* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Yes jazzy I'm getting crampy feelings in bump- over the top and where i imagine my cervix would be. Just feeling generally uncomfortable and twingey!! It really makes it hit home how close we could be to meeting baby!!! Xxx
Hello everyone, my little girl was born 20th April, 3 days after being induced ending with ventouse and forceps delivery weighing 8lb 1oz!
She is called Grace Ella.
Will now have a catch up on here with everyone else's posts.
Good luck to everyone! x
Ooh sounds good Hope! Fingers crossed they make an appearance for you soon!

Yes jazzy I've had a lot of cramping and I get tightening a few times an hour but it doesn't hurt! It's weird though! Today's new thing is pain under and at my ribs, going round to my back and generally not knowing whether I want to burp, pass wind, be sick or pee! Oh dear! Baby's head has droped but not the rest. I'm confused! Is it a super long baby?! Haha x
Ooh sounds good Hope! Fingers crossed they make an appearance for you soon!

Yes jazzy I've had a lot of cramping and I get tightening a few times an hour but it doesn't hurt! It's weird though! Today's new thing is pain under and at my ribs, going round to my back and generally not knowing whether I want to burp, pass wind, be sick or pee! Oh dear! Baby's head has dropped but not the rest. I'm confused! Is it a super long baby?! Haha x
hmm...I am deffo starting to wash baby stuff next weekend!
cramps weren't hurting yesterday, but this afternoon they have been, just had a nap and but its hurting again now. bump seems hard (cant pinpoint what side he is on) but then he jabs a foot in my rib and then I have pain at the top as well as from middle down.
he's still wriggling loads and rather violently, the mild spd type pain come back.
I think my hurtyness is hopefully baby dropping. (from next weekend I'll start encouraging it! operation evict!

congratulations kiansu!

Congratulations kiansu! Feel free to post a pic of your lovely little girl, we love seeing them. :)

I've had the odd cramp. Nothing special, though I do get a bit excited when I have one just in case it's the beginning of something lol.
I also get the odd cramp, periody type ache or back twinge which gets me all excitable but they're very random and clearly don't mean anything for me as yet. Baby kicks/pokes are getting pretty painful at times and make me feel a bit sick, it feels like it's jabbing me with something really sharp! I'm finding I get a lot more sudden pains when I do things like try and reach down to put my leggings on or pick up something I've dropped. Something inside me is getting well and truly squashed. Although I still have a lot to do before the baby arrives I'm jyst so sick of being awake and in pain all night with cramps that I just want this baby out asap!! X
Hello everyone, my little girl was born 20th April, 3 days after being induced ending with ventouse and forceps delivery weighing 8lb 1oz!
She is called Grace Ella.
Will now have a catch up on here with everyone else's posts.
Good luck to everyone! x

Aww congratulations! When were you due? Xx
Was due 2nd May, induced at 37+6 due to gestational diabetes and problem with my liver.
Yeah I now get cramps if I do too much or bend or walk too far lol... Tmi but def feeling more wet down there in the last few days and keep getting paranoid my waters are gonna go, even though they're def not!!

Had a lovely time at my baby shower this afternoon although I hate the photos on fb! I look like a whale... Xx
Huge congratulations kiansu - didn't see your post slip in there when I posted earlier! Pleased all went well and that's a lovely name xx
Happy 39w to me and my bump buddies FAO, hayley_may, bethanysx and Ayeisha, also A massive happy 37w jojo3972, pokeball and annabella2911

Wowza ladies...... That's about all I can say, I'll be uploading a bumpy pik today hopefully (sorry, I've been slacking)

Happy almost there, bump buds!!

I was examined today and cervix is 2 cm open at the outside but closed at the baby end, so no sweep possible. Was sent home from hospital with bp meds and have to go back on Monday for more tests. Urine clear, so officially not pre eclampsia any more, until of course it rises again! Plan is for another sweep attempt as an alternative to induction. Doctors are desperate to drag this baby out, but whilst he is still happy in there, he is staying! Wish he would come now though!
Suffolk, glad you managed to get a physio appt. I had one this week and it was short, and just gave me some exercises to do at home. Prob cos I am already on crutches and doing stuff to help myself already. My SJD has got much better after the osteopath attacked it. Lucky she is so good, but really felt the most benefit after the third session.
Wow, that is one bump, sprog! Will have to do one too to compare, before it is too late!

Sorry to hear you are suffering, Vic. Hope the pelvis gets a bit better.

Hope, it sounds like you are nearly ready!!!
Oh, and massive congrats kiansu. Can't wait to read your birth story and see pics!
Yay hope, you're doing really well hunny, so nice when twinnies stay put as long as possible, but yeah can imagine your ready now bless you. Fingers crossed it's not too much longer.

Kiansu congratulations, have added the details to the front page, and what a good weight.

Jazzy I don't get cramps in my bump, I've had pulsating back pain on occasions, and I've been having tightenings over my bump regularly for about a week
oh it's getting so exciting for everyone!
Who's gonna get the first labour thread out of you 39 weekers?
I'm going go into baby's room today and sort things into piles for washing on the next sunny day after I finish work.

osteopath has been a god send, next time I won't bother with physio, just book straight in. got my last appointment Monday then will make kne after baby is here to put me back together again - hopefully get a good back and hip clicking!

Congrats Kiansu!

Sounds like you won't be far behind FAO! Fingered crossed for you xxxxx

Yay to being fully cooked Vic! Its a nice feeling.

Glad osteo is helping Jazzy, I have heard that they are really good.

People keep asking when I think I will have her. Really not got much feeling anymore. I originally guessed next weekend but with all the twinges and things that come to nothing, who knows! Will be interested to know if she has engaged at midwife on Wednesday. I don't really mind im just excited now. I have a pamper session and afternoon tea booked for next Saturday so I would like to make that and also make my work leaving day on Friday. Then I think I am happy whenever she wants to come. At least if she waits until due date I get a week off work to relax and get organised. Xxxx

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