* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Lol Frankie. It's usually inaccurate, mine measured slightly small (7lbs 7 @ 36+5) but measures 5lbs 7 @ 33+5, so worried mine may have been more accurate hahaha. If not we're both gonna be having little hippos lol x
I have a nose on the babycenter website and there was a lady on there who's baby was 6lb something at 32 weeks so prepared herself for a whopper and regular growth scans, but when she had him at 38 weeks he was 6lb something! Just shows how inaccurate they are! X
Scan was fine - baby is head down and firmly in pelvis but quite far at the back! Midwife seemed confused as to why other midwife was uncertain about the head, but I suppose it could've been further back. Lol at all the estimated wrights, I wasn't expecting one today and I was coming on here to say that I thought 7lbs at 36+5 was potentially large if I go overdue but you never know! It is bigger than average according to the midwife. I was expecting something like 6lbs I don't know why I thought my baby would be little, still might be I guess! Anyway she showed us baby's hair and tried to look at the nose but baby shot hands up there lol. Classic timing! Saw quite a bit but it was so close up. Saw hands perfectly aww! And nothing gender related - midwife was careful! X
Yay to your last day kauto! Can't wait for mine, 1 week left! Glad all was well Vic and lovely to get a little preview : )

My pram finally came today, so happy I love it : ) xxxx
Happy 39w to me and my bump buddies FAO, hayley_may, bethanysx and Ayeisha, also A massive happy 37w jojo3972, pokeball and annabella2911

Wowza ladies...... That's about all I can say, I'll be uploading a bumpy pik today hopefully (sorry, I've been slacking)
37 weeks! Wow it's gone so quick aswell! Sorry I have not been on for so long I had to disconnect my wifi due to moving in march/April which keeps getting postponed! Am now in limbo wondering when the final date will be but have decided to wait until after babies here if possible so I don't stress about it! Trying to catch up on how everyone's been doing but there is so many posts to read haha! Congrats to everyone reaching more milestones today :) getting so excited now can't wait to meet our little girlie. Hope you're all not getting too uncomfortable, not long now eeekk!! Xxx

Happy 39 weeks fao and sprog, can't believe due date is only 1 week away now! Crazy! Hopefully we get some babies soon xx
Happy 37 weeks to me fully cooked and ready for baby to come now :) , happy 39 weeks sprog xxx
Gosh, it's all getting scarily close now! Can't believe that next week we'll all be in our due month! Congrats to all the ladies whose babies are due imminently, especially Sally - it must be such a huge relief to make it this far this time!

My TENS machine arrived in the post this morning. Hubby wants to see what it feels like lol, I'm not allowed to try it until 37 weeks but that's only a couple of days away.

Had the midwife out to do my home birth check yesterday. She stayed for over two hours, she's very chatty lol. Really glad to have such a good one, she's been so supportive of all my birthing choices. We went through a risk assessment and she made sure I understood all the eventualities that could occur. I'm really excited and looking forward to it now. Just need to get the hospital bag packed in case a transfer is needed, make sure I've got plenty of towels for the birth and get my placenta encapsulation stuff ready.

I've got an appt with physio Tuesday week, so hopefully my dodgy pelvis will (briefly) be as it should be in time for birth. I'm seeing the midwife again next Friday (she likes to see me often even though this baby is not my first), fingers crossed it will be the last time as she's then on holiday and won't see me again until 40wks.

To think in around three weeks I'll be able to tie my own shoelaces again is bliss lol!
Hi all. Have come down with a horrid cold and feel like absolute crap. Got my baby shower today and a first birthday party tomorrow, plus my final week of work next week so really haven't the time to be ill! Trying to sleep as much as I can before I have to leave at 2pm.

Well done to the 37 weekers reaching their ding days and all those at 39 weeks. Exciting times ahead!! I too can't wait to be able to put shoes on easily again!! X
Thanks ladies.

Rebecca it definitely was a relief to get past 37, although now I'd be quite happy to go into labour this second, still not uncomfortable etc etc etc but starting to get impatient lol can't wait to meet this baby; starting to get nervous too, never really thought about the birth wit Jacob, it all happened so quickly, this time I know it could all start whenever and it's quite a scary thought lol x
Happy 37 weeks Jojo and Annabelle! Fully cooked! :) that's me tomorrow! Eek!

Huge congrats on 39 weeks Sprog - so happy for you and what a lovely bump!

Aww Cherry I hope your feel so much better soon and it doesn't develop properly. Enjoy your baby shower and that party.

I've done so much this last week and a half so I'm planning on not doing much at all. Going to try to do freezer meals on Monday and collect my avon brochures. Got the health visitor on Tuesday and then meeting a friend on Wedneaday and another on Thursday evening. I'm just getting so tired now, my arms are even aching, it's sort of flu like but it's not that. I get up, fine for an hour and after I've got bathed and ready I feel like that's me done! Didn't feel too much like that a week ago. Maybe it's being at my parents bungalow - perhaps my stairs do me good lol! Could be the fact that I'm nearly 37 weeks! How are you meant to enjoy your last few weeks without a child if you feel so crap? And all friends and family are so excited! I couldn't be less enthused! You feel like you have to apologise! Sorry, I've ranted again :(
Gosh, it's all getting scarily close now! Can't believe that next week we'll all be in our due month! Congrats to all the ladies whose babies are due imminently, especially Sally - it must be such a huge relief to make it this far this time!

My TENS machine arrived in the post this morning. Hubby wants to see what it feels like lol, I'm not allowed to try it until 37 weeks but that's only a couple of days away.

Had the midwife out to do my home birth check yesterday. She stayed for over two hours, she's very chatty lol. Really glad to have such a good one, she's been so supportive of all my birthing choices. We went through a risk assessment and she made sure I understood all the eventualities that could occur. I'm really excited and looking forward to it now. Just need to get the hospital bag packed in case a transfer is needed, make sure I've got plenty of towels for the birth and get my placenta encapsulation stuff ready.

I've got an appt with physio Tuesday week, so hopefully my dodgy pelvis will (briefly) be as it should be in time for birth. I'm seeing the midwife again next Friday (she likes to see me often even though this baby is not my first), fingers crossed it will be the last time as she's then on holiday and won't see me again until 40wks.

To think in around three weeks I'll be able to tie my own shoelaces again is bliss lol!

I'm very excited about the shoe laces thing too! Unfortunately I only fit into 1 pair of shoes now as my feet and canckles are the size of an elephant now! Boooo!
I don't currently have any shoes with laces as I have thrown my old pair of trainers out lol. That's a lie - i do have walking boots (likely event!) I love my ballet pumps but it hurts to put them on even just slipping feet into them! Ouchy pelvis! So looking forward to that pain going away and many other things :) X
Happy milestones ladies!!!! :) Can't wait to see some more may babies arriving :) xx
Happy milestones to everyone xx
36 weeks today for me and everyone is more than happy for the twins to arrive now.
I am so done being pregnant lol. Last weeks with Amelie were uncomfortable but this twin pregnancy reached a whole new level of uncomfortable since week 34 lol...
Currently both babies breech/transverse so we are going for 2 breech deliveries unless they decide to turn completely transverse again then it has to be a c section.
Lost my plug already the past week and cervix is soft and very short and about 1 cm dilated. They better make an appearance soon lol
Wow hope, it sounds like things are going well for you!

Has anyone had cramping yet? Yesterday and today I've had crampy pains in my bumps rom top to bottom, no tightening a though. Hopefully this is baby moving down! X

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