* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Lol oooh Suffolk good to know!! Haha, yes there's always an exception!! X
Braxton hicks def getting more uncomfortable. I don't feel like I've done this twice before! Lol I really don't think I remember what I'm doing or to expect! There def coming very regular and getting more painful but not sure if it's just aches and pains from not stopping all day! Xx
Anybody else's bump feel constantly tight? Mine has got more and more uncomfortable as the day has gone on. It feels like what I would imagine bh's feel like (not sure if I've been having them or not) but constantly, not in waves. Too uncomfy to sit on sofa so trying bouncing on ball but still feels really uncomfortable...almost in tears here :(
I was just about to post the same thing def having Braxton hicks but then when it stops it still stays really tight. But I can feel the waves coming and going. I've been on the toilet all afternoon aswell feeling like I really need to go but not much happening! X
Mine doesn't feel tight constantly, but the BH are frequent and very noticeable - my bump actually goes a sort of square shape when I'm having one. Though they're not painful, I do find them uncomfortable as they stretch my bump to its limits and my uterus pushes against my rectum which feels really weird lol. I've had one as I'm typing this, so have taken a picture, don't know if you can see how hard and well-defined it is:

You can see that it's tense Suffolk!

I am currently doing figures of 8 on my exercise ball, and I think I can feel something between my legs. No idea if it's anything baby related though or maybe just silly like swelling! X
Ahhhhh Annabelle !!! That's exactly what happened with my first born x waters then nothing x x x it was all fine tho :) so keep positive and good luck x x x
Cherry, I was 39+3 with my first, if you go by scan dates. If you go by menstrual due date, he came at 38+6!

I'm currently 39+1 by scan date, so will be bloody annoyed if baby doesn't make an appearance within the next 48hrs lol! Trust me to be the exception to the "second babies come earlier" rule (and Sally lol!).

My second baby was 14 days late who ever said second babies came early are big liers lol
So I went for my sweep yesterday but she couldn't do much cos my cervix was so closed so she did what she could :(
After testing my urine and doing my blood pressure she decided to sent me to hospital as she was worried I had signs of pre eclampsia.
Was monitored and tested last night and they've decided to induce me. But unfortunately the delivery suite became very busy so I've been put on a ward until they can fit me in.
Have hardly slept (what with the loud snorer in the bed next to me and the woman across going into labour!) and just feel awful :( really want to go home and get some rest before the fun starts! Very emotional right now :'(
Aww hun what a stressful 24 hours you've had. Have they been able to give you any idea when they'll start the induction? Xx
Nope, it all depends on when they can get me up to the delivery suite. But no one seems to know when that will be. So frustrating.
Still waiting for my blood results from yesterday and not allowed any visitors until 8am so just lying here waiting :( x
Cherry, I was 39+3 with my first, if you go by scan dates. If you go by menstrual due date, he came at 38+6!

I'm currently 39+1 by scan date, so will be bloody annoyed if baby doesn't make an appearance within the next 48hrs lol! Trust me to be the exception to the "second babies come earlier" rule (and Sally lol!).

My second baby was 14 days late who ever said second babies came early are big liers lol

Oh no, I'll go insane if I have to wait that long! He'll end up being a June bug like his big brother lol!
Nope, it all depends on when they can get me up to the delivery suite. But no one seems to know when that will be. So frustrating.
Still waiting for my blood results from yesterday and not allowed any visitors until 8am so just lying here waiting :( x

How far gone are you hun and what are their reasons for induction? Personally, I would have discharged myself last night and told them I'd be back in the morning, I can't stand being in hospital lol.
Just before I went to bed last night, I spent some time reading about prodromal labour. Seems to be exactly what I keep experiencing, especially the part about it looking like you're going into labour at night but in the morning all the symptoms have buggered off!

I had some quite intense cramping and tightening really low down as I went to bed. I was enjoying the feeling in an anticipatory kind of way lol, then my 3yr old had an accident with his water bottle in bed and I had to change all his sheets. By the time I got back to bed, the cramping had stopped, arghhh!
Oh no, I hope they fit you in for your induction ASAP!
I would hate to be stuck in hospital!

I have my 38 week date with useless midwife. Hopefully she'll tell me something about baby today and actually write something in my notes. I'm taking my mum with me for extra back up! Lol! X
I'm now 5 days past my due date and because they're worried I'm developing pre eclampsia they thought it best just to induce me.
I really hate hospitals too, feel like I'm stuck in a prison.
I asked in triage before they sent me up to the ward if I could go home and come back yesterday and she nearly let me but said she wanted to check my reflexes first and because she wasn't happy with them she wouldn't let me go. She wouldn't even let me out for fresh air!!!
Getting really fed up now.
And I'm so gutted I can't have the water birth I planned :(
Midwife has been round, we're waiting for the doctor to turn up now, apparently they're stuck in traffic.
I'm now 5 days past my due date and because they're worried I'm developing pre eclampsia they thought it best just to induce me.
I really hate hospitals too, feel like I'm stuck in a prison.
I asked in triage before they sent me up to the ward if I could go home and come back yesterday and she nearly let me but said she wanted to check my reflexes first and because she wasn't happy with them she wouldn't let me go. She wouldn't even let me out for fresh air!!!
Getting really fed up now.
And I'm so gutted I can't have the water birth I planned :(
Midwife has been round, we're waiting for the doctor to turn up now, apparently they're stuck in traffic.

I can understand why they want to induce then, though personally I would have gone home anyway lol. They can't keep you in if you don't want to stay, but it also comes down to how comfortable you'd feel going against their advice to stay in.

Hope things get going for you soon. Will be lovely to know you've got your precious newborn in your arms. :)
Good luck chg, hope they get the ball rolling soon!

Annabelle, how are you getting on?

I'm sitting on my sofa trying to find the motivation to do something! Got letting agents coming to my old flat on fri morning and before then we've gotta put up the curtains and blinds, remove anything that we haven't already and sort out the garden! I'm seeing friends for lunch both today and tomorrow so really have no time but just can't be bothered! Where's my motivation gone??! X
Just seen the doctor. They're going to induce me in half an hour so fingers crossed it works. Need this baby out now!

On the plus side my bloods and urine came back normal :)

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