May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

Also I wont be allowed to go over due by 2 weeks. My OB will induce me 7-10 days after due date if baby doesn't show up. Wishful thinking and positive vibes only :) I feel like baby won't be overdue and if so not by that long. I told him he needs to come on time we have daily talks, well I do all of the talking lol

how come they would induce at that point? is that just standard for the US? In europe they are starting to say 41 weeks is the due date not 40 as its so common to go over 40 weeks. over here unless there was any other health risk reason they wait til youve got to 2 weeks over.

i was so convinced my first would be late because in my family babies have always been late, bit she was 10 days early. I was convinced my 2nd would be early, and he was bang on due date, which was 2 weeks beyond what i had in my mind! This time i just have no clue.......
how come they would induce at that point? is that just standard for the US? In europe they are starting to say 41 weeks is the due date not 40 as its so common to go over 40 weeks. over here unless there was any other health risk reason they wait til youve got to 2 weeks over.

i was so convinced my first would be late because in my family babies have always been late, bit she was 10 days early. I was convinced my 2nd would be early, and he was bang on due date, which was 2 weeks beyond what i had in my mind! This time i just have no clue.......

Every OB office or midwife care is different here in the US so I can't speak for other places as this is my first baby. But my particular office say 7-10 days past the due date is as far as they will go before they will then induce you. The OB says they try to let the women go into labor on their own naturally but I also don't think they want anyone reaching 42 weeks. Apparently the placenta starts to age and it's no longer healthy or necessary for baby to still be inside. Which I don't mind at all. I don't want to be 42 weeks pregnant let alone even 40 weeks pregnant lol I wish I had an idea of when baby would decide to show up but I will just be patient and continue getting ready for him. I'm on high alert now though, paying attention to any signs my body makes to see if potentially he wants to join us early.

Your babies have kept you on your toes in regards to when they decide to show up lol
41 weeks seems early to induce as standard!

Found this online:

"This article was written on April 15, 2015 by Rebecca Dekker, PhD, RN, APRN. A literature review was conducted in September 2017 and no new major updates were found. Please read our Disclaimer and Terms of Use.
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How often are pregnant people induced for going past their estimated “due date?”

Inductions for non-medical reasons have been on the rise in the U.S. Increasingly, more pregnant people are being induced because they have reached their estimated “due date” of 40 weeks.

According to the 2013 Listening to Mothers III survey, more than four out of ten mothers (41%) in the U.S. said that their care provider tried to induce labor (Declercq et al. 2014). The researchers asked mothers to select the reasons that they were induced.

Out of everyone who was induced, 44% said that they were induced because their baby was full term and it was close to the due date. Another 18% said that they were induced because the health care provider was concerned that the mother was overdue."

"Over time, though, research began to show that health problems were more common at certain points during this 5-week “term” period. In particular, newborns are more likely to die (although the overall risk was still very low) if they are born before 39 weeks, or after 41 weeks.
The chance of a newborn having problems is lowest if he or she is born between 39 weeks and 0 days and 40 weeks and 6 days (Spong 2013)."

The nurse in me had to present some medical documentation lol sorry

As much as I would prefer not to be induced, If I reach 41 weeks pregnant and 2 days (which is 10 days overdue) and they want to induce me I will be okay with that. The baby just continues growing while he's inside and I have a petite frame and want him to be able to come out. Pre-pregnancy I was 5'6 and 142 lbs, on the taller side but slim. This baby needs to come out at some point lol
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It's really interesting how different countries do things differently. Being 10 days overdue was no fun with Emily.
It's really interesting how different countries do things differently. Being 10 days overdue was no fun with Emily.

It really is. Every place is so different. 10 days overdue doesn't sound like fun at all!:wall2:

It wasn't it was horrible , it was always on my mind about when it was going to happen. Mentally and physically it was draining.
just waiting til my due date was unbearable last pregnancy lol

I'm already half expecting it to start happening any time. Ive been on my feet all day making my daughters birthday cake and i literally feel like it's going to trigger labour, the pressure in my back is intense!!!! i have to remind myself i likely have another 5 weeks......
I’ll be tearing my hair out if I go overdue, but I have this horrible feeling I will. Last day of work tomorrow and I’ll be 36 weeks on Sunday, they already predict baby is on the large side so beginning Monday I’m going to start trying all the so-called ways to get labour started. If anybody has any suggestions I’m willing to try them.
I’ll be tearing my hair out if I go overdue, but I have this horrible feeling I will. Last day of work tomorrow and I’ll be 36 weeks on Sunday, they already predict baby is on the large side so beginning Monday I’m going to start trying all the so-called ways to get labour started. If anybody has any suggestions I’m willing to try them.

Keep as active as you can and bounce on a birthing ball x
I’ll be tearing my hair out if I go overdue, but I have this horrible feeling I will. Last day of work tomorrow and I’ll be 36 weeks on Sunday, they already predict baby is on the large side so beginning Monday I’m going to start trying all the so-called ways to get labour started. If anybody has any suggestions I’m willing to try them.

