*** October 2021 Moms ***

Im full of cold too and its on my chest, must be going round as my OH had it too. I went for a covid test the other day as i couldnt taste anything but luckily came back negative so must be the cole. Speaking about covid i want the vaccine but im having a nightmare with it as pregnant women can only have pzizer or moderna but everywhere only has the oxford in around me.
I have a one year old (will be just 2) when baby arrives so im unsure on the buggy situation too. Ive had doubles in the past but have always found them heavy and awful to push. Im hopefully whatever pushchqir i choose has a double capability so the option is always there should i need it.
i havent thought of any names yet, ive no idea. Even though i did quite want a girl, i had loads of boys names i liked but not really any girl names. Its got to be aomething quite tradional to go with my other childrens names, my daughter now is called Charlotte so i and want it to have at least 2 syllables and obviously tradional. Not wanting too much am i haha.
Mice to hear off a couple of you on the thread yesterday. Im looking forward to more gender announcements soon.
I think everyone has come down with late winter coughs and colds now little ones are back in schools and nurseries hopefully you feel better soon.
I do love a traditional name! I have the opposite problem we had loads of girl name ideas and only one boy name we both liked.
We have decided on the girl's name and kinda set on the boys name but we're both open to the possibility that once baby is here we might think the name doesn't suit at all so we are just going to keep it on the back burner for now and see how things work out if it's a boy.
Hey @night owl these 2 weeks are going to be a test of our patience I think!
I'm exactly the same, I keep doubting everything is ok in there although at my 16week appt my MW did say I can call them and ask for a Doppler check if I need it as they run a drop in service at my local hosp but I'm trying to hold out as long as possible otherwise I'll be in there everyday.

You mentioned about being undecided about the pram situation and I've had this convo with the OH I really don't think we need one especially not for the first 6 months then I'll possibly just get a suitable age buggy for when spring rolls around.
I don't have any little ones to contend with but I live in the middle of nowhere down a grubby bumpy farm track so not exactly pram friendly and all the walks I go on are quite rough terrain so I think I'll manage better with just a sling or newborn+ carrier especially as we're gonna be heading into winter by the time baby is here.
I begrudge spending money on something that takes up space and won't get used that much. I can always get something if I change my mind once the baby is here

yes I think you can definitely get by with a sling with a newborn, and if you decide you do want a pram once the baby is here you can just order one, so it might be useful to know which one you would go for if you were to get a pram, my daughter mostly hated the pram when she was a baby, just wanted to be held all the time so a sling worked better for us, 6+ month strollers can be way cheaper then newborn prams too
Im full of cold too and its on my chest, must be going round as my OH had it too. I went for a covid test the other day as i couldnt taste anything but luckily came back negative so must be the cole. Speaking about covid i want the vaccine but im having a nightmare with it as pregnant women can only have pzizer or moderna but everywhere only has the oxford in around me.
I have a one year old (will be just 2) when baby arrives so im unsure on the buggy situation too. Ive had doubles in the past but have always found them heavy and awful to push. Im hopefully whatever pushchqir i choose has a double capability so the option is always there should i need it.
i havent thought of any names yet, ive no idea. Even though i did quite want a girl, i had loads of boys names i liked but not really any girl names. Its got to be aomething quite tradional to go with my other childrens names, my daughter now is called Charlotte so i and want it to have at least 2 syllables and obviously tradional. Not wanting too much am i haha.
Mice to hear off a couple of you on the thread yesterday. Im looking forward to more gender announcements soon.

I tend to prefer traditional names too, I might put Charlotte on my list for a girl! I’m not feeling particularly inspired by any names at the moment! Only 8 days until my 20 week scan

are people feeling much movement yet?

Sorry I've been abit quiet.
Hope everyone is feeling better after their colds.

Exciting your scan is only 8 days away @nightowl!

Will you be sharing the gender with everyone?

I know what you all mean about the pushchair situation. I've just bought a carrier so hoping to use that for a while and then get a buggy board for my eldest. Hoping she'll stay on it though haha.

2 weeks Friday till my 20 week scan, time is going sooo slow! Needs to hurry up, desperate to see baby and find out if boy or girl.

