May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

i had a home birth with my first. the only reason i didnt with number 2 is because we werent in our own was a house provided by my husbands work in the community and it didnt really feel private or homey enough for me.

The thing that's bothering me is timing, which you cant predict. My mum will come up and hopefully be around to be on call when i go into labour. if its daytime she can take the children to where she will be staying (there isnt room at ours so she's staying with friends of ours). if its night time she can come and stay upstairs in case they wake. But if its late afternoon or something we'll be a bit stuck. She wont really be able to take them both to stay in her borrowed room ! and my daughter would NEVER get to sleep if she knew i was in labour downstairs...and her anxiety would kick in big time. I just have to hope it happens at night after they're asleep or first thing in the morning so its over by evening.....
I hope it happens at night for you then so it can all work out.

I don't own a home yet so my little apartment would be the worst set up for a home birth. lol
how do i find the facebook group? even though i try to avoid anything that entices me onto fb for longer i thinki might join....
How is everyone doing? How was your weekend?

I had a 3 day weekend due to Good Friday :) So I got a lot done around the house, hung out with friends, shopping, washed all of baby's things and put them away yesterday. Not sure where this burst of energy came from but it's gone now lol I'm exhausted and at work (08:19am over here) so have a full day before it's time to go home. I'm ready to be off work soon. 2 more weeks left of work after this week is over & done :) Thank god!

This morning getting up for work was tough. My joints are stiffening up more often in particular my hip area. Harder to get in and out of bed. I hope that's a good sign that baby is positioning himself getting ready for labor and delivery. I got the maternity belt on Thursday it has been a godsend. Helps so much with relieving discomfort when I want to get things done. I wore it when I went running errands Friday and I lasted 4 hours before I was over it. lol I am experiencing some swelling now in my feet and a little in my hands and face, just very puffy like. I drink tons of water but I will increase to see if that helps.

Oh and I am 36 weeks pregnant as of tomorrow. I've been drinking the Red Raspberry Leaf Tea for 2 weeks now and just started the evening primrose capsules (orally) yesterday so I'm hoping they help move things along.
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i'm finding my left sacro-iliac joint is getting aggravated now. I had the same last pregnancy, where if i have been sitting or lying it seizes up so it takes a while to get it mobile again. it got pretty bad last time and gave me a twisted pelvis ultimately which i had to sort out as that makes delivery harder if things are out of alignment. i actually got my hip straightened out last time and went into labour that night, so i dont know if it had been holding things up...... so might be best to check yours out, stiff hips are not necessarily a positive sign!
i'm finding my left sacro-iliac joint is getting aggravated now. I had the same last pregnancy, where if i have been sitting or lying it seizes up so it takes a while to get it mobile again. it got pretty bad last time and gave me a twisted pelvis ultimately which i had to sort out as that makes delivery harder if things are out of alignment. i actually got my hip straightened out last time and went into labour that night, so i dont know if it had been holding things up...... so might be best to check yours out, stiff hips are not necessarily a positive sign!

Oh really :shock: So I will add that to my list of questions to ask the OB on Wednesday. It came out of no where like a week or two ago. I thought it was just normal as baby is getting bigger and applying pressure down there. I will double check I don't want this to interfere with labor.

I hope you can get yours sorted as well.
I’ve been getting sciatica and hip pain stiffness too, and a lot of pulling and pain around my bikini line area and in my groin when I move about, I put that down to baby starting to drop but maybe I’ll mention it to my midwife tomorrow, I’m really conscious that when I go in to labour I want my body to be as prepared as possible so I hopefully don’t need any interventions.
I’ve been getting sciatica and hip pain stiffness too, and a lot of pulling and pain around my bikini line area and in my groin when I move about, I put that down to baby starting to drop but maybe I’ll mention it to my midwife tomorrow, I’m really conscious that when I go in to labour I want my body to be as prepared as possible so I hopefully don’t need any interventions.

I hope it's nothing serious.

Same here I would like my body to be prepared as well so that no extra measures need to be taken. Hope that's the case. :)
How is everyone doing?

I don't feel so well today. In the morning, I woke up due to wanting to vomit all of a sudden. Afterwards I started having these weird and painful cramps under my belly button area... it went on for a couple of seconds and then went and then came back again for like 3 more times. I'm a first time mom and I was a bit scared. Oh and when that happened I suddendly needed the toilet for #2 (diarrhoea, SORRY TMI). Don't know what to think of it honestly.
I’ve been getting sciatica and hip pain stiffness too, and a lot of pulling and pain around my bikini line area and in my groin when I move about, I put that down to baby starting to drop but maybe I’ll mention it to my midwife tomorrow, I’m really conscious that when I go in to labour I want my body to be as prepared as possible so I hopefully don’t need any interventions.

