*** October 2021 Moms ***

Hope everyone is ok

I have my scan tomorrow morning so feeling nervous! Good luck for your scan tomorrow too jo

my sickness seems to have been better today so hopefully it continues that way
Best of luck for tomorrow @nightowl FX everything goes well. I have mine Friday morning and my nerves are already starting so god knows what I'll be like on the day. Luckily it's a morning appointment so I can just wake up and go!

Let us know how you get on at your scan. I hope your sickness stays away

Has anyone started showing yet?
My OH is convinced I have a little bump coming but I keep assuming it's still a bit of baby bloat
Hope everyone is ok

I have my scan tomorrow morning so feeling nervous! Good luck for your scan tomorrow too jo

my sickness seems to have been better today so hopefully it continues that way
Eeeek good luck to you too. So nervous but excited :)
Scan went well, measuring 13+1 with a due date of 13th October, NT measurement was well within normal range, had bloods done for the combined screening, hopefully that should come back as low risk, it was lovely seeing the baby wriggling around, they were putting their hand up to their face, it’s so surreal and I do feel very excited now! Still feeling a bit terrified of the idea of a toddler and a newborn, I’m dying to tell people now but I need to wait till I’ve finished work to collect my daughter and put her big sister top on her and give her her balloon and take some pics ha ha :rotfl:
Had my scan yesterday. Measuring 12+3. Baby is healthy and NT measurement was good. EDD is 18th Oct. All seems more real now. So excited!!

@night owl so glad to hear your scan went well aswell. Let the madness of 2 children start haha exciting!!
Congratulations on both your scans, glad they both went well. Have you done your announcements yet?x
Had my scan this morning everything was perfect ☺️ baby was dancing about so much I had to go for a walk and have more fluids so the sonographer could get the measurements she needed. I'm further on than I thought EED 12/10
All feels real now.
@Justjo89 so glad your scan went well I love the little announcement board! X
How is everyone?

I feel like my symptoms are disappearing and my belly is getting bigger. Desperately need to go shopping for some clothes that actually fit!

Really want to book a scan for 16 weeks just for reassurance (I constantly worry) and to find out the gender but my oh wants to wait till the 20 week scan. It just seems so far away :???: is anyone booking a private 16 week scan to find out the gender early?
Hey! I’m not doing too bad, I’m 14 weeks today so now officially in trimester 2, yay! I’ve felt better the last few days, still being sick every morn and nauseated all afternoon but it’s getting better and I can eat more and take my vitamins again so hopefully it’s the turning point

my belly is definitely getting bigger, I’ve popped a bit in the last week and now in my maternity leggings, need to order some more maternity leggings, I went into the city centre this morning and had a primark haul, just got lots of loose long tops to go over leggings, it was so nice to be able to go into the shops again and actually look at the clothes

it’s my baby’s second birthday this weekend, can’t believe she’s going to be 2, we are going to the zoo, she’s never been before so that will be nice, I’m going to start trying to tell her about the baby coming soon but I’m not sure she’ll really understand yet

I can’t wait to find out the sex, so tempted to have a scan at 16 weeks, it’ll be good for the reassurance too but then I keep thinking my 20 week scan is max 6 weeks away I might aswell just wait and save the money to put towards a new pram

hope everyone is well
Hey! I’m not doing too bad, I’m 14 weeks today so now officially in trimester 2, yay! I’ve felt better the last few days, still being sick every morn and nauseated all afternoon but it’s getting better and I can eat more and take my vitamins again so hopefully it’s the turning point

my belly is definitely getting bigger, I’ve popped a bit in the last week and now in my maternity leggings, need to order some more maternity leggings, I went into the city centre this morning and had a primark haul, just got lots of loose long tops to go over leggings, it was so nice to be able to go into the shops again and actually look at the clothes

it’s my baby’s second birthday this weekend, can’t believe she’s going to be 2, we are going to the zoo, she’s never been before so that will be nice, I’m going to start trying to tell her about the baby coming soon but I’m not sure she’ll really understand yet

I can’t wait to find out the sex, so tempted to have a scan at 16 weeks, it’ll be good for the reassurance too but then I keep thinking my 20 week scan is max 6 weeks away I might aswell just wait and save the money to put towards a new pram

hope everyone is well

Woo for Tri 2. I'll be joining the club next Monday!

Rather jealous of your primark trip haha dying to go!! Hopefully be going next week.

Aww Happy Birthday to your little girl <3 the zoo sounds exciting. I hope you all have a lovely day.

The temptation is definitely there for a 16 week but would make sense to save for something baby will need.
Have you all got your 16 week midwife appts booked?

