* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Congrats Kiansu! Getting very close now, I am being a little impatient but at the same time willing to wait, I just don't know what to expect and that's what holds me back from wanting her out now haha. Got everything ready pretty much, just sick of cleaning as I'm getting bored now I'm finished work, I just fall asleep if I sit for long on the sofa lol. Plenty BH though so moving in the right direction :) xx
Wow, just read through and caught up with everything lol!! I should post more often, then I wouldn't get so behind!!
Congratulations to Kiansu and Gemma!
Hope everyone else is doing ok, and not too uncomfy. Can't believe we are nearly in 'our' month!!!! Ahhh :)

Had my midwife appt weds, all good. Went for blood test fri for a FBC, I have a feeling iron levels may be a little low.
Baby has become so much more active this last week or so, and has been getting right under my ribs...ouch!!but it's so nice to feel more movements - I haven't had many definate kicks/wriggles until now.
I am at the stage now, where I am feeling uncomfy however I sit/lie, and had a record of up 9 times for a wee the other night! A couple of friends threw an afternoon tea for me yesterday, one girl did an awesome fruit platter...

Nursery is just about done now. Mattress is being delivered tomorrow. Did a big load of washing today - all baby grows etc done now. I have loads of blankets people have made - do I need to wash them as well? I'm thinking I do.

I need to get a changing bag, and looking at the pacapod...anyone got one and recommend it? I'm very tempted. Was looking at this one

I am going to buy my other half something to show him I appreciate all he has done with nursery etc, and to say sorry for being a complete cow at times, but I'm stuck with what I could buy! Any ideas? He would be grateful for some action, but that ain't gonna happen!! Hehe x


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I got the pacapod in cranberry lou, I haven't put anything in it yet, but it seems very organised and fab quality! can't wait to put stuff in all the sections!

cant say that I'm looking for any action, just would love proper bedtime cuddles! tummy is in the way and not so comfy!
can't stand things touching my tummy, it feels so sensitive! x
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I got the pacapod jura in cranberry lou, I haven't put anything in it yet, but it seems very organised and fab quality! can't wait to put stuff in all the sections! x

Fab, it's a lot of money to spend and want something that will be good quality, nothing else really matches up to what I want! Think I have made up mind! Ta xx
Does anyone else have this feeling they are going to go over? I don't mind as I've been fortunate enough to not be too uncomfy (started to waddle now though lol) also after having a premmie, it makes a massive impact on me as I'm just so grateful this one has stayed in, lol.

Since day 1 I said I'd have this one at 40+6, and as each day goes by this seems more and more likely lol, with the estimated weight of 7lbs 7 at 36w, this could be interesting lol.

39+2 today and still have no carpet in my DS's bedroom, but I've got fed up of waiting now so have set up his set of drawers to put his clothes in just so I can get baby's stuff out and through the wash and away in the nursery, the crib is next to my bed ready too.

I can't wait to meet my little peanut, and find out if it's a boy or a girl, I have the feeling it's a boy but we shall see :-)

Oh think I may have dropped (sat vs today)

yes looks like a bit of a drop has happened there sproglett!

although I am eager for him to come early, my mum is insistant that I wont maje my due date, it'll be sods law that I'll be 2 weeks late! x
Definately dropped sproglett :) my mum keeps telling me I won't go over and will be early....I'm not so sure. She had both me and my brother 5 dates before DD - not sure that makes any difference! x
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Sproglett def looks like you have dropped :-) hopefully things won't be much longer for you. I'm the same as you though I don't really mind if I go over as I still feel ok and I've got lots I still want to get done. I have a feeling this one will be early though just by a few days. Xxx
Grrr, consultant appt moved back a week, will be almost 38wks, and not seen them yet at this hospital!! Let's hope it's not changed again! Or I will prob have given birth!!
Sally, you've definitely dropped hun and baby has clearly grown a bit bigger by the way he/she is pushing out so far too! :D

I had some on/off cramping for about an hour this morning. Knew it wouldn't come to anything, especially as I'm only 37wks today (fully cooked, hurrah!), but there's always that little twinge of excitement.
Argh that's annoying about the consultant Lou! Congrats on the record peeing!!!! ;) that fruit platter looks amazing!

That looks like a drop Sprog! Hopefully baby will arrive soon.

I still can't believe baby is fully cooked and that it's May on Thursday! Crikey!

Sally, you've definitely dropped hun and baby has clearly grown a bit bigger by the way he/she is pushing out so far too! :D

I had some on/off cramping for about an hour this morning. Knew it wouldn't come to anything, especially as I'm only 37wks today (fully cooked, hurrah!), but there's always that little twinge of excitement.

Yay!! X
I've just been to the range and bought a Stanley knife and some super glue....I did get some strange looks! X
Jazzy u planning your own section that's great, me first though hey ;-) lol x
Well today I sort of got a compromise at consultant , scan is fine baby estimated 6.4 which is a nice size all perfect I always have little babies I reckoning about 7 lb by time I have him/her anyways consultant agreed to sweeps at 39/40 weeks but induction won't be till 41 weeks!! Says as everything is perfect baby growing nicely my bp is text book as is everything else he doesn't want to induce early as that can cause problems in it self , retained placenta emc amongst other things and I've just to keep an eye on movements and if any change I in my usual I've to ring straight up , so operation get baba out is under way cos I seriously dint wanna go over due plan is more walking maybe a bounce on trampoline lol sex sex and more sex lol bounce on ball and I. Thinking about sticking epo up there as that is meant to be gd for getting cervix ripe lol so that's my plan lol xxx
Hi all,

This week is my last week at work and we had a food day today in celebration of my last week as not many people are in when I leave on Friday.

It was nice and they also decorated my desk and gave me my leaving present. People kept coming over and wishing me good luck.. I hate that. Makes me feel like something bad is going to happen!! I really have mixed emotions about going on maternity leave, it makes me feel scared!! Does anyone else feel like that? X
Sounds like everyone's week is getting off to a good start, can't believe it's May on Thursday; I've found this whole process has been sooooo slow and after everyone else saying it goes really fast then slows down at the end, im finding time is finally speeding up (despite no sleep!) I think the bank holiday weekends are helping as it's making the weeks shorter. I still have lots to do but really gonna get cracking with operation eviction asap as I'm so fed up of my night cramps, I just want to be normal again! Ordered raspberry leaf capsules yesterday so will be popping those; gonna get the gym ball pumped up this week and I had a go at expressing colostrum after our antenatal class on fri and got the hang of it straight away so will start doing that next week and freezing some. Still can't believe I'm having a baby though... ;) x
I think it's gone quite quick and hasn't really slowed down. I didn't sleep great last night so woke up impatient wanting baby out. Then went to midwife app and was booked in for first sweep next wed and one 2 days later then if nothing still induction would be wed after. Obviously hope she arrives on time sat like a good girl but scary knowing she'll be on her way regardless a fortnight on wed, now not feeling so impatient haha. All good with urine and bp though, and baby had a good kick for midwife, little show off! I'm aching loads today though, backs so sore and I have zero energy xxx

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