* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Hi ladies how u all doing ? , when they measured FEMA on my last scan I am almost sure I seen girly bits in the middle but I'm no expert and I guess il soon find out if I seen right lol I have a scan Monday my last one before I meet my baby :) , been to mw this morning all is fine baby head well down although didn't say how low just that it's low lol measuring 38 so spot on more or less , she reckons it's all baby this bump and I have to agree cos movements are very painfull and can see everything now , I'm hoping by next app I will have already had baby 8th may and hopefully they are still going to agree to induction for me will see what consultant says Monday I guess,also she reckons il be needing blood thinning injections after birth due to my age for 7 days after birth eeeekk not sure I can give myself a jab lol will cross that bridge when I come to it , so just the waiting game now and will get my last minute bits at weekend , bath changing mat and cotton wool and watever else I can think of oh yer baby milk haha was forgetting that lol duh xxx
I'm home now! Just updated main thread.

In bed, chillaxing with an Easter egg!!
may babies are drama queens! lol.
enjoy fao!
I've just been informed my paca pod bag has been delivered! looking forward to seeing it when I get home from work! x
fao, what an eventful 24hrs! Glad you are home now and things are looking good.

Sally, I can't believe that about the carpet! On the plus side, at least baby is staying inside, so hopefully the nursery will be ready in time.

I've officially had enough of being pregnant now. The SPD is manageable during the day, but agony at night. Last night, my son was very needy for some unknown reason and wanted to sleep with us. He likes the edge of the bed and to be next to me, so there I was stuck in the middle and having to ask hubby to get out whenever I wanted a pee lol. My pelvis was absolutely killing me because I didn't want to disturb my son by turning over constantly. All I can say is, I'm so glad we have a superking size bed else there's no way we'd have all fit, including my massive maternity pillow lol.

I'm so sick of having a strong urge to pee half the time, then going to the loo and a pathetic amount comes out. I couldn't win a pissing contest with a grasshopper right now lol, baby has squashed my bladder to the size of a pea!

I get breathless if I do barely anything, my back kills me when I try to load/empty the dishwasher and I walk like I'm dragging a couple of boulders attached to my legs lol. Oh and I dare not kneel down on the floor for any reason, otherwise I have to crawl over to something to pull myself up or call hubby for help!

Our new car might be ready this weekend and it won't be a moment too soon. I can no longer lift my leg over the sill on our 4x4 lol!

Three and a half weeks to go, I can make it lol! :D
Oh Suffolk, you poor thing. I can totally sympathise. Got myself a grabber off eBay for a fiver, and it changed my life! I can now pick up stuff off the floor without bending, put washing in and out of the machine, and it is fab! Only took one day to arrive too. Would defo recommend. Even if it looks like something your granny would use, lol.

Also, if it helps, my pain has got a little better this week. Not a lot, but enough to make me feel I can cope. No longer crying with agony every day. Might be the osteopath that has helped, or just coincidence.

I also got a cleaner 2 weeks ago, so doing less housework and stressing less about living in filth, lol!

Hope yours does improve, but remember there are some little things you can try to help it do so. Paracetamol 4 times a day also takes the edge off.
fao, what an eventful 24hrs! Glad you are home now and things are looking good.

Sally, I can't believe that about the carpet! On the plus side, at least baby is staying inside, so hopefully the nursery will be ready in time.

I've officially had enough of being pregnant now. The SPD is manageable during the day, but agony at night. Last night, my son was very needy for some unknown reason and wanted to sleep with us. He likes the edge of the bed and to be next to me, so there I was stuck in the middle and having to ask hubby to get out whenever I wanted a pee lol. My pelvis was absolutely killing me because I didn't want to disturb my son by turning over constantly. All I can say is, I'm so glad we have a superking size bed else there's no way we'd have all fit, including my massive maternity pillow lol.

I'm so sick of having a strong urge to pee half the time, then going to the loo and a pathetic amount comes out. I couldn't win a pissing contest with a grasshopper right now lol, baby has squashed my bladder to the size of a pea!

I get breathless if I do barely anything, my back kills me when I try to load/empty the dishwasher and I walk like I'm dragging a couple of boulders attached to my legs lol. Oh and I dare not kneel down on the floor for any reason, otherwise I have to crawl over to something to pull myself up or call hubby for help!

Our new car might be ready this weekend and it won't be a moment too soon. I can no longer lift my leg over the sill on our 4x4 lol!

