*** October 2021 Moms ***

11910706-2CC2-431A-BE4D-9B7735398DE8.jpeg my water broke at home 9/21 at 7pm. I was 37+2 weeks. I went in to the hospital and was only 1cm dialated. They induced me and after being 2cm dialated after them checking twice they didn’t check again until I was 8cm dialated and it was too late for an epidural. He was born on our 3rd wedding anniversary 9/22 at 6:49am

We were released from the hospital last night and we love him so much
View attachment 93359 my water broke at home 9/21 at 7pm. I was 37+2 weeks. I went in to the hospital and was only 1cm dialated. They induced me and after being 2cm dialated after them checking twice they didn’t check again until I was 8cm dialated and it was too late for an epidural. He was born on our 3rd wedding anniversary 9/22 at 6:49am

We were released from the hospital last night and we love him so much
He’s beautiful
Anymore babies arrived yet? I’m 39+2, just waiting around now to go into labour but I’m getting absolutely no signs! Got a sweep with the midwife for when I’m 39+6
Hey @night owl - Me!! @ 39+2

Baby girl arrived on Thursday 7th I'm absolutely besotted with her.
Went into early labour Wednesday at 3am and then went into hospital at 9pm that evening eventually gave birth at 2pm the next day via emergency ventouse.
Home and settling in to life as a FTM.
I hope you have your little one soon! (If not already) and I hope you other ladies are getting on ok! <3 x
Oh wow @rb101 massive congratulations!! Hope you and baby are recovering well!!

I’m 39+4 now and have no signs! By this time with my 2 year old I had already lost my plug, had a few episodes of contractions and was generally feeling like I could go into labour any second but right now I’m feeling nothing!! I have a sweep on Tuesday I’m hoping that will get things going! And I’m hoping it’s a quick one when it does happen ha ha.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their new arrivals x
Oh wow @rb101 massive congratulations!! Hope you and baby are recovering well!!

I’m 39+4 now and have no signs! By this time with my 2 year old I had already lost my plug, had a few episodes of contractions and was generally feeling like I could go into labour any second but right now I’m feeling nothing!! I have a sweep on Tuesday I’m hoping that will get things going! And I’m hoping it’s a quick one when it does happen ha ha.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their new arrivals x

Oh I hope Baba doesn't keep you waiting too long! Wishing you all the luck for a super speedy delivery! X
Hi all, hope you are all settled in with your new babies and healing well

my baby girl was born at 41 weeks, at 06.30am on the bathroom floor delivered by my partner! I had no idea she was so close to arriving, I had a few niggly pains at midnight, a few mild contractions early hours of the morn, waters broke at 05.45, phoned triage who advised my contractions weren’t strong and close enough and to give it another couple of hours, I was actually in agreement with them but she was born about 45 mins later when I thought I was ‘going to the toilet’ ha ha, my partner had to take instructions from 999 over the phone to deliver her! We then got transferred to hospital when the ambulance arrived, I’m just so glad she is safe and well

her name is Alexandra

take care everyone xx
Hi all, hope you are all settled in with your new babies and healing well

my baby girl was born at 41 weeks, at 06.30am on the bathroom floor delivered by my partner! I had no idea she was so close to arriving, I had a few niggly pains at midnight, a few mild contractions early hours of the morn, waters broke at 05.45, phoned triage who advised my contractions weren’t strong and close enough and to give it another couple of hours, I was actually in agreement with them but she was born about 45 mins later when I thought I was ‘going to the toilet’ ha ha, my partner had to take instructions from 999 over the phone to deliver her! We then got transferred to hospital when the ambulance arrived, I’m just so glad she is safe and well

her name is Alexandra

take care everyone xx

What a wild story! Congratulations! Her name is beautiful x
Hi all, hope you are all settled in with your new babies and healing well

my baby girl was born at 41 weeks, at 06.30am on the bathroom floor delivered by my partner! I had no idea she was so close to arriving, I had a few niggly pains at midnight, a few mild contractions early hours of the morn, waters broke at 05.45, phoned triage who advised my contractions weren’t strong and close enough and to give it another couple of hours, I was actually in agreement with them but she was born about 45 mins later when I thought I was ‘going to the toilet’ ha ha, my partner had to take instructions from 999 over the phone to deliver her! We then got transferred to hospital when the ambulance arrived, I’m just so glad she is safe and well

her name is Alexandra

take care everyone xx
Oh my gosh @night owl when I wished you a speedy delivery I didn't mean it like that!!!
So glad all is ok and sounds like your partner did an amazing job!
Mine couldn't even count my in and out breaths properly during contractions had to tell him to shut up in the end

I hope youre all settling in ok x
Oh my gosh @night owl when I wished you a speedy delivery I didn't mean it like that!!!
So glad all is ok and sounds like your partner did an amazing job!
Mine couldn't even count my in and out breaths properly during contractions had to tell him to shut up in the end

I hope youre all settling in ok x

ha ha ha this did make me laugh! I’m amazed my partner stepped up and managed it to be honest, he was about as useful as a chocolate teapot at my first labour! X

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