* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Hey all,

Hope everyone is well. I've had a manic couple of weeks with the Easter holidays and then I've been without a phone as charger broke!!

Sounds like everyone's suffering with aches and pains now! I think I'm still feeling pretty good considering but def starting to feel tired now.
I had midwife appointment yesterday and was a bit concerned as measuring at 33. So she seeing me next next week to see if there's a change. I've always been quite small but bump has def grown a lot in the last 2-3 weeks.

Still feel as though I've got lots to do but think we've got everything just need to start in my washing! There's lots of it! Lol. Xxxx
Oh yea and a massive congratulations to Gemma your little boy is gorgeous. Are you our first May mummy? Xxxx
Was at my Dr app today all good baby's head still free tho so I was wondering shud I start n my gym ball I'm 35 weeks today x
Angelone is it your first? Im still free too but know on subsequent pregnancies babies can engage at anytime right up until labour. I'm sure having a bounce will only help but not sure from what time it's recommended you can't do it too early but I have been thinking about getting mine out over the next week to give it a go. Xxx
No this is my fourth ha ha... So cud hav a right wait lol... All mine came at 38 weeks so I'm really hoping this be follows suit or I swear I'll b up the walls I really hat being pregnant ha ha xx
I take paracetamol for my headaches but they do not help my pelvic pain! Mine sounds odd though - it's so low down at the pubic bone on the left side, it's agony on a night. I saw a physio in feb but I've just put up with it getting worse. My physio (not hands on physio) said I can't do any more damage to it by moving it and I'm terms of labour she was only bothered about the width you can open your legs! It's all very strange. Hope I'm not causing more problems by erm, moving! I'm worried it's going to be so painful in labour but midwife didn't seem to think that pain would be the problem!

I was advised to use a cold compress to help with the pain, does this work for you at all?

My pain is all over now, but the worst area is my right side at the back. It goes stiff if I stay in one position for more than 10 minutes, so you can imagine after a couple of hours in bed I'm in agony lol. When I get up in the night to pee, I nearly collapse as soon as I bear weight on that side, so I have to sit in the bed and wiggle my hips a bit first to wake it up!

I also get horrible sharp shooting pains in my groin if I dare move the wrong way. I know from my last physio visit that it's because my right side is weaker and the left is trying to compensate for the added weight which bloody hurts lol.

I was worse last time though and didn't give two hoots about it during labour. Hopefully you'll be the same.

No I haven't tried anything cold - I'll give that a go! Thanks! I feel sick with the pain in bed and when I get up if I've been sat for too long - I can't wait not to have to brace myself and do the hobble! Luckily it's not too bad during the day!

I'd consider myself to have a high pain threshold too, but not for headaches - they don't go without paracetamol - I've tried - doesn't happen! I don't like taking it during pregnancy but there's no reason to worry about it (or so I've been told!) so I just take them when I need them.

Yeah I do just presume that labour will be so painful that I won't care about odd but it's just something at the back of my mind, like my pelvis will totally come apart or something lol x
Ladies I've felt like a different lady since seeing an osteopath, as long as I'm sensible during the day and not doing to much I have no where near as much pain as before. Paracetamol didn't touch my back/hip pain.
Deffo feeling tired now though, I have a day and a half a work next week and I am done! Thank goodness!
Can't wait to get washing baby's clothing and stuff! Xx
No this is my fourth ha ha... So cud hav a right wait lol... All mine came at 38 weeks so I'm really hoping this be follows suit or I swear I'll b up the walls I really hat being pregnant ha ha xx

So plenty of time for baby to engage. This is my third but sure both by boys were engaged by now but not going to worry about that at the mo. The less pressure down there the better! Lol

Hopefully baby wont be keeping you much longer then could be here in m3 weeks how exciting :-) I think I'm the only person I know that doesn't want baby to come early! I do got to much to do. Lol. Xxx
Glad to hear your feeling better jazzy :-) I've been thinking about washing babies clothes too. Not sure when to do it? Don't want to do it too early but knowing me il end up not getting it done because I've left it too late. Xxx
Vic and Suffolk mum, try alternating cold compress (Frozen peas in a tea towel) with a heated wheat bag or hot water bottle.

You also might find crutches give you that little bit of extra support to take some weight off your legs/hips. Ask the physio for them.
Lol sinead ... I hav been counting down the days til my due date from the pregnancy test ha ha... I just don't enjoy pregnancy and this is def the last time I swear really hate it lol... I just get to b such a moan... My tummy feels like it can't expand any more too lol.... Hers hoping this wee man doesn't keep me waiting coz my last wee boy was nearly nine pounds and he was born at 38 weeks lol x
Wow that is a good weight for 2 weeks early! Hope he doesn't keep you waiting much longer. I thought I enjoyed pregnancy but I haven't this time round so much. Will def miss it though as this will also be my last also :-( xxx
My last day at work today! Thank goodness, am utterly shattered :) I have my leaving party at lunchtime too, can't wait.
Vic and Suffolk mum, try alternating cold compress (Frozen peas in a tea towel) with a heated wheat bag or hot water bottle.

You also might find crutches give you that little bit of extra support to take some weight off your legs/hips. Ask the physio for them.

Thanks fao - I'll do that with the cold/hot compress. Personally I'm not bad enough for crutches as I don't work so I've really got away with it. When I go out and do anything it's so much worse so I can imagine I'd be that crutches person if I'd been having to work the last few months. I'm so lucky, my hips feel as they did before pregnancy!

Had to move to my parents last night for a while (they're not here!) because of our extension stuff. Kingsize bed! Slept so much better - didn't turn as much so pelvis hurt less. No stairs either!

Got scan this afternoon to check baby's position. Will let you all know how it goes! x
Anno he cud be an 11lber if I go over sinead ha ha... It's funny ow some people just relish being preg and other hate it lol... I just can't wait to hav my wee man here and never b pregnant again I honestly don't think theres anything il miss apart from no periods lol x
Have fun on your last day :-) Vic hope all goes well with the scan today and glad to hear you had a better nights sleep. Xxx
Been adding people on fb based on the fact fb has suggested names and we have may mummy mutual friends, but not sure who everyone is with regards to real names & forum names, ha ha! I'm Lucy Trist. If I haven't found you yet please also feel free to add me. Xx
yay kauto! have a lovely last day at work! mine is ext Thursday so cant wait!

feeling a bit pants today, bit crampy and floaty. x
Had a scan yesterday at 36+1 and they've predicted his weight to be currently 8lb 2oz...that's heavier already than my daughter who was 8lb 1oz at birth! With 4 weeks till my due date I've got my fingers crossed that it's inaccurate!

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