I hope it's nothing serious.

Same here I would like my body to be prepared as well so that no extra measures need to be taken. Hope that's the case. :)

I mentioned the pain and stiffness to my midwife today, she just said it’s because I have SPD and gave me all the same advice I’ve already been given which is to keep my knees together when I sit and lie down, don’t overstretch my pelvis area, take small steps when walking, swivel to get in and out of the car, get up slowly etc.
How is everyone doing?

I don't feel so well today. In the morning, I woke up due to wanting to vomit all of a sudden. Afterwards I started having these weird and painful cramps under my belly button area... it went on for a couple of seconds and then went and then came back again for like 3 more times. I'm a first time mom and I was a bit scared. Oh and when that happened I suddendly needed the toilet for #2 (diarrhoea, SORRY TMI). Don't know what to think of it honestly.

Could it be something you ate? I’ve had all sorts of tummy troubles in the last month due to everything getting so crowded and the pregnancy hormones. I also have a sensitive stomach anyway and get bad cramps and diarrhoea for no apparent reason sometimes. If it doesn’t clear up though or it gets worse you should call your maternity unit for advice.
I’ve been getting sciatica and hip pain stiffness too, and a lot of pulling and pain around my bikini line area and in my groin when I move about, I put that down to baby starting to drop but maybe I’ll mention it to my midwife tomorrow, I’m really conscious that when I go in to labour I want my body to be as prepared as possible so I hopefully don’t need any interventions.

I hope it's nothing serious.

Same here I would like my body to be prepared as well so that no extra measures need to be taken. Hope that's the case. :)

I mentioned the pain and stiffness to my midwife today, she just said it’s because I have SPD and gave me all the same advice I’ve already been given which is to keep my knees together when I sit and lie down, don’t overstretch my pelvis area, take small steps when walking, swivel to get in and out of the car, get up slowly etc.

Oh :eh: I wonder what mines will say later on today. I haven't experienced pain like this throughout the whole pregnancy so it's brand new to me. That's why I assumed it was just baby getting bigger and preparing himself to come out soon. I will update you guys tomorrow with what she says. Do those work? The advice she gives you about your SPD.
i called and got a maternity physio appointment for my sacro-iliac joint, its 23rd april so hopefully will be able to get sorted before i go into labour! I do have issues with that joint its a weak point making my pelvis quite unstable so i know its something that needs sorting rather than general pregnancy/spd pains
I’ve been getting sciatica and hip pain stiffness too, and a lot of pulling and pain around my bikini line area and in my groin when I move about, I put that down to baby starting to drop but maybe I’ll mention it to my midwife tomorrow, I’m really conscious that when I go in to labour I want my body to be as prepared as possible so I hopefully don’t need any interventions.

I hope it's nothing serious.

Same here I would like my body to be prepared as well so that no extra measures need to be taken. Hope that's the case. :)

I mentioned the pain and stiffness to my midwife today, she just said it’s because I have SPD and gave me all the same advice I’ve already been given which is to keep my knees together when I sit and lie down, don’t overstretch my pelvis area, take small steps when walking, swivel to get in and out of the car, get up slowly etc.

Oh :eh: I wonder what mines will say later on today. I haven't experienced pain like this throughout the whole pregnancy so it's brand new to me. That's why I assumed it was just baby getting bigger and preparing himself to come out soon. I will update you guys tomorrow with what she says. Do those work? The advice she gives you about your SPD.

The advice is hard to follow, it’s difficult when sitting to keep my knees together because the bump is so big and baby is low i naturally want to sit down with my legs apart, and the height of our car means I can’t sit and swivel to get my legs in, but I do make a conscious effort not to overstretch and take small steps etc.
Hello :)

So I had my 36 week prenatal appointment yesterday. I asked a ton of questions lol Baby is measuring right on track and heart beat is nice and strong at 146 bpm. I've gained 35 lbs thus far, I'm shocked on how much weight I'm gaining now in the 3rd trimester it has definitely picked up the pace, but she says that I look just fine and it appears to be all baby and I'm measuring spot on for my fundal height. She said swelling is normal at this stage and because my blood pressure is fine and urine shows no protein there is nothing to worry about, just told me to elevate feet at home, drink tons of water and watch my salt intake.

