October Mummies - Chat/team update thread

M2A I LOVE it! I am on team yellow and I was going to decorate in a neural colour but when we were looking at bedding I said to OH look if its a girl the room will HAVE to be all out pink! so we are leaving it until LO is born as he/she will be in our room at first anyway!
How come you've not been able to stay in your house chick? What work you been getting done (apart from decorating?)

We have the same colour in my daughters room, carpet and walls, its dulux sexy pink, gonna get it all re-done though, as after 7 years i'm fed up looking at bright pink!

I'm moving into Tri 3 tomoz, gonna do a wee goodbye Tri 2 thread soon

Glad you like it Coco Pops :) Could you not decorate by wallpapering with the paper you can paint and then paint it your team colour once your little one is here?

We have had the upstairs redesigned so we know have 3 bedrooms Littlemiss, so OH has been sleeping on the couch and we have been at nans, but it is now done enough for us to go home :D :D Cant wait to get the finishing touches done.

Cant believe your leaving us tomorrow, have fun in tri-3 and we will all see you in a few days x x

Do you have the wallpaper before you paint?! I am clueless!! the walls are just painted at the moment
Do you have the wallpaper before you paint?! I am clueless!! the walls are just painted at the moment

You dont have to but you can get wallpaper with patterns in which look lovely when painted hunny x x

Wow that's pink M2A! You're little girl is gonna LOVE it!..... We are just clearing our bubba's room ready to strip the wall paper and get the plasterer in! Although we know it's a boy we're gonna stick with a neutral colour and then have blue accessories.......will be easier in the future if we switch rooms around or have another one and it's a girl!.......I keep freaking out tho that we aren't gonna be ready......both of us work full time and we still have the kitchen to paint too! I know that what will be will be and if he comes early then I guess it wont all be done, but he will be in our room initially anyway so we will have to manage until it's all sorted! .....Can't believe how quickly it's going now.....although the thought of another 7 weeks at work seems like forever! Bring on September 9th- my last day!! xxxxx
oooh thats gonna look great when its done, i'd say it will be well worth the hassle of you having to move out ect, sometimes these things take over the whole house.

I wish i'd moved out when we got our kitchen/bathroom done but the whole moving out thing was more hassle on top and charis is 7 so its kinda easy to keep her in the one room for long periods.

Are you gonna start organising all your nursery furniture ect now? Make sure you post some pics when its all finished.

It has been worth moving out but im so glad to be home and cant wait to sleep in my own bed. We still have alot to do as Adam has a new room too and our room still needs decorating but as soon as it is all finished, ill post some pics x x

I bet Adam's all excited, he can help put up pictures and put his toys in place.

He is, he keeps saying its his big boy room, he picked all his wallpaper, he wanted a liverpool room. He just needs to have all his new furniture put up tomorrow. He was out like a light when he went to bed, bless him x x


I can just imagine him being all excited, its something really positive to focus on! :)

I love Liverpool - one of my fave English teams

Room looks great M2A! Very girlie in deed. I still have moments of panic about our little miss coming out a little mister. I keep seeing lush girlie things for her room but find myself stopping if they're expensive things as knowing myuck she'll come out a boy n I won't be able to take the stuff back.

How's everyone keeping? Only a couple of weeks I would think n we'll all be over in Tri 3 !!

My tiredness has kicked in again, almost as bad as I was in Tri 1. Had my bloods done on Wednesday so will find out if all is well.

Abit of an update on my little missy's nursery, its still not finished but its getting there, what do you think ladies? x x



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Very nice m2a! Wish I was nearly done but we have bought just about everything and I do have a very good excuse at the moment......wedding next week, on honeymoon for a week and trying to do up the rest of the house as we're getting carpets throughout as a wedding pressy lol

My bump is starting to protest at all the running around I'm doing so I am so looking forward to a week relaxing in Cornwall :-) just had my yearly bonus as well so we've decided to splurge on ourselves for once before baby comes

How is everyone else doing? I'm sure we're all getting to the uncomfortable stage ><
hi ladies,

how's everyone keeping?
M2A - Little Missy's room looks fab!!! :)

I'm not doing too bad, life is starting to get a little better but everything still seems to be the same.
My Granda is still hanging on in hospital, it's been 6 weeks so far. But now it's got to the point where he can't manage to do anything, even talk. On Monday when i went in to see him i thought it would be a matter of hours but some how he's still hanging on. As awful as this sounds, I really wish he'd just peacefully sleep away. I know he's still in pain but it's to the point where he can't even tell us. The rate he's hanging on, I'll be having my baby in the hospital he's at!

Anyways, bubs is cooking fine. She's giving me really bad heartburn 24/7 to the point where at least once every 20-30 mins i feel like i'm gonna throw up a mouthful of acid.... Nice :s
I've also had a phone call from my docs yesterday saying i need to go back in as something has come back in my last blood tests done. I've got no idea what though, but trying not to worry. I've not got an appointment til next week so I'm assuming it's nothing too serious else they would of seen me straight away.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!! xxx
Hi everyone!

PP - I'm so sorry your Granda is still hanging in there and is still in pain. I know exactly what you mean about him slipping away peacefully in his sleep. My nan died a few weeks ago and I'm so grateful thats exactly how she went. Thinking of you xxx. I think you're also right that there can't be anything seriously wrong with your blood otherwise they'd have seen you much sooner. Good luck for your appointment anyway

Honeybee - welcome :)

M2A - Gorgeous nursery hun, you've done a great job!

tinks - Good luck for the wedding, I hope you have a fantastic day and a lovely relaxing honeymoon :)

Hope everyone is keeping well?

I'm feeling pretty good. My coccyx pain was playing up so I finally booked myself in for physio. I've had two appointments, changed my shoes (usually wear really flimsy sandals so have change to Fit Flops for extra cushioning when I walk), bought myself a coccyx cushion for sitting all day at work and am making a real effort not to cross my legs. So far so good, it seems to be making a real improvement.

I've just come back from 6 days in France visiting my MIL which was lovely - no cooking or cleaning the whole time!! I'm off to Jersey for the day with my sister and Lennon tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be very hot so I'm really looking forward to it :)
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Hi everyone! :wave: havent really updated much. But I just wanted to let everyone know that I finally know what BH feel like!! Had quite a few last night. Baby is kicking like mad at night aswell. And OMG I bought the cutest coat for baby yesterday in Tesco!! Its gorgeous!! White and fluffy and really warm for winter.
My pregnancy has been SO easy and Iv'e loved it. I was waiting for all the horrible things to happen as in sickness ect but nothing :) i'm not 28 weeks nearly 29 and still going good apart from getting a big bigger and awkward haha.

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