***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Cers - yes I am VBAC! I'm part of the VBAC group on Facebook and I think you are too? If not someone posted exactly the same stuff as what you've gone through today! :) I never knew they had to be engaged for a sweep. My midwives and Drs keep telling me 2nd babies do not need to be engaged to go into labour etc but they haven't said anything about whether that would stop me having a sweep. I hope not. He's not been engaged at any of my appointments (definitely has been down there though because I am sore!)

No updates from blue eyes yet.

Natevs how you feeling?

Elliot how's everything going?

Is there anyone that isn't part of our Facebook group? Cers are you?

Baby scorcher - sorry about the pre-eclampsia but it's exciting that you'll be meeting baby soon. Too many June's mummies jumping in front of us! :)
Hello lovely. Thank you for thinking of me :) I'm fed up tbh. 41 weeks today and no sign of baby, been losing big chunks of plug since the sweep but nothing else to write home about. Booked for induction next week. Really really don't want to get there though xxx
everything can change in an hour! It's a long time really between now and then. if the midwife was positive about the sweep I would go with that. :)
Stay positive :) xx
Awww tasha yes that was me today posting. Had such a horrible horrible day yesterday ans tryinf everything to ger this baby engaged but i doubt it will do any good.

My section is booked for Wednesday if i havent gone by then which tbh i feel ita looking more likely.

No i tried gettuing on the group but couldnt add mayflower lol so she cudnt add me too it for some reason.

I was amazed at the fact she wudnt do a sweep too but she disd say the hospital would give me one no problem becos if anything happens like my waters break and the cord coming first i can be wizzed upstairs for a section if need be
I hope everyone is ok and all the babies en route are behaving!

Got advised that my mishaps the other day were loss of bladder control, due to pressure on scare tissue etc from baby, as it is not happening frequently.

I think at this rate we will be way unto June before baby makes any signs or progress.

Just sooooo fed up
Feeling sympathising for you ladies going overdue, every day drags! Hopefully you'll all start off soon x
cant say much now due to battery being low but Maggie was morning early hours of this morninh. I've got some recovery to do but we are all doing great :) x
Congratulations Elliot! Love the name!

Yea cers-I think that's strange especially as they've been telling me once my waters go that will push him down. I won't be agreeing to a section at all, I have my consultant on Tuesday so we'll see what she says. (I say she could be a man) :)

It's ok flosi...I'll be having a June baby (I'm sure of it) so we can go over together :)

I wanted to get lots done today but instead I've done 1 cupboard haha I guess it is still early so I shouldn't worry. :)

my washing machine has stained some of my clothes and I didn't really care. I did tell the OH and he's not sorted anything out. It ended up staining one of his Abercrombie tops (which was only bought at Xmas) and what's annoyed/upset me the most is that it's ruined one of the babies clothes! (That I know of) If it was something new I probably wouldn't have cared so much, but it was a vest that I had saved from Ollie and now it's ruined! I am so upset. All because he couldn't be bothered/didn't make any time to sort the stuff around the house! It's starting to piss me off-the lack of stuff he does around this house! Think I'm going to snap!!?!? Anyway rant over :)
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Oh id loose it too. I feel like all were doing atm is cleaning the house. My little boy is a messer lol i swear anything he touches turns to a bomb site.

When r u due tasha? Im so so scunnered atm i dnt care if they cut the baby out suck the baby out or the doctor puts a hand in to pull it out. Im sooooo ocer waiting lol
i dnt care if they cut the baby out suck the baby out or the doctor puts a hand in to pull it out. Im sooooo ocer waiting lol

This is so my sentiment atm to cers. I just want it out!!!!!
Awww Natz its sooo frustrating isnt it. How far along r u now
Ive lost loads of plug today lost loads on sunday and tuesday and thursday as well. Jesus how much of this stuff is there
I have 9days til due date but I've been certain this baby is coming between 8-10th June. So I won't agree to anything until then. Definitely won't be agreeing to csection. But I have my consultant on Tuesday so will discuss everything then. To see what they will "allow" me to do in the hospital because I don't actually know if they'd allow me to labour in the pool or anything.

I wouldnt mind my OH working so much if I was actually seeing the money from it. But I'm not-so we lose out on his time and the house gets neglected. Not on.
I'm glad that a)I'm not the only one that thinks baby will be a June one, thought it was going to get very lonely here on my own and b) that others are fed up of being pregnant and just want baby out!!

Tbf it would actually cheer me up if I had some sign that something was happening, but still waiting on that too!!

Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh! The last weeks are just not fun

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