Three and a half weeks to go, I can make it lol! :D

Oh Hun, I'm sorry for laughing but I just want you to know how much you cheered me up with this. The pee issue - I've just gone four times in fifteen minutes with little trickles! I barely slept for lower pelvis pain last night, I had to tell my friend I could talk to her during a walk to the shop at her work today so she had to do the talking first - I couldn't breathe lol! And I just nearly toppled over trying to pick something up! Like I say I'm sorry for the laughing at the grasshopper pissing contest but I'm so pleased, or not, that my body is behaving like others at the moment. Not long left! If anyone says that to me again I'll shoot them!!! Xx
Last edited:
I'm home now! Just updated main thread.

In bed, chillaxing with an Easter egg!!

Eggcellent news! See what I did there? Oh dear! ;) hope you enjoyed the chocolate and so pleased you've been released! X
Omg 37 weeks tomorrow and I feel it! I totally sympathise on the peeing it's disappointing when you get a trickle after feeling like u have at least two pints worth!!!

My last day at work tomorrow and will be counting the hours! I got told I looked sexy too hahaha!!!

I'm finding it tough that people think I look great etc etc but they assume that I feel great!!! I still get hot flushes galore and my pubic bone feels like it may crack when I get up or walk I'm just good at getting on so work people take it for granted!!!

On a plus I washed all the baby clothes looked super cute on the wash line and just need to pack my bag for the big day!!! Convinced I'll be late but oh doesn't agree lol x
TT I know what you mean with the looking great. I get this a lot and it's nice but I instantly want to say "but I don't feel it" it's because of the fact that I can't get my face to cool down that I look so 'glowing' but if I say anything I just sound even more whingey!

Well done on the baby clothes and nearly 37 weeks! How exciting! X
Oh girls I feel ur pain I'm. 35 tomoro and I swear I really can't wait till it's all over lol... I swear walking talking even just generally doing anything is a nitemare bit even just sitting down can b uncomfortable so u can't blooming win lol... Oh and my piles seem to hav gotten worse... Are some of them ment to feel kinda hard sorry if that's tmi... . Most of mine felt kinda soft before lol x
Oh Suffolk, you poor thing. I can totally sympathise. Got myself a grabber off eBay for a fiver, and it changed my life! I can now pick up stuff off the floor without bending, put washing in and out of the machine, and it is fab! Only took one day to arrive too. Would defo recommend. Even if it looks like something your granny would use, lol.

Also, if it helps, my pain has got a little better this week. Not a lot, but enough to make me feel I can cope. No longer crying with agony every day. Might be the osteopath that has helped, or just coincidence.

I also got a cleaner 2 weeks ago, so doing less housework and stressing less about living in filth, lol!

Hope yours does improve, but remember there are some little things you can try to help it do so. Paracetamol 4 times a day also takes the edge off.

Ooh, a grabber sounds like a plan. Will be doing some shopping tomorrow I think!

I tried to book an appt with the physio today, but they didn't want to answer their phone. Definitely need this pelvis looking at before I go into labour.

A cleaner sounds like a fab idea! Is it very expensive? We have a property inspection by the letting agent next week and I'm feeling rather overwhelmed with the amount of housework and general tidying I've got to do.

I tend to avoid medication during pregnancy, even simple painkillers. Just one of those daft things lol.
fao, what an eventful 24hrs! Glad you are home now and things are looking good.

Sally, I can't believe that about the carpet! On the plus side, at least baby is staying inside, so hopefully the nursery will be ready in time.

I've officially had enough of being pregnant now. The SPD is manageable during the day, but agony at night. Last night, my son was very needy for some unknown reason and wanted to sleep with us. He likes the edge of the bed and to be next to me, so there I was stuck in the middle and having to ask hubby to get out whenever I wanted a pee lol. My pelvis was absolutely killing me because I didn't want to disturb my son by turning over constantly. All I can say is, I'm so glad we have a superking size bed else there's no way we'd have all fit, including my massive maternity pillow lol.

I'm so sick of having a strong urge to pee half the time, then going to the loo and a pathetic amount comes out. I couldn't win a pissing contest with a grasshopper right now lol, baby has squashed my bladder to the size of a pea!

I get breathless if I do barely anything, my back kills me when I try to load/empty the dishwasher and I walk like I'm dragging a couple of boulders attached to my legs lol. Oh and I dare not kneel down on the floor for any reason, otherwise I have to crawl over to something to pull myself up or call hubby for help!

Our new car might be ready this weekend and it won't be a moment too soon. I can no longer lift my leg over the sill on our 4x4 lol!

