* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Sounds good suffolkmum that you've had these signs, hope baby doesn't keep you waiting too much longer.

Are there any other ftm's who are still finding it really hard to get their head around the fact there will be a baby living with them soon?! I just cannot picture it! I can't imagine being responsible for a little person or having them there 24/7, it's just bizarre!! X

I can't see past the labour, asuch as I know there is a baby growing inside me, and can feel the movements etc, I can not picture actually having a baby!! X
Yeah, it's bizarre, I can see myself with a toddler or an older baby but not with a newborns however I am a super broody person so I know all will be fine once he's here.
I find it weird thinking in a month, we will all have babies, overview or not! X
Lucy that's exactly how I feel. Just can't imagine it. Like Lou, I know there's a baby growing inside me but I just can't imagine baby being here. I'm really starting to wonder exactly how they'll look and if boy or girl, but I haven't thought about the looking after them stage. Lots of my friends felt the same. You only realise 'what you've done' once baby is here. Scary!!! Think it's why I'm perfectly happy to have the baby in a little longer yet. There's always something going on each day, plus health-wise that I can come up with the phrase 'well I'd rather I didn't go into labour today' might feel different after Sunday, depending on how much sawing, drilling and plaster boarding is going on in this crazy house! X
Hee hee! Glad I'm not the only one! My mom is travelling down from Birmingham as soon as she knows I'm in labour and I find it so surreal to think that next time I see her I'll have a son or daughter! What the hell?!?!?!?! X
She has been feeding great, but was really disheartened to find out that she lost 11% when she was weighed yesterday, they are a little concerned as she was so small to start with. I now have to express as well as bf and top up with this. She is getting weighed again tomorrow to reasses. Just got everything crossed that she gains as its just so scarey when they say they are worried but not to give formula yet. I don't want to but will do happily if its better for her, just want whatever is best. She seems really happy in herself and latches and feeds great so just hoping that it is a little blip and sorts itself out

Hey sweetie, if it's any help my mw told me they can lose 12% of their body weight to begin with, it's only if they lose over 12% there is a concern, so you'll probably find it's more precaution (fingers crossed) I hope summer is gaining weight now for you x x
Yeah it's definitely a scary thought that I'll be responsible for a tiny person soon. I haven't got my head round it yet lol. When I say goodbye to friends and stuff at the minute they always say "Good Luck" which I hate!! X
It's when friends or family say 'next time I see you you'll be pushing a pram...or next time you can bring baby with you for cuddles'.
Well I'm back from midwife and as expected she has offered me a sweep and pregnancy reflexology next Tuesday at 40+5 she then said I could have another sweep at 40+8 if needed. But I officially grew again from 39 to 40 cm so I'm bang on progress.

Most I've had today is some period cramps x
That's great about the measurements TT, and hopefully you won't need those sweeps! X
Had midwife today and if I'm still pregnant on Wednesday I've to go for a sweep. They let you go 12 days overdue before they induce :( NO WAY can I cope being preggers for another 2 weeks!!! Baby G you better get a move on!
Had midwife today and if I'm still pregnant on Wednesday I've to go for a sweep. They let you go 12 days overdue before they induce :( NO WAY can I cope being preggers for another 2 weeks!!! Baby G you better get a move on!

I'm the same - sweep next Wednesday if I'm still waiting! I can't do curry as I've gone off spicy food and I hate fresh pineapple too! I'll need to get down to dtd with hubby and bouncing on my ball some more! :)

I've had a headache all day today and felt a bit dizzy this afternoon. Baby T has been non stop moving today too and my bump aches! :(
Baby Hugo was born yesterday at 39w. 14/05/14 via c section weighing 8lb 10oz. We are both doing well and hope to be discharged tomorrow :)
Congrats hun! Looking forward to seeing some pics of your gorgeous baby. :)

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