Hi all,
Thought you might like to hear my labour/birth story.
So I had some reduced movement early last week and it was decided that the safest thing to do was to induce me. (I had had 2 unsuccessful sweeps).
I was admitted into the hospital on the 21st and had the first pessary inserted at 3:30pm. Did plenty of walking around the hospital, but nothing. I was due to have the second pessary inserted at around 9:30pm, but ended up having it at about 11pm. I started to have a show and stomach cramps but wouldn't have called it contractions at that stage.
By 7:30am on the 22nd the contraction had started and were coming thick and fast. I had my tens machine put on and tried to manage with breathing, and tens.
By 3pm I was in agony and begging for pain relief, which I didn't get. Still don't know why as I kept asking. I went in the birthing pool but only lasted about half an hour as I was in agony with strong contractions in my back. So got out and put tens machine back on. I was told I would be examined shortly and could then have pain relief. Just before 6pm I had an epidural and felt total relief from then on.
At 8pm ish I was told its time to push, I pushed with everything I had but an hour and a half later although mum and midwife said they could see baby's hair we just wasn't getting anywhere fast.
The next thing the consultant came in and explained we needed to get baby out asap and she wanted to examine me to see if we could do it with forceps. Suddenly there was a room full of people including a pediatrician. They said theatre was being prepared and if we couldn't I would be rushed in there. I had an episiotomy and I pushed with everything I had (like I had been) and the consultant pulled with forceps. Mum told me afterwards the cord was round her neck when her head came out.
I was advised to have the injection to deliver the placenta which I agreed to. Ania was rubbed down and put straight onto my chest.
When they were weighing her and stitching me up I noticed a rash had come up on my stomach.
About 5am we were taken onto the ward and eventually got a little sleep, about an hour.
Saturday 23rd I was covered in the rash. The midwives thought I had re-acted to something and the consultant came and checked me over. He prescribed piriton thinking it was an allergic reaction. The next day it was even worse and the rash had turned to blisters over my legs, bum, back and belly. On the Monday I was dis-charged they said best to get home as I was clearly reacting to something in the hospital.
Tuesday 26th I was in agony with all the blisters, some were oozing and running down my legs. It literally felt like I was burnt. I couldn't wait any longer for it to be resolved and went to a private hospital. Where I was diagnosed with Pemphigoid Gestationis. I've had biopsy's taken from my stomach so got a couple of stitches there too (think I'm held together with stitches at the mo!!) Started steroid treatment (creams so I can breastfed) and star
ting to heal now, but could take up to a month to be any where near fully better.
so didn't go according to plan, but got a healthy little girl here and that's all that matters. Born 22nd May 10:35 and weighing 8lb 0.5oz