I've been messaging and left a voicemail with my community midwife and she still hasn't got back to me about booking it in. Getting so annoyed now. Trying to think what to do to get hold of her :|
Hey! I haven’t booked mine yet, my last pregnancy all my appointments got made for me and sent out on a letter and now this time it seems I have to phone up and ask for them, gonna phone my midwife tomorrow and see about booking my 16 week appointment, I’ll be 15 weeks on weds

how’s everyone getting on? Feel like I’ve definitely popped a bit of a bump this week and I might have felt a few little stirrings but not sure if it’s just gas ha ha
Hey! I haven’t booked mine yet, my last pregnancy all my appointments got made for me and sent out on a letter and now this time it seems I have to phone up and ask for them, gonna phone my midwife tomorrow and see about booking my 16 week appointment, I’ll be 15 weeks on weds

how’s everyone getting on? Feel like I’ve definitely popped a bit of a bump this week and I might have felt a few little stirrings but not sure if it’s just gas ha ha

Thinking I may have to call the doctors and see what they suggest. I get so inpatient haha

Aww can't wait to feel the first flutters. Just want to feel baby move now. I'm a constant worrier that something is right so it'll be nice to feel some movement.

I'm still waiting on the blood results for downs etc, been nearly 2 weeks and still nothing. I feel everything is so much slower this time round in regards to results and organising appointments.
Hello girls, last three days I feel better, nausea and fatigue slowly disappears! Finally!
This friday is my first screening! Can't wait! We are going to announce the news to our parents!

Yesterday i went on a slow run of 5 km ! It made me feel more energized!
Thinking I may have to call the doctors and see what they suggest. I get so inpatient haha

Aww can't wait to feel the first flutters. Just want to feel baby move now. I'm a constant worrier that something is right so it'll be nice to feel some movement.

I'm still waiting on the blood results for downs etc, been nearly 2 weeks and still nothing. I feel everything is so much slower this time round in regards to results and organising appointments.

yep still waiting on my results too, I think we are definitely low risk as we would have had a phone call by now but I still want to see my results on paper! Everything really is slower right now

oh I’m a constant worrier too, I’m already nervous for the 20 week scan! Looking forward to hopefully finding out if boy or girl though!
Hello girls, last three days I feel better, nausea and fatigue slowly disappears! Finally!
This friday is my first screening! Can't wait! We are going to announce the news to our parents!

Yesterday i went on a slow run of 5 km ! It made me feel more energized!

glad you are feeling a bit better, the sickness and fatigue can be really awful, oh how exciting, is it a scan you are having on Friday?
glad you are feeling a bit better, the sickness and fatigue can be really awful, oh how exciting, is it a scan you are having on Friday?
I'm very excited! I can't wait to have picture of my little one and hear everything with baby is well! I'm not sure if i will need to do NIPT test as I'm only 27 and this is my first preg. I guess risks should be the lowest (i hope).
We are planning to make a copy of picture and put it under cake which we will eat with parents, so news would be announced! :D

@night owl Have you defeated your nausea and fatigue yet?
yep still waiting on my results too, I think we are definitely low risk as we would have had a phone call by now but I still want to see my results on paper! Everything really is slower right now

oh I’m a constant worrier too, I’m already nervous for the 20 week scan! Looking forward to hopefully finding out if boy or girl though!

I did think that so fingers crossed that's the case. The hosp said I should get a call within 7 days if high risk so I guess no news is good news. But I'm like you and like to have it in front of me on paper.

Ahh me too. Takes me ages to get to sleep at night thinking about everything. Can't wait to find out. What date is your 20 week scan?
I'm very excited! I can't wait to have picture of my little one and hear everything with baby is well! I'm not sure if i will need to do NIPT test as I'm only 27 and this is my first preg. I guess risks should be the lowest (i hope).
We are planning to make a copy of picture and put it under cake which we will eat with parents, so news would be announced! :D

@night owl Have you defeated your nausea and fatigue yet?

are you in the uk? You usually get a screening at 12 week scan which looks at the fluid measurement around the baby’s neck combined with levels of Papp-a in your blood to come up with a risk rating regardless of how old you are, rather then NIPT testing, here in the uk you pay privately for NIPT unless your nhs trust is one of the few trusts which will give you the NIPT rather then offer amniocentesis if your screening from 12 week scan came back high risk, at age 27 yes you should be low risk! it’s so exciting getting those scan pictures and so surreal, you’ll have to let us know how the appointment goes on Friday

The sickness has improved a lot now, I only throw up once or twice a day now and can eat food again without retching and being repulsed thankfully! Still feeling exhausted but that’s probably from my two year old :smile:

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