***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Ive been having pains on n off all day. I say pains cos i dunno if they r contractions. I had another bloody show. Im tempted to go to fau to be assessed to see if im any further forward. What do u girls reckon
Awww Natz its sooo frustrating isnt it. How far along r u now

I am 40+8 today. I have period pains, lost plug, had contractions, but nothing has led anywhere. It's now gone 48 hours since my sweep so it wasn't successful. I had PROM with both of my previous pregnancies and I think I need my waters to go to progress anywhere xxx
Whats PROM? ... what about the plog i lost loads of it jesus even had the bloody show but nothings happening. Can u ask them to break ur waters.

Im 40+5 and im ready d pull my hair out cnt imagine u at 40+8 and nothing. Do ur contractions keep coming and going?
Sorry, premature rupture of membranes, my waters went before contractions started. Yep same, loads of show, still losing it but just nothing. Contractions start and look promising and then stop. They won't do anything for me now until I go in to be induced on Wednesday if I don't pop before. I went 8 days over with my daughter and I said I wouldn't get mardy if I went over again. Lol hasn't really worked xxx
Cers and Natevs - it really won't be long for either of you. Just stay positive! Xx
Wow!! Not many left now??

Hope all those with new babies are doing ok
Well baby Luke arrived at 00:40 on 22/5. Sorry its taken so long to update but i had a bit of a rough time. Ended up with a third degree tear after a long labour. He is amazing and worth it. I am just so tired. He weighed a healthy 7lbs 13ozs. Fingers crossed for you that are left xx
Wow Wishing thats amazing congrats. Hope u n baby r doing well xx
Congrats to all the new mummies. Beginning to feel very left behind! I had a sweep on Wednesday but to no avail. Booked for another this Wednesday coming hopefully things will get moving then.
Congrats wishing, I hope you recover well.
40+9, another day down, another day closer to induction. Cmon baby get out!!!!
Wednesday lovely. Got to ring up at 8am for a time to be admitted

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