* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

I've had loads of discharge too. Mainly really thick and jelly like but I don't think it's my plug.

Since my walk and sex around 5pm I have been getting random tightenings and loads of cramps. Lower back really sore too and really stiff oooops.
Here's hoping hats things started for u :) we had some sexy time tonight too so here's hoping it works for us lol x
Here's to hoping but I bet I wake up and it's all stopped lol!! X
Fingers crossed ladies.

The extra discharge and stringyness does sound like the mucus plugs, mine started like that for a couple of days then I woke up on the 2nd with slight bloody show in it and Harry was here by lunch time, so fingers crossed!
Woken up and cramps seem to have gone but back is still super sore and feeling rather queezy :S

How's everyone? X
My due date was yesterday I'm so fed up now!! Just want my baby here! No signs of anything happening anytime soon either. Will have to get bouncing today
I swear everything resets over night and its like waking up and nothing ever happened.

I have only been awake 10 minutes and im frigging starving. I've had loose bowels 3 times now in the last two weeks, same cramps as yesterday so I shall be expecting it today as well.

My oh is refusing to have sex with me I think. He's been waiting for me to go to bed and fall asleep before getting into bed himself! I think sex is the only real eviction starter that is half proven, providing your body is ready. I wanna dtd to find out!

Its so exciting that everyone is getting ready to meet their little ones, I just couldn't of hacked being team yellow all this time! I'm way too impatient! X
I'm a week over now and really fed up :(
Going for a sweep this afternoon so really hoping it starts things off! Fingers crossed peeps! X
How exciting Annabelle good luck :-)

I kept getting woken up in the night with tightenings that seemed a little more than Braxton hicks but haven't really amounted to much this morning! I kept wondering if I did the nipple stimulation (which I did in my last preg and worked) would it have started something but I've got so much to do this week I could really do with baby staying put for a little bit longer.
Well, while we're sharing... :) I had diaorrhea yesterday evening, and today I've just 'been' again and mucus stuff with blood was delicately slopped on the back of the toilet bowl! Lush! However, I the same thing happened when I went to the toilet like that at 25weeks!!! So not sure whether to read too much into that! Have period cramps now xx
At least things are happening for one of us - good luck Annabelle! :D

Nothing to report here. I've got the midwife tomorrow (39+5) and I'm hoping things are at least moving in the right direction.
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Diarrhoea even! I pride myself on actually being able to spell that one!!! Lol

Fingers crossed Gayle xx
What are these May babies playing at?
They are either coming or not, if we could just have a red or green light on our tummies to tell us that would much appreciated, and prevent all this am I? Aren't i? Malarkey that our bodies are giving us! X

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