I've started to feel movement and even saw some kicks the other day but haven't had them that strong since. I find myself sitting super still in the hope it happens again lol

Has anyone else felt any yet?

Sorry I've been abit quiet.
Hope everyone is feeling better after their colds.

Exciting your scan is only 8 days away @nightowl!

Will you be sharing the gender with everyone?

I know what you all mean about the pushchair situation. I've just bought a carrier so hoping to use that for a while and then get a buggy board for my eldest. Hoping she'll stay on it though haha.

2 weeks Friday till my 20 week scan, time is going sooo slow! Needs to hurry up, desperate to see baby and find out if boy or girl.

I've started to feel movement and even saw some kicks the other day but haven't had them that strong since. I find myself sitting super still in the hope it happens again lol

Has anyone else felt any yet?

Hey @Justjo89 hope you've been well!
How amazing you saw movement! I've only been feeling flutters and swooshes. Hopefully it won't be long before OH can have a feel as he's really looking forward to it.

I have 7 days exactly until my scan and I agree 100% it's going so slowly! We weren't going to find out the sex at first but we've decided now that we will which has just slowed time right down even more
Hey all,

Sorry I havnt been very active in here for awhile but it's been great reading through the forum and seeing how everyone is getting on!

Although I haven't replied individually to comments it's pretty reassuring to see the same discussions going on in here to what I spend time worrying or googling haha

Im 17 +5 today :D. We had a gender reveal at the weekend... lots of pink fireworks! I found it a little hard on the day as in my head baby was a boy so took a moment to adjust (I felt a bit guilty actually) but we are so over the moon and in love.

I havnt got a bump (other than food belly lol) or felt anything yet though so hoping I start seeing a change soon!

Hey everyone, had 20 week scan today, everything looks good with the baby and it’s a....
GIRL!! I can’t believe I’m getting another little girlie, I’m over the moon, I didn’t think I would get to find out today as baby was in a really awkward position, they were really struggling to get all the measurements they needed and were talking about bringing me back in a weeks time, and baby had legs crossed with her hand on her bum! They had me doing some squats and star jumps to get her to move and luckily she changed position so we could get all the scan done today, also found out I have an anterior placenta which I think might cushion the babies movements as I’ve only been feeling light movement

so it looks like we have a few girl babies in the group so far, hope everyone is doing ok x

Sorry I've been abit quiet.
Hope everyone is feeling better after their colds.

Exciting your scan is only 8 days away @nightowl!

Will you be sharing the gender with everyone?

I know what you all mean about the pushchair situation. I've just bought a carrier so hoping to use that for a while and then get a buggy board for my eldest. Hoping she'll stay on it though haha.

2 weeks Friday till my 20 week scan, time is going sooo slow! Needs to hurry up, desperate to see baby and find out if boy or girl.

I've started to feel movement and even saw some kicks the other day but haven't had them that strong since. I find myself sitting super still in the hope it happens again lol

Has anyone else felt any yet?

yes I’ve told practically everyone I know that it’s a girl ha ha! Yes I think I’ve going to do the same with the pram situation, get a sling and a buggy board and just hope for the best! If it turns out to be too difficult I’ll just look for a cheap double pram, I’m definitely not spending loads of money on a big bulky heavy thing if I don’t have to.
Oh and obviously I went straight out shopping after my scan and bought the pinkest girliest baby grows I could find :)<3:bump:
Oh and obviously I went straight out shopping after my scan and bought the pinkest girliest baby grows I could find :)<3:bump:
Amazing congratulations on having a great scan and finding out you're having another girl.
I have my scan tomorrow morning! Eek wish me luck, I have had terrible doubts and niggly feelings hoping everything is ok but the last 10 days or so I've really started feeling movements so that's been really reassuring
Amazing congratulations on having a great scan and finding out you're having another girl.
I have my scan tomorrow morning! Eek wish me luck, I have had terrible doubts and niggly feelings hoping everything is ok but the last 10 days or so I've really started feeling movements so that's been really reassuring

