* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

hehehe! im not that desperate but I did have a chuckle to myself when I got in the car.

who's watching obem? last one in this series, last one as a non mummy for me!

cherry i cant wait to go on mat leave - not really that interested in my job though. the girls that i work with say that they will miss me though and all the wards i work on want me to take baby in to meet fhem!

cornish i keep getting moments like that - holy crap im having a baby!

Had my consultant apt on Thursday at 9am but ended up there until 4pm stuck on ctg and having a blood test. Baby heartrate didn't drop below 170 so I was kept until it did!
Got my 37w midwife apt today - we're doing the birth plan...exciting stuff!
My routine 37w midwife appointment ended with me being monitored in the hospital for fetal tachycardia, his heartrate was 180-202. It's come down a bit so after an hour on the ctg, I'm going home - but have to come back this evening for a repeat ctg. This is the 2nd episode, hopefully all will be well. I'm not sure what the plan is, if it's still fast!
Oh Frankie! Fingers crossed. Do let us know how you get on, hope all is well xx
Yes hope all is ok frankie and jazzy hope you're feeling better after a pj day! I've felt pretty crap all day today, still got a stinking cold but only three says left at work eeeeep! I'm def gonna cry a lot on Friday!

Had a big chat with oh last night that helped a lot. The closer it gets to my due date, the more terrified I feel. I know I should feel excited but I don't, it's pure fear! I'm sure I'll be fine once labour is over and I love her already more than anything but I just find the whole thought of it overwhelmingly scary!!! Is that normal?

Had mw appt today and she was actually in a good mood for once!! Bump has only grown 1cm in the last two weeks but she wasn't concerned as it's still a good size and she thinks it's cos baby has dropped. Xx
Yes hope all is ok frankie and jazzy hope you're feeling better after a pj day! I've felt pretty crap all day today, still got a stinking cold but only three says left at work eeeeep! I'm def gonna cry a lot on Friday!

Had a big chat with oh last night that helped a lot. The closer it gets to my due date, the more terrified I feel. I know I should feel excited but I don't, it's pure fear! I'm sure I'll be fine once labour is over and I love her already more than anything but I just find the whole thought of it overwhelmingly scary!!! Is that normal?

Had mw appt today and she was actually in a good mood for once!! Bump has only grown 1cm in the last two weeks but she wasn't concerned as it's still a good size and she thinks it's cos baby has dropped. Xx

I know what you mean about feeling more terrified the closer it gets! I am the same. I go from thinking, I'll be fine to how the hell am I going to cope, and scaring myself!! You are normal, (hopefully I am too lol) but do you know what? We WILL be fine, we will just do it, and afterwards we will feel chuffed with ourselves and have a beautiful baby In our arms x
Hope all is ok Frankie.

Lou and cherry, you will be fine!
Feels really weird being at home now I've finished work.

I'm having a complete blank with packing my hospital bag and things for baby! Just can't settle to do it, I think it's because it all seems too real and I'm in denial about having to actually give birth. I just want the baby to arrive by stork lol! Going to try and write my birth plan today.
I got home last night - still unsure as to what is causing the fast base rate and then low dips. They were so busy though that I feel they were just keen to get rid of me.
The Dr said that if I notice he's stopped moving I'm to go in straight away - not wait and see if movements come back.
Hey ladies, I've been off here for ages due to one thing and another (family issues stressing me out and just being so god damn busy trying to get 101 things done in not very much time) but i'm now on maternity leave as of last Friday so feel i finally have some time to come and chat.

I'll never in a million years catch up on whats gone on whilst I've been away!

I hope all May babies are still cooking away nicely :) I had another scan last week and Baby's estimated weight is 6lbs 8oz which seems quite big especially as they put on half a lb a week at this stage :shock: I've been ok health-wise, only had one reduced movement scare. I've started to get some pins and needles in my fingers at night time over the last week which I've read is carpal tunnel syndrome. Thankfully its not been too bad so far.

Can't believe we're into May tomorrow!
Ive been batch cooking today with my mum ... I really think it will be handy when baba comes along in the first week I dont wanna cookkkk !!
How are all you ladies finding mat leave x
I had another scan last week and Baby's estimated weight is 6lbs 8oz which seems quite big especially as they put on half a lb a week at this stage :shock:

I had one at 33+5 where baby measured 5lbs 7oz and another at 36+5 and was measuring 7lbs 7oz so totally understand your concern, they deffo seem to grow between 1/2lb and 1lb a week over the last few weeks YIKES!!!! I'm now 39+4 and baby is very comfy still in there, I'm gonna give birth to a hippo at this rate lol.
I had another scan last week and Baby's estimated weight is 6lbs 8oz which seems quite big especially as they put on half a lb a week at this stage :shock:

I had one at 33+5 where baby measured 5lbs 7oz and another at 36+5 and was measuring 7lbs 7oz so totally understand your concern, they deffo seem to grow between 1/2lb and 1lb a week over the last few weeks YIKES!!!! I'm now 39+4 and baby is very comfy still in there, I'm gonna give birth to a hippo at this rate lol.

I keep telling myself that these estimates are never very accurate! Heaven help us if we go overdue!
Mines estimated 6.4 at just over 37 weeks so mine is average realy I'm secretly hoping it will be between 6-7 lb born I much prefer smaller babies :) , got my birth ball last night so been bouncing on that and my discharge has increased past few days and feels like jellyfish instead of creamy thickish hoping it's a gd sign lol xx
Good luck first time mum!
I'm sure these estimates are pretty pants - especially the ones from my midwife. Looks like mine is aiming for the 7lb mark at 40 weeks. But he feels like a big one, either that or he's got 4 sets of legs! Xx
I've not been given any weight measurements at all. Not sure if I want to know though lol!! We've just been to the supermarket and since we've got back I've been getting bad pains if I walk but they go when I sit down.. I guess my body is practicing.. X
Good luck first time mum!!
And lovely to see you gayle, glad all is well.
I also haven't had any weight estimates, midwife just keeps saying what a neat bump I have and she was impressed yesterday that I don't have any stretch marks (yet!!!). I don't feel like this baby is big as my bump does look pretty small compared to others who are earlier on than me but then I could get a nasty surprise ;) x

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