Three and a half weeks to go, I can make it lol! :D

Oh Hun, I'm sorry for laughing but I just want you to know how much you cheered me up with this. The pee issue - I've just gone four times in fifteen minutes with little trickles! I barely slept for lower pelvis pain last night, I had to tell my friend I could talk to her during a walk to the shop at her work today so she had to do the talking first - I couldn't breathe lol! And I just nearly toppled over trying to pick something up! Like I say I'm sorry for the laughing at the grasshopper pissing contest but I'm so pleased, or not, that my body is behaving like others at the moment. Not long left! If anyone says that to me again I'll shoot them!!! Xx

How dare you laugh at my suffering! ;) Nah, if you don't laugh, you'll cry lol. Got to take the piss out of ourselves sometimes (no pun intended). :D
Oh girls I feel ur pain I'm. 35 tomoro and I swear I really can't wait till it's all over lol... I swear walking talking even just generally doing anything is a nitemare bit even just sitting down can b uncomfortable so u can't blooming win lol... Oh and my piles seem to hav gotten worse... Are some of them ment to feel kinda hard sorry if that's tmi... . Most of mine felt kinda soft before lol x

I'm the reverse - the last couple of days my stools have been quite soft and I've had very little notice when needing to go lol.

With my last pregnancy, I was badly constipated towards the end though, and I ended up having an impacted stool. Not something I ever want to experience again!

I've been taking chlorella tablets for a couple of months and I think this has made a huge improvement with my bowels as I'm prone to constipation generally. If I miss a dose for a couple of days, I find I don't go as often and the stools are firmer.

If you've got piles, they will unfortunately feel worse as the pressure and blood flow down there increases. Are you able to use anything on them, like anusol? That's what I used when I got a big one after having my son, but I don't know if it's recommended during pregnancy.
Omg 37 weeks tomorrow and I feel it! I totally sympathise on the peeing it's disappointing when you get a trickle after feeling like u have at least two pints worth!!!

My last day at work tomorrow and will be counting the hours! I got told I looked sexy too hahaha!!!

I'm finding it tough that people think I look great etc etc but they assume that I feel great!!! I still get hot flushes galore and my pubic bone feels like it may crack when I get up or walk I'm just good at getting on so work people take it for granted!!!

On a plus I washed all the baby clothes looked super cute on the wash line and just need to pack my bag for the big day!!! Convinced I'll be late but oh doesn't agree lol x

I'm getting the hot flushes too! My pelvis sometimes makes this really unpleasant squelching sound when I get out of bed or sit on the toilet lol.

My baby clothes are mostly washed and ready, just waiting on some baby coat hangers to arrive from ikea so I can hang them in the wardrobe.

My instinct was right with my son - I thought I'd be early and hubby said I'd be late lol.
If you've got piles, they will unfortunately feel worse as the pressure and blood flow down there increases. Are you able to use anything on them, like anusol? That's what I used when I got a big one after having my son, but I don't know if it's recommended during pregnancy.[/QUOTE]

Yea they're not massive it anything but just feel fleshy round the old bum lol... One feels a little harder like a pea... The Dr gav me the anusol cream but I think the pessaries wud b much better for shrinking the wee buggers I swear pregnancy is so glamorous x
Oh Suffolk, you poor thing. I can totally sympathise. Got myself a grabber off eBay for a fiver, and it changed my life! I can now pick up stuff off the floor without bending, put washing in and out of the machine, and it is fab! Only took one day to arrive too. Would defo recommend. Even if it looks like something your granny would use, lol.

Also, if it helps, my pain has got a little better this week. Not a lot, but enough to make me feel I can cope. No longer crying with agony every day. Might be the osteopath that has helped, or just coincidence.

I also got a cleaner 2 weeks ago, so doing less housework and stressing less about living in filth, lol!

Hope yours does improve, but remember there are some little things you can try to help it do so. Paracetamol 4 times a day also takes the edge off.

Ooh, a grabber sounds like a plan. Will be doing some shopping tomorrow I think!

I tried to book an appt with the physio today, but they didn't want to answer their phone. Definitely need this pelvis looking at before I go into labour.

A cleaner sounds like a fab idea! Is it very expensive? We have a property inspection by the letting agent next week and I'm feeling rather overwhelmed with the amount of housework and general tidying I've got to do.

I tend to avoid medication during pregnancy, even simple painkillers. Just one of those daft things lol.

I pay £10 per hour and they come once a week for 3 hours. Best 30 quid I ever spent!

I felt like that about painkillers then read about it and just got in so much pain that it was not worth being a martyr. Seriously, within a few weeks of birth you will be dishing out calpol for baby when it has its vaccinations. Some paracetamol now will not harm baby. Being in so much pain, stressing about how much pain you are in, and generally feeling so miserable is more harmful to baby in my view. I'm not saying take heroin, but paracetamol is safe and can really help you cope better. I gave in and feel so much better for it and so silly for holding out so long and struggling and suffering. You are not daft, but in terms of risk/benefit analysis, sometimes the drugs win! I draw the line at codeine, but others with SPD take it, but that is my threshold.

