* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

I agree cherry 36 weeks comes operation evict will commence! so if anyone has some good suggestions....

though I nearly shat myself when I just woke up to a massive spider outline on my curtains, to find it was in the lining, cue half naked lady flinging curtains out the window shrieking - some entertainment for the recycling men! x
Huge congratulations to Gemma! Has made it all very real. Very odd that we could have them any time! 37 weeks today for me, can't quite believe it! I'm starting to symptom spot for labour though which I totally did not want to start doing lol! I have had lots of random things over the weekend like throwing up etc and then everyone saying thats a sign! Anyways back to work today. Don't finish until a week Friday so prob best she hangs on a bit longer, I also have a hair appointment on Friday so need to make that, hehe! xxxxx
Awww wish I was brave enough for operation evict the baby to commence, I just can't risk shortening my labour as I need minimum 4hour IV antibiotics, or baby will need approx 24hr IV when he/she arrives
I'm excited to start operation evict in a couple of weeks. Breastpump and raspberry leaf tea at the ready ;) I've got the health visitor coming today at 1pm, no idea how long she'll be here for. I was going to have a major clean up before she came but just couldn't muster the enthusiasm ;) Flat is half clean so that'll have to do! X
Anyone know how emma and baby Maia are getting on after the scary start they had? Xxx
I want baby to stay in there until 37 weeks so I can have my home birth, but after that he's welcome to come out anytime! :D

Did have a minor panic last night though. Was woken up from a dream at about 3am by a really strong Braxton hicks, the most intense I've had yet. Had two more, all about 12 minutes apart, which is how my last labour started! Wasn't too fooled though, I'd had false labour in the last couple of weeks before having my son so I know what to look out for this time lol.
Lucy, I've no idea how Emma is getting on, hope she's alright. :/

How did it go with the HV?
Had my 36 wk appointment. It was an extended appointment to discuss birth plan but the stand in (really good) midwife had booked it and when I saw midwife today (registered one) she asked if I'd been to the parenting class and when I said yes, she said that they usually don't book appointments to discuss birth plan as it's all done there. I still asked questions but she certainly didn't read over my 'wishes' as it were, but I'm guessing a) it isn't the done thing, despite being called a 'discussion' and b) it doesn't matter as it's the midwives in hospital that need to be concerned with it!!!

Anyway, baby's heartbeat fine, as are bp and urine check. But - the feeling for baby's position! Couldn't feel the head at all! She prodded about for twice as long as usual and the huge lump on the right of my belly button confused her. She then pressed low down and dug her nails in during the process! Erm ouch! She didn't say anything for about 2 minutes then said "I think I'm going to send you for a scan!" Not, I can't find the baby's head, I'll send you for a scan, just the scan bit! I knew she'd been rummaging about too long! She either thinks the head is fully engaged or baby is free again and head is so far back she can't feel it at all. The heartbeat was on the other side so think baby has done a complete turn round. Definitely not breech but she just wants to check. It's funny because obviously baby could move and might already have done now, Nevermind by Friday! But I suppose the point is she has to check because if baby doesn't move by 38wks she'll have the same problem! She got me to take a deep breath and she pressed low down again. It's a good job my pelvic pain is my pubic bone not higher! The nails dug in so much I was so uncomfortable. So my whole bump aches now. Scan is Friday afternoon so we'll see. I'm shocked I'll get to see baby again for the first time since the 23rd of December! I've also gone from being 1cm behind at the last 3 appts to 1cm ahead so 37cm this time - 4cm in 2 weeks (must be position!)

I'm not worried about scan, just think it's all a bit odd. She was so thrown by it all x
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She'd love me, my baby was still totally free last week at 37+2, and had only turned from breech at 36w, nice you get another scan though hun :-)
Lol. She genuinely looked as if it doesn't happen much, no head lol, you have to laugh! Yes I certainly didn't think I'd be one to have another sneaky peek at bubs! X
Lol good point. It'll be strange to see what a nearly 37 week scan looks like. I'm guessing it'll just be a quick one though. I'll have to remind them I don't want to see bits! Lol x
lol. It's not as if baby doesn't have a head! midwives hey! at least you get to see baby again, although I'm not sure how much you would see on a screen now!
my midwife said she would phone me Sunday to go through the paperwork she forgot at my 34 week appointment...guess what no phone call. she didn't even write anything in my notes apart from the fundal height, and the boxes of stats.
booo! not looking forward to work tomorrow, more waddling up and down endless hospital corridors! x
Did Gemma end up having a csection?

I don't do FB!

I think they broke her waters after two pessaries failed to do the job on their own, but I believe she wasn't scheduled for c-section until today (unless there was an emergency).

Lovely healthy little fella and a good weight. Hopefully she'll be along with the details soon. :)

Ahh, I hope it all went smoothly for her, either way.
Vic the scan won't be too clear at this stage but they can avoid the "bits" my last one was 36+5 and we still didn't find out, the sonographer changed the darkness on the scan so that only bones showed when she was in that area x
I had quite a few growth scans, last one 2 weeks ago. You can't make anything out on the screen as baby is too big to fit, so only the bits they measure are looked at, ie femur, head and belly. Even then they just look like blobby shapes.
36 weeks on sat ... Ahh the birth is coming quickly !! I haven't had any Braxton hicks at all ? Is this normal at this stage !?
Baby really active and on my bladder all the time , sometimes I get twinges and shooting pain down below lol !! Baby's feet under ribs all the time too , it really makes them ache lol ... At least I'm on maternity leave now :) I started on my pregnancy ball a few days ago ... Does anyone know how often we are suppose to bounce each day ..

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