~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Sounds like your babies are on the move outwards :)
My monkey isn't engaged at all. Had a pointless mw appointment and she couldn't Decide if my bp was high or not, then she found a race of protein and couldn't decide if that was enough to send me in. The babies hb was high ! In the end I left more stressed than ever. Next appointment I'll be 40+1 and should be given a sweep to get things moving I'm hopin. I have baby next weekend so don't need to see her again!
Ffo I don't think you'll be waiting that much longer at all xx
Elfs can you go to your MAU for tests and reassurance? How much was baby's hb up by? My wee one isn't engaged either, just very low, but apparently the more babies you have the more they don't engage until labour as they have lots to space to engage when they're ready

I'll probably just leave it I'm. It too worried will email my other mw if I'm worried baby has been really active so doesn't surprise me that the hb was up xx
I'm glad you're not too worried but it's pants that you also don't feel reassured. Some mws are awful I think, and shouldn't be in the job.

How's everyone doing with braxton hicks? I'm having tons and tons, and a few random stand alone contractions which are driving me bonkers. Please tell me I'm not alone???

Hello ladies, my baby is 3/5 engaged and I've beed obsessing with labour signs: for a week or two been having increase in BH contractions and feel really sore down there especially in the mornings, can barely walk! Constantly looking for any signs of the mucus plug, I've noticed an increase in discharge but nothing like described snotty mucusy show... Also I found out my mother went 2 weeks overdue with her first (my older brother) and she got induced, but had me in the 40th week of pregnancy and wondering if Im gonna follow my mum's pattern and be late with my first one too or am I more likely to go,into labour in the 40th week just like my mum did with me ❓ also my mw said my baby is rather on the bigger side (I was 4,3 kg - over 9 lbs) and Im just scared my baby will be massive if I go overdue .. :(

Another thing my midwife only will offer me a sweep at 40 + 12 days and not on my due date !?!? :o

Anyone else obssesing with labour signs?

Due 03 Sept
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Mine seem to have increased at night but during the day I'm only getting a few don't think this baby will be on the way out for a long time ! Agnessa is it your first or second ? If it's second they normally offer from 41 weeks im having sweeps from 40 as it's my third baby but will be my first natural labour and if I go over I'll be having a section. ..
Welcome back Agnessa! Are you team blue, pink or yellow please?

Yep, massively obsessing over labour signs here too, every little twinge is setting me on edge. I wouldn't worry too much about size, babies come out one way or the other. My boys were 8lb 6 and 8lb 12 so considered big babies, and I'm a teeny petite size 6/8, 5ft titch. It just depends on how well your hips separate, and they'll make sure you and baby stay safe.

There's no pattern in labours at all, nothing is genetic with it. The current thought is that baby releases hormones that naturally induce the mother's labour, so basically the baby decides when it's going to arrive. My first was spontaneous labour at 39+4 and my second was induced at 41 so it's anyone's guess as to when your bubs will arrive. Ohhh the joys of pregnancy!

Hi all, good to see all the updates but sorry to hear people are so uncomfortable. I know I have four weeks til my due date but yes obsessively analysing every twinge and thing! I have had a some yellow discharge the past few days and feel in pain round the front but apart from that no other major signs so I am just going to tootle along I think:)
All good signs though, that things are moving the right way. You watch, you'll go before all of us misskth!

Thank you Kumber! If blue is for boy, pink for girl and yellow for surprise then Im team pink. It is my first and I'm only 9 days away from the due date and I just can't wait! I've done sooo much research about labour and its signs that I feel like I know everything...The waiting is driving me mad lol Been drinking rasberry leaf tea ( just in case) and also got myself a bouncy ball to sit on. I havent got any urge to nest and clean at all.. just feeling constantly tired and sleepy and bleh... oh where is all my energy and is it going to be there when the big day arrives ?!
I think that nesting is a myth! Adrenaline becomes your best friend in labour, I swear that is the most amazing thing the body produces. It takes a couple of days post labour for it all to calm down and then you're back to wanting to :nap::nap:

Agnessa your due date is one day after mine and I'm in the same boat with watching all the signs!

I'm now hoping he comes in September, because being born at the end of August would be awful due to that bank holiday weekend being a forced work day for both of us so it would ruin baby's birthday each year if we're not home :(

In other news, we FINALLY got these leaky bathrooms fixed and so I'm now going to attempt this nesting thing people go on about and get the flat clean and organised... Maybe. :P
Anyone else's cats/pets decided that the exciting cribs/Cots/pushchairs are now theirs?! I'm really worried how I'm going to keep the cat from sleeping in the crib with the baby ...

Even when it's full of stuff she finds a way in if I leave the nursery door open for a few minutes!
She does it in the carry cot for the pram too! Perfect Piglet size apparently.


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Ohh she's adorable!! She'll vacate it pretty quick when there's a baby in there, believe me! It's worth keeping doors closed from now on and getting into the habit of shutting doors immediately behind you. The cat would be unlikely to go near baby, but it might be good for your own peace of mind.

We don't let our cats into our bedroom at all, and they only have access to the boys room when the boys are awake. If the boys are asleep, the door is shut and the cats stay out.

Failing that, keep taking her out and unceremoniously dumping her on the floor with a sharp and firm "no" every time she jumps in or goes to jump in.

I keep the door closed during the day and night and she's taken to scratching on doors when they're closed. That door was only open because I needed a wee in the middle of cleaning! She's always been allowed in our room and the door is never closed, and she sleeps with us sometimes on the bed when it's not too hot.

She's just very affectionate and loves cuddles so I'm a bit worried about that.
I keep telling her no and she knows she shouldn't be doing it - and runs off when she's told off!

Problem being is that for the first few weeks or months the baby will be in that cot in our room, which the cat has always had access to and sleeps in, and I'm worried that she'll get in the cot at night when the baby is sleeping!
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FFO your kitty is soo cute! Our cat used to sleep in our room too but she's got used to sleeping in her area now since a few months ago, as kumber mentioned if you keep the doors closed she'll soon get used to it. I'm so pleased I did as she would wake me up when I'm trying to nap if she's in our room and we're going to need all the sleep we can soon :) We're next on the list FFO! I can't believe it, it's gone super fast! I wish all September mums the best for labour, I'm so nervous now I daren't go out just I case anything happens! xx
CGI we tried to keep doors closed (all but bedroom door) but she would just sit and scratch at them in the middle of the night. So much so we had to put pet tape across so that when her paws touch it she doesn't like it and stops scratching!
She still tries though and it's been months. She just doesn't like being shut out of rooms...

We are! I'm so nervous and so ready. But baby can't be born this weekend! Can't wait to meet my little buddy though, it actually makes my chest ache having to wait!

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