Ah good luck for tomorrow, I’m sure everything is absolutely perfect, are you going to find out what you are having?
@rb101 oh I had loads of doubts and worries going into my scan today too, as I’ve not really felt much movement at all, I half expected really bad news but it’s very rare at this stage now so try not to worry too much, the fact you are feeling movement is very reassuring x
@rb101 oh I had loads of doubts and worries going into my scan today too, as I’ve not really felt much movement at all, I half expected really bad news but it’s very rare at this stage now so try not to worry too much, the fact you are feeling movement is very reassuring x

Yeah it's definitely been reassuring to feel movement. We decided we will find out, we said originally we'd keep it as a suprise but we've caved plus were not 100% on the boys name we've picked so I said if we find out it's a girl it's not an issue we need to worry about haha any excuse!! X
Update from my 20 week scan.. baby is growing beautifully and as expected. Was still a little uncooperative actually had to go and empty my bladder so they could get head measurements. I'm getting recalled for a rescan at 32-34 weeks as my placenta is a little low but it should have moved out the way by the time I go back but other than that everything was great.

I hope everyone else is getting on ok? Anyone else due for their scan soon?
Hey everyone, had 20 week scan today, everything looks good with the baby and it’s a....
GIRL!! I can’t believe I’m getting another little girlie, I’m over the moon, I didn’t think I would get to find out today as baby was in a really awkward position, they were really struggling to get all the measurements they needed and were talking about bringing me back in a weeks time, and baby had legs crossed with her hand on her bum! They had me doing some squats and star jumps to get her to move and luckily she changed position so we could get all the scan done today, also found out I have an anterior placenta which I think might cushion the babies movements as I’ve only been feeling light movement

so it looks like we have a few girl babies in the group so far, hope everyone is doing ok x

How exciting you'll be having another girl. Bless you having to do a workout to get baby in a good position lol knowing my luck I'll have to do the same. I had an anterior placenta with my first baby. I started to feel proper movement from around 21 weeks I think.

Have my scan Friday ahh so nervous!!
Update from my 20 week scan.. baby is growing beautifully and as expected. Was still a little uncooperative actually had to go and empty my bladder so they could get head measurements. I'm getting recalled for a rescan at 32-34 weeks as my placenta is a little low but it should have moved out the way by the time I go back but other than that everything was great.

I hope everyone else is getting on ok? Anyone else due for their scan soon?
Glad to hear baby is growing perfectly.

Hopefully the placenta will have moved by your next scan. I'm sure it will have done.

I have my scan Friday. Will update you all after :D
Glad to hear baby is growing perfectly.

Hopefully the placenta will have moved by your next scan. I'm sure it will have done.

I have my scan Friday. Will update you all after :D
Ooh good luck @Justjo89 not much longer to wait. Let us know how it goes!
I had the full anatomy scan on may 19th. My husband and I waited until we got to the car to see what the tech wrote down. It’s a boy! We had a gender reveal for our families this last Saturday.

He is still measuring bigger. Due date could be October 6th instead of 11th.

I have a posterior placenta so I’ve felt movement early and I’ve felt pretty strong kicks for a couple weeks now (I’m 21 weeks). My husband has felt kicks twice.

My heart is set on the uppababy vista 2 stroller. Will be the only expensive thing we buy. Our families have already bought us a ton of stuff since Saturday and we are having a baby shower July 3rd.
I had my 20 week scan this morning. All went well, although had to go for a walk as baby was not in a good position to get some measurements. I have an anterior placenta which is what I had with my first but luckily it's high.

Having to have growth scans as my first was classed as small. Not that I knew that until this pregnancy lol so have another scan at 32 weeks.

Found out we are having a..... girl <3 I am over the moon. Can't believe I'm going to be a mum to two girls. Dream come true :D

Hope everyone is doing well x
I had my 20 week scan this morning. All went well, although had to go for a walk as baby was not in a good position to get some measurements. I have an anterior placenta which is what I had with my first but luckily it's high.

Having to have growth scans as my first was classed as small. Not that I knew that until this pregnancy lol so have another scan at 32 weeks.

Found out we are having a..... girl <3 I am over the moon. Can't believe I'm going to be a mum to two girls. Dream come true :D

Hope everyone is doing well x

Ahhhh brilliant! Congratulations, I think two little girls close in age is going to be amazing :|<3there’s lots of girl babies in this group now!

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