* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Ive been batch cooking today with my mum ... I really think it will be handy when baba comes along in the first week I dont wanna cookkkk !!
How are all you ladies finding mat leave x

I did some batch cooking on Monday and today too! Might do some more at the weekend, I'm flagging though! Haha x
Hey ladies, I've been off here for ages due to one thing and another (family issues stressing me out and just being so god damn busy trying to get 101 things done in not very much time) but i'm now on maternity leave as of last Friday so feel i finally have some time to come and chat.

I'll never in a million years catch up on whats gone on whilst I've been away!

I hope all May babies are still cooking away nicely :) I had another scan last week and Baby's estimated weight is 6lbs 8oz which seems quite big especially as they put on half a lb a week at this stage :shock: I've been ok health-wise, only had one reduced movement scare. I've started to get some pins and needles in my fingers at night time over the last week which I've read is carpal tunnel syndrome. Thankfully its not been too bad so far.

Can't believe we're into May tomorrow!

Hi Gayle! :) I was just thinking about you the other day and wondered if all was ok. Lovely to see you posting on here! Hope you're enjoying maternity leave. I also had a scan last week for presentation and they estimated baby at 7lbs! Eek! Hope the measurements are inaccurate if baby stays for another few weeks!

Yes, May tomorrow ladies - can't quite believe it!
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Happy due month ladies.

39+5 today, come on baby time to make an appearance, mummy really wants to meet you now lol.

I've only had weight estimations because of having late scans, they didn't do it with my DS, not that they are all that accurate, they can be a good lb or so out, but it's still funny to think I'm harbouring a hippo considering I'm 5'2 and my hubby is 5'5 (although he was 9lbs7 born lol) x
Happy May ladies! Can't believe we're finally here, what a long ride it's been! :D

Sooooo tired, just not getting enough sleep at night. Shouldn't complain, it will be worse when baby is here, though at least my body will belong to me again lol.

Not daring to venture too far from home these days. Having a quick first labour is all very well, but if it's supposed to happen faster the second time, then I don't want to get caught short.

Will hopefully be picking up our new car over the next couple of days and not a moment too soon. It's really uncomfortable climbing in/out of our 4x4 (and I do mean climbing lol).
Celebration day and happy 38 weeks to me!!!! Woke up sore as anything. Sore back sore lady parts and sore belly. To think it could be a full 4 weeks more lol

I just feel ready but we've been doing most evenings and not even a twinkle of a sign lol x
Big bubas rock!!! They eat loads and sleep longer lol! Easier to handle too the early days bath and dress.
They also say that labor with a big baby is faster as due to gravity he comes down faster and easier.
I wouldn't worry at all about having a big baby. Obviously in normal range and not a 11 lb one lol.
Amelie was 3.8 kg I had no problems at all.
The twins are estimated already 3 kg each at 36 weeks so God help me haha but hopefully they will be here next week.
Yayyy happy may everyone! 2 days until due date and I am definitely feeling it now. Got period pains and heartburn had me up vomiting through the night. Pretty exhausted haven't slept well in 2 nights now. Just feel drained. Backs sore too. Hopefully not much longer for us all now, I'm booked in for a sweep on wed so hope little tinker starts making a move now xxx
Happy due month ladies!! I'm sure I'll end up having a june baby but it doesn't stop me being excited that may is finally here! Excited! Terrified! Exhausted! Can't wait to not be pregnant any more!!! ;) x
We can now say we are officially due this month whoop come on babies we all wanna meet yas :) xxx
Hippos all round by the sounds of it - we obviously did too good a job of incubating these babies over the cold winter!

I'm glad i can finally say I'm having my baby THIS month!
Anno it's great to think we'll not be preg at some stage this month lol... Can't wait to meet baba iv been getting my steriliser and perfect prep machine all sorted and just built babas new bouncer today so excited x
Just got into bed ahhh! looks like some may babies will be making an entrance into the world soon! good luck!

last day at work today, and boy was it a shattering day! got some and I had a slightly swollen rght foot and wonky bump. this rascle seems to have decided he'd rather lie on my right side this evening giving me a bump like a ski slope!

looking forward to having a day doing bugger all (hopefully finish my board game for last uni project!)

fanny daggers galore since getting into bed, what the heck is he doing in there?! x
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Hey all. It's my last day at work tomorrow and although I'll be pleased to not have to get up anymore, I'm going to really miss my lovely team. They've supported me though two losses and this pregnancy and I don't know what i would have done without them. It's not a goodbye though, it's a see you later!! Tears tomorrow me thinks!

The last day or two I've been getting a lot of clear discharge (tmi) - is that affecting anyone else? Is it a good sign?! X
It's usually a sign of the cervix maturing, very common the last weeks xxx
Happy milestones to everyone xx
36 weeks today for me and everyone is more than happy for the twins to arrive now.
I am so done being pregnant lol. Last weeks with Amelie were uncomfortable but this twin pregnancy reached a whole new level of uncomfortable since week 34 lol...
Currently both babies breech/transverse so we are going for 2 breech deliveries unless they decide to turn completely transverse again then it has to be a c section.
Lost my plug already the past week and cervix is soft and very short and about 1 cm dilated. They better make an appearance soon lol

Sorry to gatecrash, hope you are not too uncomfortable but i imagine you probably are. Come on boys, behave and turn around.
Will they deliver breech? I know here doctors are scared of it so prefer c sections xxx
Knop yeah they will deliver breech just fine. My hospital specialize to breech deliveries they deliver all breech positions even footling with great results. Almost 0 rate of c sections. But ofc for transverse babies you have no other options than c section.
There is a chance for first twin to turn breech from transverse pushed by contractions so we will wait and see...
Also oh my God what did I miss? You are pregnant??
Hi everyone. Been getting loads of hb over the last couple of days lasting all day! Getting really uncomfortable now although not painful.

I've got midwife again today as was measuring a but small last week but I think It will be fine I think I've got quite a bit bigger in the last week.

I'm also hoping she will tell me baby is engaged because the pressure down there is crazy!

I'm surprised we haven't had some more May mummies yet. Excited to start seeing labour threads :-) xxxx

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