Next week at my 37 week appointment they will be doing a bedside ultrasound to check placement of baby to ensure he's still head down. Looking forward to that since it's been awhile since I've got to see bub through ultrasound. Then at 38 weeks they will check my cervix to see if I'm dilated any. I asked if they perform sweeps if I make it to due date and no baby. She said only if cervix is favorable (dilated 1-2cm) So if I make it to that point and baby still isn't here I hope to get one done. They will definitely induce me on May 10th if baby doesn't come by then. That's the latest they will go 10 days past due date. I asked about the added pressure on my hips and pelvis area. She said that's perfectly normal baby is getting heavier and will soon position himself lower and lower as it gets closer to my due date. She says I can continue wearing my maternity belt if that helps. Very successful visit! Cannot wait till next weeks appointment to see bub. :)
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Hello :)

So I had my 36 week prenatal appointment yesterday. I asked a ton of questions lol Baby is measuring right on track and heart beat is nice and strong at 146 bpm. I've gained 35 lbs thus far, I'm shocked on how much weight I'm gaining now in the 3rd trimester it has definitely picked up the pace, but she says that I look just fine and it appears to be all baby and I'm measuring spot on for my fundal height. She said swelling is normal at this stage and because my blood pressure is fine and urine shows no protein there is nothing to worry about, just told me to elevate feet at home, drink tons of water and watch my salt intake.

Next week at my 37 week appointment they will be doing a bedside ultrasound to check placement of baby to ensure he's still head down. Looking forward to that since it's been awhile since I've got to see bub through ultrasound. Then at 38 weeks they will check my cervix to see if I'm dilated any. I asked if they perform sweeps if I make it to due date and no baby. She said only if cervix is favorable (dilated 1-2cm) So if I make it to that point and baby still isn't here I hope to get one done. They will definitely induce me on May 10th if baby doesn't come by then. That's the latest they will go 10 days past due date. I asked about the added pressure on my hips. She said that's perfectly normal baby is getting heavier and will soon position himself lower and lower as it gets closer to my due date. She says I can continue wearing my maternity belt if that helps. Very successful visit! Cannot wait till next weeks appointment to see bub. :)

You seem to be right on track, just the countdown down :)
That's great you get to see your little man again, they don't check if baby if head down over here by ultrasound, the midwife just pokes about to find the babies position.
Hello :)

So I had my 36 week prenatal appointment yesterday. I asked a ton of questions lol Baby is measuring right on track and heart beat is nice and strong at 146 bpm. I've gained 35 lbs thus far, I'm shocked on how much weight I'm gaining now in the 3rd trimester it has definitely picked up the pace, but she says that I look just fine and it appears to be all baby and I'm measuring spot on for my fundal height. She said swelling is normal at this stage and because my blood pressure is fine and urine shows no protein there is nothing to worry about, just told me to elevate feet at home, drink tons of water and watch my salt intake.

Next week at my 37 week appointment they will be doing a bedside ultrasound to check placement of baby to ensure he's still head down. Looking forward to that since it's been awhile since I've got to see bub through ultrasound. Then at 38 weeks they will check my cervix to see if I'm dilated any. I asked if they perform sweeps if I make it to due date and no baby. She said only if cervix is favorable (dilated 1-2cm) So if I make it to that point and baby still isn't here I hope to get one done. They will definitely induce me on May 10th if baby doesn't come by then. That's the latest they will go 10 days past due date. I asked about the added pressure on my hips. She said that's perfectly normal baby is getting heavier and will soon position himself lower and lower as it gets closer to my due date. She says I can continue wearing my maternity belt if that helps. Very successful visit! Cannot wait till next weeks appointment to see bub. :)

You seem to be right on track, just the countdown down :)
That's great you get to see your little man again, they don't check if baby if head down over here by ultrasound, the midwife just pokes about to find the babies position.

:) I didn't think they would do any more ultrasounds. So I made sure to ask lol Before than they have just been poking around telling me that indeed he is head down. But yes just the countdown left now. Very exciting stuff!
that's good you got to ask loads of questions. too often your mind goes blank and forget to ask anything lol

i have a consultant appointment tomorrow which really i have no need for.....tbh i dont even know why i have it. She probably just wants to tick off having seen me and repeating standard protocol for geriatric mums.....
that's good you got to ask loads of questions. too often your mind goes blank and forget to ask anything lol

i have a consultant appointment tomorrow which really i have no need for.....tbh i dont even know why i have it. She probably just wants to tick off having seen me and repeating standard protocol for geriatric mums.....

My mind always goes blank each appointment and I never have any questions lol So as the questions have been popping up in my head throughout the week I've been writing them down in my phone so that's what I will do from now on.

Oh no! Maybe she just wanted to see you lol

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