i really thought i'd go by my due date with my first pregnancy - even though everyone i spoke to, all the magazines i read etc all said that it can be anywhere between 37-42 weeks but i still thought "nah.. i bet i'll have it on time"... then i didn't and just got more and more fed up...
so i promised myself this pregnancy to just think the worst that i'll go 2 weeks over and be induced... anything that happens sooner, or of it's own accord and i'll be well happy!!!!
Likewise with the sweep tomorrow - i'm sure she's gonna say "nope, can't do it cervix is posterior, hard and 0 cm dilated!"... oh well by this time tomorrow i'll know!!!
It would actually be better if baby stayed put for a few days as my little girl Josie is full of cough and cold at the mo so it would be nice if she shifted that before the baby comes!