW as im cd24 and thought i OV around cd12 but got dark line on OPK yesterday (done test as got lots and lots of EWCM) so looks like i was wrong and am only in 2WW now...darn it but as long as i get the fecking egg its all good! :) x
i am in the 2ww from tomorrow ladies! yes i am coming to lower the tone!!

boo to all those the witch has got already, whos with me on keeping me sane do not let me waste a digi at like 6dpo or something

dust for all! :dust:

Maybe we need to change the name of this thread then to the "lewd, crude, dirty 2ww" thread LOL

It will certainly be much more fun though Lynette :lol:

My tip, pick a date to test and stick to it.... then distract yourself in any way possible!

Don't test too early either. 12dpo is probably the earliest I'd say try? and only then with cheapies??

I know your LP is 12 days, so 12 dpo should be OK?

(God sorry - this sounds like a lecture hun!!!)

I have you best interests at heart though, I promise

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I'm cool as a cucumber this 2ww thanks to you cra-zy cats.

The only other time I was this chilled out was over christmas and alcohol was largely responsible for that!!!
Well I'm back in the 2ww again and hoping you ladies can keep me cool and calm. I got my positive opk on Sunday so I've only just ovulated but I'm already symptom spotting even though I know it's ridiculous!

welcome back to the 2WW!! I am not due to ovulate until about 21st March, but still hover over all the boards. i will most certainly be joining the 2WW thread when it's time, although not so sure about the cool and calm one! Might need to start a symptom-spotting-spectacular one!
Don't encourage me Liz! You are supposed to be helping me to stay calm and away from the symptom spotting lol x

oh gawd I couldn't help keep ANYONE calm!! honest I'm the worlds worst, and I aint afraid to admit it lol

I'm so super super excited, going to see my spooky tomorrow! Hope she has encouraging news for me from the other side! lol
oh gawd I couldn't help keep ANYONE calm!! honest I'm the worlds worst, and I aint afraid to admit it lol

I'm so super super excited, going to see my spooky tomorrow! Hope she has encouraging news for me from the other side! lol

Ooooh let us know what your spooky says, I love things like that! I once got told by a patient of mine who said she was psychic that I'd have 3 babies, 2 being twins! I cling on to that now even though she was poorly and confused lol xxxxx

I tested 7dpo.... I have no idea why. I'm such a dufus, I just can't wait! On 9dpo and have managed to stay clear of poas yesterday! Go me! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
^^^^ 7dpo!! give the poor eggy a chance missy

so i am 1dpo :pompom: i missed my 2ww last time as i missed my surge :wall:

so cue the crazyness my little babymaking friends RARRRRRRRRRRR must stay calm
Not sure it will help with the craziness but this did calm me down....

As you don't implant until at the very least 7 dpo anything before that is not worth getting your knickers in a twist about.

Of course some people do have very early symptoms, I don't debate that BUT for the most part there is not much point in taking much notice of symptoms until 8dpo +

This kept me on the straight and narrow for the first week of the 2ww :lol:

i would say 12dpo onwards is ok for testing but you should really just try and wait for AF's due date. It is cheaper than pissing on HPTS constantly for a week
i would say 12dpo onwards is ok for testing but you should really just try and wait for AF's due date. It is cheaper than pissing on HPTS constantly for a week

tooo true! I have wasted so much money over the last few months peeing on sticks from 9dpo.
even though I KNOW I am a late implanter with a long luteal phase.

I am 12dpo today and I do not know how I resisted testing but I did. I have promised my OH that we will test together on Friday. 14dpo.

Had absolutely no symtoms 1-8 dpo but now a lot of stabbing pain in my left ovary which is the one that I ovulated from this month. Sore boobs, but this is nothing unusual. ITs one of those months that I just KNOW it hasn't worked but I am going to test anyway as it is a medicated cycle so would be rude not too!

Good luck everyone - I hope you stay excited in your two week wait and not stressed. x x
Lara , i had pains in the ovary i ov'd from too and found out i was PG at 12dpo. How sweet testing togteher. I have to do it alone so i can hide my dissappointment . Good luck x x x x
i have left ov pains today?? and i am 1dpo supposedly crazy
I always have ov pains after my + BUT they stop within 24-36 hours so I assume once they stopped then my ovulation was complete??

Scary but beautiful to know my body does what it's meant to !!

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hmmm, well I had minor ov pain at 1-2 dpo then nothing. Nothing at all pain wise until I think it was 8 or 9dpo and then these nasty stabs started in my ovary. I am suspicious of a cyst rupturing because both my ovaries are covered in little cysts with the PCOS. and the pain is so sharp and quick.

Definitely negative tests at 10dpo though - not even a hint of a line.

Today I have felt like I might be starting AF but nothing there. Not because of cramps. Just that weird wet feeling, although can't claim I have had a lot of cm or anythng positive like that.

I am not expecting AF until Sunday though - and she may not even come then as I am on progesterone.

Have to be sure I am not pregnant and then stop the progesterone. Then AF will come once the levels have dropped if she's not here anyway. x

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