41 weeks seems early to induce as standard!
Found this online:
"This article was written on April 15, 2015 by
Rebecca Dekker, PhD, RN, APRN. A literature review was conducted in September 2017 and no new major updates were found.
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How often are pregnant people induced for going past their estimated “due date?”
Inductions for non-medical reasons have been on the rise in the U.S. Increasingly, more pregnant people are being induced because they have reached their estimated “due date” of 40 weeks.
According to the 2013 Listening to Mothers III survey, more than four out of ten mothers (41%) in the U.S. said that their care provider tried to induce labor (
Declercq et al. 2014). The researchers asked mothers to select the reasons that they were induced.
Out of everyone who was induced, 44% said that they were induced because their baby was full term and it was close to the due date. Another 18% said that they were induced because the health care provider was concerned that the mother was overdue."
"Over time, though, research began to show that health problems were more common at certain points during this 5-week “term” period. In particular, newborns are more likely to die (although the overall risk was still very low) if they are born before 39 weeks, or after 41 weeks.
The chance of a newborn having problems is lowest if he or she is born between 39 weeks and 0 days and 40 weeks and 6 days (
Spong 2013)."
The nurse in me had to present some medical documentation lol sorry
As much as I would prefer not to be induced, If I reach 41 weeks pregnant and 2 days (which is 10 days overdue) and they want to induce me I will be okay with that. The baby just continues growing while he's inside and I have a petite frame and want him to be able to come out. Pre-pregnancy I was 5'6 and 142 lbs, on the taller side but slim. This baby needs to come out at some point lol