* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Ooh chg! Good luck Hun, really hope everything goes smoothly and quickly for you.

Hope everyone else is doing ok! Not much to report here. Went for a nice family meal last night! Lol x
Gd luck hcg hope it's a quick induction for you , well I had my second sweep this morning bloody hurt again and I'm the same as Monday 1.5 cm dilated 1.5 cm long but she seemed to be about to reach a lot easier than consultant Monday , plug has gone she could t feel it there and said she could easily break my waters and baby's head has moved further down today from Monday , been having some more tightnings since sweep but nothing regular so gonna have a bounce on ball stay as active as possible but I am tired I'm gonna need a kip this afternoon , I keep having tightnings at night aswel from around 5 ish to about 10 in my back and lower belly like period cramps but a bit worse then all stops :/ come on babies time to come out lol xx
Yeah my second was definitely later but I also didn't go over with my first lol....

Rebecca, we're not the only ones....run down of a few I know,

My first 34+6, second 39+6
My sisters first 37+2, second 40+6
My best mate first 40+5, second 41+1
Another mate first 37+5, second 41+2

A lot of my friends have had their second later but these are the ones I know dates lol.

Good luck chg, sorry about your water birth, I didn't get mine either so I know how you feel.

Fingers crossed Jojo, everything sounding promising x
Thanks everyone, its beginning to feel more real now. Can't actually believe my baby will be in my arms in the next few days if not hours! So exciting and terrifying at the same time!!!
Hope everyone else is doing good, hospitals are sooooooo boring!! X
Good luck chg! Hope everyone's ok, it's all very exciting now...love logging on and seeing if there's any new labour threads starting, I reckon there will be quite a few going on all at once!!! 2weeks 2 days till due date, hoping it comes early :)
Got my consultant appt this pm -not seen them yet at new hospital, appt was meant to be last week but it got moved to today. Hoping he gives me green light for the birthing centre.
Might cut the grass when I get back too, make the most of the nice weather!
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Well scrap what I said about already losing plug I bloody had t but is sure as hell have now was a load of nice brownish snot looking stuff lol how nice and I've just ate a pinnapple and now my tongue is very sore things we do eh lol xx
Haha awww well at least things are moving for you Jojo!

I'm now waiting for my friend in Starbucks and wondering which shops I should try and break my waters in lol.. Does anyone know if the rumours of freebies are true? Xxx
Well nothing new here. Due date is tomorrow and midwife but I know they won't offer me anything until next Tuesday. I don't think she will even do an internal so it will just be the usual 5 minutes saying all is fine lol!!!

Glad the sun is out. We are doing date night at the cinema tonight when oh gets home just so I get to go out for a bit lol!!!

I heard John Lewis give you a grand so you should try there lol!!! I sure could do with any free penny x
Lou I love me pacapod too, I've packed the pods, but taken them out so I can bring the bag with baby's stuff in to the hospital!

Well thought I had been missed when it comes to the nesting bug, but today I've changed the beds (prepped the spare room for my little brothers stay on Friday), scrubbed the bathrooms, cleaned the insides of my windows, the hob and hoovered downstairs.

Lol. cherry, my mum was thinking the same! Apparently debenhams give you a voucher, supermarkets give you your shopping. My local butcher said he would give me a months worth of steaks! Lol.

Off to my appointment in a mo, Bring it on useless midwife, I am gonna bore you with all my moaning! Lol. X
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How did u get on?

I've had loads of dif ones!!! One of them 4 times, 2 of them twice and 3 that I've seen once lol!!!

There's no midwife bond with me lol x
Good luck chg!!!
Good news about definitely losing the plug jo, hope this sweep does the business.
I've just had 38w appt with mw; baby still not started to engage (the little sod) and she said they wouldn't do a sweep until 41w appt because being my first there's no way the cervix would be ready for it at 40w appt. I thought that'd stress me out but at the moment I don't mind too much as it's hit me how much I need to get done at home in such a relatively short space of time so I'll try and take it all as it comes - easy to say now, less so in the middle of the night when I'm wide awake with pains in my arms and legs! Can't believe the baby hasnt started to engage though as I've felt pretty uncomfy down there and assumed that was why, now I'm thinking oh great, that's gonna get worse! Ha ha! X
Cornish , this is my first , I'm due a week on sat the 24th , midwife said if nothing happened by then someone will come to my house on the 25th to sweep xx
Ah Cornish, there is only 2 weeks left till d-day, a lot can happen before then.
I've had a bit of a turn around in attitude too, I gotta enjoy my baby free time as much as possible, just sat in the garden and enjoyed a ice cream, gunna go out for meals as much as possible!

I'm 3/5ths engaged "he's well in there" said my midwife.
She said I'm hiding him well, my bump is measuring small, but he's a tall chap, he's engaged and his bum still up near my ribs (and I'm 5"9! Oh geeze he's a giraffe!). He's a happy baby according to his heart rate, midwife said she'll see me at 40 weeks if I haven't had him by then. I asked her about 4 times if it will definitely be her, she's promised me! Lol.
Been at the hospital since 1 and just had the pessary so fingers crossed there is more progress over the next few hours! Hope everyone is well! Xx
Blimey, have just got back in last 30mins.....appt was 3pm!!! Baby head down, had to have a scan to confirm position as midwife couldn't tell how engaged baby was as I have an 'irritated' uterus, or in her other words 'ripe' lol
Not allowed to go to birthing centre :( have to have a managed 3rd stage, even though the fibroid is small, and they could only find one on scan before last!! But would rather the potential problem is managed before it causes a problem iykwim.
If I have to return for reduced movement, then they will induce. Baby weight is estimated at 7lb13 now.
Fingers crossed I go into labour soon x
Hope things start moving soon for you Annabelle.
Jazzy, glad you had a positive appt with diff midwife :)

Don't worry Cornish! I don't think it really means a lot anyway, babies seem to make up their own rules! I've got my 38w appointment at 39w so don't know what mine is upto yet. I take it mw just feels your tummy like normal to tell.. Not keen on the idea of her sticking her fingers anywhere lol... X

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