Re pelvis, if you can get it aligned properly both before and after labour, that is optimum for pain management and prevention of longer term pelvic problems post birth. Physio, chiropractor, osteopath - whatever you can get! Also no drugs involved, lol.
I take paracetamol for my headaches but they do not help my pelvic pain! Mine sounds odd though - it's so low down at the pubic bone on the left side, it's agony on a night. I saw a physio in feb but I've just put up with it getting worse. My physio (not hands on physio) said I can't do any more damage to it by moving it and I'm terms of labour she was only bothered about the width you can open your legs! It's all very strange. Hope I'm not causing more problems by erm, moving! I'm worried it's going to be so painful in labour but midwife didn't seem to think that pain would be the problem!
Oh Suffolk, you poor thing. I can totally sympathise. Got myself a grabber off eBay for a fiver, and it changed my life! I can now pick up stuff off the floor without bending, put washing in and out of the machine, and it is fab! Only took one day to arrive too. Would defo recommend. Even if it looks like something your granny would use, lol.

Also, if it helps, my pain has got a little better this week. Not a lot, but enough to make me feel I can cope. No longer crying with agony every day. Might be the osteopath that has helped, or just coincidence.

I also got a cleaner 2 weeks ago, so doing less housework and stressing less about living in filth, lol!

Hope yours does improve, but remember there are some little things you can try to help it do so. Paracetamol 4 times a day also takes the edge off.

Ooh, a grabber sounds like a plan. Will be doing some shopping tomorrow I think!

I tried to book an appt with the physio today, but they didn't want to answer their phone. Definitely need this pelvis looking at before I go into labour.

A cleaner sounds like a fab idea! Is it very expensive? We have a property inspection by the letting agent next week and I'm feeling rather overwhelmed with the amount of housework and general tidying I've got to do.

I tend to avoid medication during pregnancy, even simple painkillers. Just one of those daft things lol.

I pay £10 per hour and they come once a week for 3 hours. Best 30 quid I ever spent!

I felt like that about painkillers then read about it and just got in so much pain that it was not worth being a martyr. Seriously, within a few weeks of birth you will be dishing out calpol for baby when it has its vaccinations. Some paracetamol now will not harm baby. Being in so much pain, stressing about how much pain you are in, and generally feeling so miserable is more harmful to baby in my view. I'm not saying take heroin, but paracetamol is safe and can really help you cope better. I gave in and feel so much better for it and so silly for holding out so long and struggling and suffering. You are not daft, but in terms of risk/benefit analysis, sometimes the drugs win! I draw the line at codeine, but others with SPD take it, but that is my threshold.

Re pelvis, if you can get it aligned properly both before and after labour, that is optimum for pain management and prevention of longer term pelvic problems post birth. Physio, chiropractor, osteopath - whatever you can get! Also no drugs involved, lol.

I've got quite a high pain threshold and so has hubby, so we often don't even have paracetamol in the house. Plus I prefer ibuprofen although I can't use it while pregnant of course. I'm going to book my physio appt today, once I've had that I expect I'll feel more comfortable.

Funnily enough, I found using an amber necklace prevented any need to give my son calpol. He never needed his first dose until he was gone 3 and had tonsilitis! We've been lucky that he's never really been ill until starting nursery, which is also the time he stopped nursing. I'm not a fan of treating fever with paracetamol unless it's absolutely necessary as it's generally beneficial, plus it drives me potty seeing parents give their kids calpol if they so much as whimper. We also use a supermarket brand as calpol is full of E numbers and other nasties (goodness knows why they put all this junk in kids products!).

I'll look into a local cleaner. It's a bit of an expense, but only temporary, although I suspect I will get used to the luxury rather quickly! :D
I take paracetamol for my headaches but they do not help my pelvic pain! Mine sounds odd though - it's so low down at the pubic bone on the left side, it's agony on a night. I saw a physio in feb but I've just put up with it getting worse. My physio (not hands on physio) said I can't do any more damage to it by moving it and I'm terms of labour she was only bothered about the width you can open your legs! It's all very strange. Hope I'm not causing more problems by erm, moving! I'm worried it's going to be so painful in labour but midwife didn't seem to think that pain would be the problem!

I was advised to use a cold compress to help with the pain, does this work for you at all?

My pain is all over now, but the worst area is my right side at the back. It goes stiff if I stay in one position for more than 10 minutes, so you can imagine after a couple of hours in bed I'm in agony lol. When I get up in the night to pee, I nearly collapse as soon as I bear weight on that side, so I have to sit in the bed and wiggle my hips a bit first to wake it up!

I also get horrible sharp shooting pains in my groin if I dare move the wrong way. I know from my last physio visit that it's because my right side is weaker and the left is trying to compensate for the added weight which bloody hurts lol.

I was worse last time though and didn't give two hoots about it during labour. Hopefully you'll be the same.

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