My Midwife has told me massaging your boobs, eating dates and fresh pineapple and been active helps bring on labour.

I’ve seen Midwife today she’s rung hospital and told them there’s no way I will make it to 40 weeks and the consultant has agreed to see me to go through talking about been induced and sweeps so just waiting for letter to come through post
Sounds like you might be the first of us to meet your baby eeek!
i ate dates throughout my last pregnancy as i read it makes labour more efficient, but i had a less efficient and later labour than my first when i ate no dates so i think that one's an old wives tale!tl

my friend advocates going on a really long walk but i went for a little walk yesterday and by the end of the street i was like "I don't think i can do anymore" lol

i think sex is the best thing because of the prostaglandins in semen. but thats if you can bear the thought of it!
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I’ll be tearing my hair out if I go overdue, but I have this horrible feeling I will. Last day of work tomorrow and I’ll be 36 weeks on Sunday, they already predict baby is on the large side so beginning Monday I’m going to start trying all the so-called ways to get labour started. If anybody has any suggestions I’m willing to try them.

My Midwife has told me massaging your boobs, eating dates and fresh pineapple and been active helps bring on labour.

I’ve seen Midwife today she’s rung hospital and told them there’s no way I will make it to 40 weeks and the consultant has agreed to see me to go through talking about been induced and sweeps so just waiting for letter to come through post

that must be a relief to have her onside.
Even though my last day of work is April 30th the actual day before baby's due date (May 1st) . I counted down the actual days I have to work up until then and it's only 16 more days :) We have a week off in the 3rd week of April. I can do 16 more days! That makes me feel so much better.
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appointment with the homebirth team midwives today. No fuss about 'measuring small' or 'being over 40'....just took it all for what it is, healthy heartbeat, healthy blood pressure, healthy urine test, no scaremongering. Got weighed and i have put on 6kg this pregnancy. Which isnt much really is it? Fundal height is 31 for 35 weeks but she wasnt bothered as i had had the recent scans and also said babies head is in my pelvis which can make it measure smaller anyway. My homebirth stuff (gas tanks etc) will probably get delivered next week!!! and anytime from 37 weeks they will be able to come out if i go into labour. Its all feeling rather close, and yet it could be ages aswell! they are happy to come out for homebirth right up to 42 weeks.
appointment with the homebirth team midwives today. No fuss about 'measuring small' or 'being over 40'....just took it all for what it is, healthy heartbeat, healthy blood pressure, healthy urine test, no scaremongering. Got weighed and i have put on 6kg this pregnancy. Which isnt much really is it? Fundal height is 31 for 35 weeks but she wasnt bothered as i had had the recent scans and also said babies head is in my pelvis which can make it measure smaller anyway. My homebirth stuff (gas tanks etc) will probably get delivered next week!!! and anytime from 37 weeks they will be able to come out if i go into labour. Its all feeling rather close, and yet it could be ages aswell! they are happy to come out for homebirth right up to 42 weeks.

Thats great news!
Thats great news!

yes..this is more the type of care i am used to from my other pregnancies- looking at whether I and the baby seem well right now; the hospital-based experience for me has been all medical drama, intervention, monitoring and baby-worst-case-scenario focussed, so different, but i guess that is what is considered 'normal' ??
Thats great news!

yes..this is more the type of care i am used to from my other pregnancies- looking at whether I and the baby seem well right now; the hospital-based experience for me has been all medical drama, intervention, monitoring and baby-worst-case-scenario focussed, so different, but i guess that is what is considered 'normal' ??

Yeah pretty much. If this wasn't my first baby I would've considered other alternatives but I don't know what to expect or what could happen so I feel safest going to hospital. But even so I will pay attention to my body and try to labor at home as much as possible before going in. I want to avoid all those interventions too!

Maybe for baby #2 I will look into a birthing center as opposed to a hospital. :) But your home birth set-up sounds great. When it's all over you have to come back and tell us all how it went.
appointment with the homebirth team midwives today. No fuss about 'measuring small' or 'being over 40'....just took it all for what it is, healthy heartbeat, healthy blood pressure, healthy urine test, no scaremongering. Got weighed and i have put on 6kg this pregnancy. Which isnt much really is it? Fundal height is 31 for 35 weeks but she wasnt bothered as i had had the recent scans and also said babies head is in my pelvis which can make it measure smaller anyway. My homebirth stuff (gas tanks etc) will probably get delivered next week!!! and anytime from 37 weeks they will be able to come out if i go into labour. Its all feeling rather close, and yet it could be ages aswell! they are happy to come out for homebirth right up to 42 weeks.

That's brilliant news Liz . It couldn't have worked out any better . What a difference a couple of weeks makes.

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