May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

well she cant have wanted to see me that badly as my consultant was on holiday! Honestly, whats the point of making me a consultant appointment when BOTH the consultants were on holiday? I drove half an hour to the hospital, saw a doctor who asked how i am, I said fine, and arent I meant to see my consultant? he told me there were no consultants in, checked my blood pressure and said "nearly there now" and then I drove half an hour home again! Total waste of time and petrol!
well she cant have wanted to see me that badly as my consultant was on holiday! Honestly, whats the point of making me a consultant appointment when BOTH the consultants were on holiday? I drove half an hour to the hospital, saw a doctor who asked how i am, I said fine, and arent I meant to see my consultant? he told me there were no consultants in, checked my blood pressure and said "nearly there now" and then I drove half an hour home again! Total waste of time and petrol!

Oh wow!:shock: That was a waste of time.
I have to go into weekly appointments until my due date. May 1st is my last scheduled appointment. Hopefully baby comes by then!
How is everyone doing?

I don't feel so well today. In the morning, I woke up due to wanting to vomit all of a sudden. Afterwards I started having these weird and painful cramps under my belly button area... it went on for a couple of seconds and then went and then came back again for like 3 more times. I'm a first time mom and I was a bit scared. Oh and when that happened I suddendly needed the toilet for #2 (diarrhoea, SORRY TMI). Don't know what to think of it honestly.

Could it be something you ate? I’ve had all sorts of tummy troubles in the last month due to everything getting so crowded and the pregnancy hormones. I also have a sensitive stomach anyway and get bad cramps and diarrhoea for no apparent reason sometimes. If it doesn’t clear up though or it gets worse you should call your maternity unit for advice.

It could've have indeed been something I ate... I felt much better the next day.
36 weeks and 6 days.. Tomorrow I will be 37 weeks :) Trucking along! I'm just counting down the time.

How are you guys doing?
all i can think about is the baby coming now..... the anxious checking for blood of 1st tri has been replaced by impatient checking for plug.......
all i can think about is the baby coming now..... the anxious checking for blood of 1st tri has been replaced by impatient checking for plug.......

Same here:wall2: Hopefully one of us has a birth announcement soon ... Once one of us pops then it will give the rest of us hope that we are next lol
i told myself i wouldnt expect the baby to be early this time as it makes the last few weeks drag so much, but now i'm turning 37 weeks my patience has vanished and i'm ready to google how to bring on labour....(even though nothing safely does!!!!)
i told myself i wouldnt expect the baby to be early this time as it makes the last few weeks drag so much, but now i'm turning 37 weeks my patience has vanished and i'm ready to google how to bring on labour....(even though nothing safely does!!!!)

Is everything okay?
i told myself i wouldnt expect the baby to be early this time as it makes the last few weeks drag so much, but now i'm turning 37 weeks my patience has vanished and i'm ready to google how to bring on labour....(even though nothing safely does!!!!)

Is everything okay?

yeah everything is fine i'm just impatient
i told myself i wouldnt expect the baby to be early this time as it makes the last few weeks drag so much, but now i'm turning 37 weeks my patience has vanished and i'm ready to google how to bring on labour....(even though nothing safely does!!!!)

Is everything okay?

yeah everything is fine i'm just impatient

Please don't force labour, if you do it could cause complications but one safe way is walking lots of walking
i told myself i wouldnt expect the baby to be early this time as it makes the last few weeks drag so much, but now i'm turning 37 weeks my patience has vanished and i'm ready to google how to bring on labour....(even though nothing safely does!!!!)

Is everything okay?

yeah everything is fine i'm just impatient

Please don't force labour, if you do it could cause complications but one safe way is walking lots of walking

i'm not going to lol i was just saying i'm at that stage where you google it even though you wouldnt do it....
i told myself i wouldnt expect the baby to be early this time as it makes the last few weeks drag so much, but now i'm turning 37 weeks my patience has vanished and i'm ready to google how to bring on labour....(even though nothing safely does!!!!)

Is everything okay?

yeah everything is fine i'm just impatient

Please don't force labour, if you do it could cause complications but one safe way is walking lots of walking

Chill your beans liz knows what shes doing, she was just joking :):):)
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i told myself i wouldnt expect the baby to be early this time as it makes the last few weeks drag so much, but now i'm turning 37 weeks my patience has vanished and i'm ready to google how to bring on labour....(even though nothing safely does!!!!)

Is everything okay?

yeah everything is fine i'm just impatient

Please don't force labour, if you do it could cause complications but one safe way is walking lots of walking

Chill your beans she was just joking :):):)

I know :)
Wow this pregnancy is dragging now, it is true what they say no pregnancy you have is the same. I have a midwife appointment which I forgot about. I've booked my car in the garage to be fixed. Oh isn't impressed as he will have to take some time off work and swap his day about to take me lol
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It sure is dragging now. My cousin warned me it would. She has two kiddies. She advised I work on a baby related task 1-2 per week to keep myself occupied and to help keep my mind off my due date. This weekend we will install the car seat and officially put it in the car. Next week I will put up the bassinet, change around our bedroom to accommodate baby, and put up the swing since I will be home all week from work due to April break at the school I work at. Then the last week I will relax because it's my last week of work and also my 30th birthday. :)

I can't believe I'm 37 weeks.. can't wait to meet bub in a few short weeks!!
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Good luck ladies. Hope you get some early arrivals because the April babies aren't playing ball hahax

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