Gosh, it's all getting scarily close now! Can't believe that next week we'll all be in our due month! Congrats to all the ladies whose babies are due imminently, especially Sally - it must be such a huge relief to make it this far this time!
My TENS machine arrived in the post this morning. Hubby wants to see what it feels like lol, I'm not allowed to try it until 37 weeks but that's only a couple of days away.
Had the midwife out to do my home birth check yesterday. She stayed for over two hours, she's very chatty lol. Really glad to have such a good one, she's been so supportive of all my birthing choices. We went through a risk assessment and she made sure I understood all the eventualities that could occur. I'm really excited and looking forward to it now. Just need to get the hospital bag packed in case a transfer is needed, make sure I've got plenty of towels for the birth and get my placenta encapsulation stuff ready.
I've got an appt with physio Tuesday week, so hopefully my dodgy pelvis will (briefly) be as it should be in time for birth. I'm seeing the midwife again next Friday (she likes to see me often even though this baby is not my first), fingers crossed it will be the last time as she's then on holiday and won't see me again until 40wks.
To think in around three weeks I'll be able to tie my own shoelaces again is bliss lol!