* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Oh Sinead! Congrats! Can't message on Facebook as it won't let me! I got a shock as I was meant to be doing your labour thread! Well done xxx
Oh Sinead! Congrats! Can't message on Facebook as it won't let me! I got a shock as I was meant to be doing your labour thread! Well done xxx

I think Sinead had a bit of a shock too lol given how fast baby came! :D
Just a heads up ladies, my midwife told me yesterday that you can get lanolin on prescription (the lansinoh one!) x
Wow, not here you can't - unless you nipple had already fell off and p'ing blood!
Finally posted my (lengthy) birth story if anyone's interested! Xxx
Hi, I was due 24/05/14. Went into labour 26th May and had to have an emergency C-section and my little girl was delivered on the 27th May at 10.58pm. I lost 2 litres of blood and had to be put on oxygen overnight with iv drip and ended up in hospital for a week completing 2 blood transfusions and a leg doppler ultrasound and a VQ scan (radiation) after a suspected blood clot. My little girl and I are so extremely lucky as after the C-section the surgeons found out that the umbilical cord was 2 times the length of what it should have been and had a regular knot in and also a True Knot but also wrapped around my daughter's neck. My little girl is perfectly fine, had a day in a UV cot due to slight jaundice but is doing well. I am so very lucky I was took for an emergancy cesarean as It could have ended up completely different with devestating results.
Are we all done?! Congrats to everyone who has given birth in the last few days xxx
Hello, i am doing a dissertation of alternative therapy in pregnancy and was wondering if anyone could help me by answering some questions on it please, all responses will be gratefully received
thank you.

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