~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Hope he makes an appearance soon. All the crib etc is still in the loft so this baby can't come any time soon I'm not ready. Ds is going into his own room next weekend so need to wait until he weekend after for this one to arrive cx
Ah but baby will come when they want to! Wish this dude would want to! lol
Well ladies eventful day for me, I realised I wasn't confident my movements were really as they should be and went to hospital at 1pm, was there til 4pm as they monitored then had to wait for a scan then wait for a doctor. Short story was he was ok on the monitor even though not that active and at one point his heart rate went up to 206!!! Scan showed it all looking healthy but suddenly they were agreeing with what i said all along that he is huge and are now estimating 10lb 5 although the computer was throwing out a figure as high as possible 10lb 11 so doctor reviewed it all and said he has got too big and deviated from his growth line so far in the last three weeks that they booked me for immediate induction tomorrow morning! I've also had period cramps and back ache all day so I suppose my body might be gearing up for it anyway x
I just saw your post on the other thread - glad they're inducing you you must be so excited!
Good luck for tomorrow x
Goodness Rose, what a day! I'm glad they got you sorted out quickly, best of luck for tomorrow. So excited for you :D

Ffo, I would still ring for advice. A slow leak can leave you open to infection, it's such a pain going in but it's better to be safe.

Elfs, I'm in the same boat - desperately hoping for a water birth. Hope baby gets back to normal soon, they are pickles these September babies!

Update from me - all fine on scan and movement is picking up so they think it's possibly his position. They observed a number of normal movements and I felt diddly squat so they're putting it down to that. I have another scan next Wednesday as a continued monitoring, and an induction at 41 weeks if he's still not here by then. Feel a bit better now, I just hope he comes on his own before the induction!

So pleased that they're inducing you rose.
I'm going to book a section in I think for two weeks over hoping they'll let me have the Thursday rather than the Tuesday if needed. I'm completely exhausted today glad your scan went well xx
I feel like it's not real - feel a bit shell shocked that after worrying no one would consider induction I've all of a sudden gone to 'yep get him out right away!' Just getting my two toddlers to bed while OH is working late (his last day at work) then I'll need to tear around checking I've packed all the right stuff.

FFO I would get them to check just in case it is a small leak - I've known people who have gone and checked and turns out they did just pee themselves slightly but the midwives were lovely and said they would rather you came in just in case it was waters. Glad you're doing ok Kumber x
Take your time packing your bag so you don't forget anything!

Wow Rose!

FFO how is it doing now?

I am another one who has been in hospital today. Yesterday I really felt a distinct reduction in movements but when I did the two hour lying on my side test I felt the ten they want which meant I didn't need to call in. However last night I couldn't sleep and I just felt it was so much different so I phoned at 9am this morning and they got me in. I had a trace and they sent me for an ultrasound and all looks fine so I feel slightly reassured but they want me back in for another one on Wednesday and if I want to I can go Friday and keep going if I want. She still isn't as squirmy as normal but at least I am not panicking any more (for the moment).
Sounds like everyone is on top of you ladies and listening to your instincts which is great. Best of luck with the scans kumber and misskth.

It's pretty much stopped hours ago and just feels back to the increased discharge I've had for he last few weeks so I don't think it was waters. The discharge has been watery thin odourless and clear for a while so it's hard to tell. It didn't go through a liner that I wore for a few hours this morning though and they are SUPER thin. I just feel super on edge I think waiting for something to happen. Especially after the pre labour scare the other week where I was kept in it kind of got my hopes up that it'd be soon!
Ohh ladies, we're all up and down aren't we! All these naughty babies should be here by now, excepting Elfs who is obviously needing to stay up til September! I'm so excited for us all!

Pemsy, how are you getting on?

September needs to hurry the hell up now ! After last night my body hurts and I just want to sleep going to clean the house tonight as it needs to be done again ! Xx
Elfs I've got to clean the place today too but all I really wanna do is go and get a large cinnamon cappuccino :(
Still haven't organised the nursery though all clothes are washed and furniture and pram is built so it's ready just a mess!

OH woke up with a sore back again today and is all sad and I'm like YO DUDE TRY SCIATICA FOR ALMOST A YEAR
Bless his cottons, he's having a manly bubble bath now and will be in there for an hour turning into soup
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Cleaning, what is this mythical thing? :lol: I'm doing the bare minimum now, it's too sore to do much more. The kitchen gets cleaned, the hoovering and washing get done, and that's it. Hubby does things like the bathroom and a big hoover at the weekend so it takes the pressure off me. The washing kills me, or rather the heat from the tumble does.

Really struggling today in the noggin, the pain is getting me down. I'm the only driver and it's agony, I've got a dent and a bruise from the steering wheel, and it massively kicks off my SPD. My feet are all swollen, and nighttimes are horrendous.

Moan moan moan. Sorry ladies, feels like that's all I ever do now! Cats are making me chuckle though, going bonkers over toy mousies :lol:

I feel you on the moan moan moan part. I feel like it's all I ever do now too.

I'm super stressed today, can't cool down either so finding it hard to move away from the fan for more than a minute. I keep sitting here thinking we still haven't got a plumber, the bathrooms need cleaning, the nursery needs organising, there's random boxes and stuff lying in the bedroom and hallway. OH is poorly today so I can't really make him do things on his last day off before work tomorrow considering he's working the entire bank holiday weekend 7 shifts in a row.
I bet hats when I go into labour.

Jut can't relax, can't turn my mind off and can't do anything for myself. It's infuriating.
I'm updating my induction process over in August thread if anyone is interested. Turns out I was already in early labour by the time I came in this morning so have been getting gradually increasing contractions. I'm with you on the sciatica FFO and the bad news is that mine has hugely escalated with the change in baby position for labour, I could barely walk just now and was yelping so much they thought my contractions were worse than I was letting on! Cannot wait not to feel the sciatica pain x
Big hugs ffo :hugs: we can do this, we're so close! We will do this!!

Keeping fingers crossed for you Rose, will head over to August head for updates. Hope baby arrives soon!

Thanks for the hugs xxx

Rose thinking of you and hope it goes by quickly so you don't have to go through that pain for so long. You're so close!

I don't feel good. I cant calm my heart rate down, have an upset tummy, feel really hot but no temp, oh and carpal tunnel means I can't bend the middle finger on my left hand without a LOT of pain.
I just feel so off and unwell. Moanmoan
I'm feeling the heat too, got the fan on and swinging between hot and cold. Can you go for a lie down or sleep to see if that helps?


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