* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Has anyone had any success with a sweep before? I am now 40+3 and had a sweep today and just wondered if most people find them effective as very fed up now lol xx
I think so jazzy! Could be a nightmare for the labour threads! Lol x
Good luck chg and Annabelle hope everything goes quickly for you :-) and will look forward to hearing birth stories.

I think there will be a few May babies all within a few days of each other! Lol

I finally washed all the baby clothes nothing like leaving it till the last minute! I now have a my bag packed and his/hers little outfits ready :-) xxx
Good luck chg and Annabelle hope everything goes quickly for you :-) and will look forward to hearing birth stories.

I think there will be a few May babies all within a few days of each other! Lol

I finally washed all the baby clothes nothing like leaving it till the last minute! I now have a my bag packed and his/hers little outfits ready :-) xxx

Lol Sinead I've only got round to washing and ironing my baby clothes today too!! I filled a washing line and that was just the 0-3 month clothes!! Just have to finish packing his hospital bag now :-) xx
Well this morning I awoke to enormous pressure and an unending cramp really low down. No contractions though. Hoping baby has engaged to at least some degree, but with him being my second I know this may not happen until labour starts.

Had the tiniest sticky brown/yellow blob on my pantyliner when I went to the loo. It might be part of my plug, certainly the right consistency, but I know there'll be plenty more if it is lol!

My 3yr old woke up upset that baby was still "wandering around inside my tummy". Him and me lol! I even had a dream that baby was here, was so disappointed on waking to realise he's not.

I've got the midwife tomorrow. Had it in my head that I wouldn't need to go, but looks like I will at this rate!
Oh dear Suffolk, at least you've got some promising signs! I keep dreaming that my baby is here too!

I've had no other signs at all since tightenings and cramps the other night so am trying to not think about it anymore and as someone else said, enjoy the quiet time before she gets here!

Gotta spend the whole day sorting my old flat today - really not looking forward to it but it'll be a weight off my mind (and pocket) once it's done!

Hope we get some more May babies soon!! X
Oww good luck ladies. Just trying to catch up and sounds like you are having some very promising signs! Fingers crossed your not waiting much longer.

I can promise you ftm its totally worth the wait, and you already mummies already know that! Summer is just amazing, such a little cutie. Will post a piccie as soon as I get on to computer as doesn't seem to work on my phone. I'm recovering from the section fine. She has been feeding great, but was really disheartened to find out that she lost 11% when she was weighed yesterday, they are a little concerned as she was so small to start with. I now have to express as well as bf and top up with this. She is getting weighed again tomorrow to reasses. Just got everything crossed that she gains as its just so scarey when they say they are worried but not to give formula yet. I don't want to but will do happily if its better for her, just want whatever is best. She seems really happy in herself and latches and feeds great so just hoping that it is a little blip and sorts itself out with extra expressing.

Anyway you did well if you made it through that! Lots of love to you all in waiting : )
So far I'm just getting fed up! Haha! Had the 6hr pessary at 16.20 was going to be examined at 22.20 to check on progress but as I've had no regular contractions they decided they want to put me on the drip. Have been waiting ever since for a bed on labour ward so they can insert the drip! Getting worked up about how ill cope with the pain aswel! Midwife has suggested I get an epidural straight away as the drip makes the contractions very intense and painful quickly with no build up and baby has also moved back to back which makes it more painful! Think its all the hanging around not knowing that's making me think to much. Hope to get cuddles soon! How is everyone else doing? Xxx
Hwy Anabelle, hang in there won't be long now. I was really worried about the drip too but midwife said see how u go before deciding, u can choose more relief anytime. I was on for about 10hrs and just had tens machine on, I wasn't progressing properly so its not a good comparison as I'm sure it hurts much more when you do, but it was fine so II would have thought you have time for it to build up and then you can decide. My friend also had induction a couple of weeks back and she had drip, only had it for 2 and a half hours and she delivered on just tens and gas and air. She said it was getting to the point where she would have asked for epi, but then she was ready to push so it was all fine. Just wanted to share as her experience was super positive and mine didn't work out but was calm and absolutely fine so don't panic at all : ) xxxx
Sounds positive Suffolk!

Aw Rachaell good to hear about baby Summer and your recovery!

Annabelle at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel, I would just go with what the midwives say - they do it everyday! Hopefully you won't be waiting around too much today and you'll be cuddling your little one before you know it!

I've decided that I'm gonna wash baby's 0-3 stuff today. That should be the last of it! X
Annabelle I had the drip 3 weeks ago when I was induced. The head midwife suggested I had an early epidural as I was finding the internal examinations really painful with gas and air and she did say the contractions are more intense.

They inserted the epidural just before they broke my waters when I was 2cm dilated, it only worked properly on one side so I still felt pain on one side, although it was slightly numb.

I was on the drip for around 18 hours so I definatly needed one as I was exhausted and my whole induction took 3 days and I couldn't of handled the contractions in full pain!

Depends on your pain threshold though, mine is very low ha!

Gook luck x
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Well here I am reaching 40 weeks. Surprise surprise haha

Had date night at the cinema last night with oh which was lovely and had quite strong period pains when we got to bed after she kicked me to pieces all evening. I thought a hand came through my cervix at one point!!

Have midwife at 2pm but I know she won't offer a sweep til Tuesday so not much to report I guess!!!! Xx
Aww lovely to read your news Rachaell! I hope little Summer gains weight well from now on. Sounds like you're doing a great job.

Sounds like progress there Rebecca!

Hang in there Annabelle - sounds easy for me to say! Hope things progress quickly for you xx
Well here I am reaching 40 weeks. Surprise surprise haha

Had date night at the cinema last night with oh which was lovely and had quite strong period pains when we got to bed after she kicked me to pieces all evening. I thought a hand came through my cervix at one point!!

Have midwife at 2pm but I know she won't offer a sweep til Tuesday so not much to report I guess!!!! Xx

Congratulations on 40 weeks! Leg us know what the midwife has to say! Xx
Sounds good suffolkmum that you've had these signs, hope baby doesn't keep you waiting too much longer.

Are there any other ftm's who are still finding it really hard to get their head around the fact there will be a baby living with them soon?! I just cannot picture it! I can't imagine being responsible for a little person or having them there 24/7, it's just bizarre!! X
Good luck with everything today annabelle! Looking forward to hearing that your little one has arrived :) x

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