***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Ah omg flosi! Congratulations!!
Go over to the baby and toddler group.

When you get a minute write your birth story! Xx
Congrats flosi! And I know how frustrating it can be stopping in hospital so hope you're good to go soon x
Congratulations Flosi! Yes Tashawink it's just the two of us I think. As you can see its early. I've been awake since 4.30am with back pain and lost more plug. Contractions not regular at all but think it will be today. Sat on a towel on the sofa trying to hanging on until a more sociable hour. Just hoping my waters don't go as I don't want to have to deal with a flood at home. Hope things are starting with you :)
Congratulations Flosi and Blueeyes x

Good luck Eve, fingers crossed today is the day!
Congratulations Flosi!
Good luck eve I hope this is it.

Come on Tasha we're all cheering you on xx
Congrats Flosi. Good luck Eve. And also thinking of you Tashawink
Ahh congrats flosi, and good luck those still waiting!

I need to find a moment to update the first page with all the new babies :)
Ah a due date baby eve?! Hope things are progressing for you!

Cannot believe I'm the only May mummy left! I'm going to well and truly go into June too (I've always felt I would) :)
Nope still here. Everything slowed to a stop. Having a few more tigtenings again this evening. Looks like it will be June for both of us now! Will update tomorrow if I have any news!
Aw keep me updated. Hopefully it'll all kick off properly soon. If not you only have until Tuesday xx

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