* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

No can't get courtesy car, I'm just gonna call an ambulance when I need it, leave the motor till I can be arsed lol.
Mean while if I call the aa out daily it's there fault for having me get repaired the wrong sodding problem haha.

Mean while in peanut world i've been getting tightenings now for 3 days but that's about it lol, nothing more exciting, baby is gonna be in a good while longer yet! X
Oh sproglett the car stuff sounds an absolute nightmare :( Just what you don't need right now. I've always found dealers to be a total pain in the arse and just used a local garage at half the cost. I had trouble with my car cutting out a few years ago and the local garage and aa diagnostics couldn't pick up a problem so sent me to the dealer who informed me I needed something complicated doing which they were gonna charge £300+ for. I asked the local garage how much they'd charge for the same job and it was half the price! Battled with the dealer to come down on price and get it done and then when I had the car back it still did the exact same thing on me! Went back yet again and they said 'oh well it could just be the battery' which it was! Was so cross as I'd spent money I couldn't afford on a repair which it seems I didn't need! Never trusted them since then. It's frustrating though when they're the only ones who have the right computer (not that it helped in my case, I think they just invented a problem!). Xx
Oh dear cherry, he does sound a bit depressed doesn't he, that's how I am when I feel like that, just want to hide in bed all day. I really hope he perks up a bit before baby comes as like the other ladies say, you'll need him there for you both physically and mentally at the birth and afterwards. I wonder if he's just feeling a bit overwhelmed and frightened about it all? My hubby has been fine until the last week or so and now keeps getting really scared about the whole labour thing. I'm trying to reassure him but as time goes by I'm feeling the same! Xx
Oh I'm sorry about the hubby Cherry - maybe he does need to talk to someone but I can only imagine how difficult it is to try to get him to talk. He could be worried about how near the baby is to arriving etc. On a lighter note I'm so pleased my hubby isn't an x box kind of guy!!!

That's awful about the car Sproglett :(

I keep checking Gemma's labour thread like a crazy person lol

I've had a good weekend but I'm so tired and had a struggle with pelvis on Saturday - but we had a lovely day out! Got a nice small chest of drawers and some storage baskets for nursery so that's pretty much done. It'll not look tidy for a bit yet but at least we're all ready for baby. Don't think I'll ever be prepared for labour of the huge change we're about to go through. I'm almost less excited than I was, and it doesn't help that others are "so excited!!!!" Lol meow! X
sorry to hear everyone seems to be having a nightmare weekend!
I agree what other people have suggested sproglett maybe you can take it to an independent garage after the main dealer tells you what's wrong with it and get the work done cheaper.

I've been a bit up and down today, oh was whining at me to get out the house coz apparently I had a pj day yesterday ( the fact that I spent the day completing my dissertation doesn't seem to count!) so I got in the car and he decided that going to b&q and homebase just to look around would be good....cue me refusing to get out the car and then burst into tears. ended up more positively with a cream tea after I explained how visiting retail parks is not fun when you don't have any decorating to do! but quickly got grumpy again when he decided we should visit his parents for the thrid time this weekend. urgh!

anyways, I'm now tucked up in bed on the receiving end of fanny daggers galore, feeling like I might pee myself (just pressure related I guess) and got sore boobs again - not as bad as tri 1 though.

I was feeling quite chilled and excited about labour until I watched obem tonight - they all seemed hard work and whoppers! x
Aww Jasmine, sorry you haven't had a great day. You did so well finishing your dissertation yesterday, you deserve to chill a bit. xxx
I'm sure she won't mind :)

Well done on your dissertation Jazzy, that def doesn't count as a pj day!

I've spoken to my oh a bit and he's admitted he's feeling low which I guess is a start. He's now asleep again lol.. Went into the city shopping earlier and it was horrid. Really crowded and I was getting bad pains so had to keep sitting down which stopped the pain straight away each time. One time I'd just sat down and some old woman came and sat next to me and started to light a cig so I got straight back up! Was pleased when I got back to the car!!

Back to work tomorrow :( only nine working days to go :) xxx
Feel like need a bit I a moan I'm so uncomfortable these days bh seem to b getting more and more frequent and more and ore uncomfortable I was sout all day today and just had so much pain and baby seems so high... Just getting so fed up of being pregnant just want this lill man to b here so I can stop moaning lol... Just feel like life stops a but in the run up to he birth ... Also despite it being my fourth baby I'm still pooping it for the birth lol xx
Lovely news about Gemma!

Oh jazzy you did so well to finish that dissertation yesterday. Hardly a pj day! Tut tut! At least your up and down day is over and you're tucked up in bed! I've been feeling like I need the loo all the time but barely pee when I go. Ditto with the sore boobs!

Sounds like a bit of progress with oh there Cherry and not much longer at work for you :)

Angelone that's how I've felt today - just fed up. Really want to enjoy these last few weeks but so uncomfortable. I too feel like baby is high up as I keep getting big lumps up there! Back or bum I think! Also feel pain lower down so there's no escaping it! So much for baby dropping! My baby app informed me that I'll have more pain and pressure in pelvis but the upside is that I can now breathe more easily - Erm no! Still have both problems at the same time!!!

Yes I watched OBEM too - whoppers is the exactly the word! "I want an epidural and a Caesarian" I shouldn't have laughed but it was just the way she kept saying it! The last girl seemed like a trooper!!!
Lol Vic it's such a dilemma for us isn't it nothing at this stage is pleasurable m exactly the same when he's sticking his butt under my boobs he's also stretching below too lol.. I think I'm gonna hav to jus hibernate these last lot of weeks lol... I have had all my children a 38 weeks so to go over that this time wud b awful lol xc
This is what the forums have told us to do and the independent garages haven't found or fixed the problem (has been seen now by 4 independent mechanics and 2 AA recovery guys and plugged into 3 different diagnostic machines) seems main dealer is the last and only option :-(

That sounds so frustrating!
Vic, me too with the bladder and pelvis bouncing as well as the rib pushing and strong BH. I feel sad though that I will miss my bump when it is gone! Much as I want my body back to stop having so much back pain, I currently love my big round tum! It will be all flabby and saggy when baby is out :sad:

Having said that, baby is making me quite uncomfy so I know he wants out soon. In fact today it felt like he was clawing his way out by himself, lol!
Did Gemma end up having a csection?

I don't do FB!

Cherry, sorry to hear about OH. Depression or not, he does need to think about you. Apols if that sounds harsh, but it is his responsibility to get help for himself ( if he needs this), and to help and support you as a partner and father. Hope he realises this before it is too late. I have spent half the weekend rowing with my selfish OH so prob not very objective today, lol!
Lol Vic it's such a dilemma for us isn't it nothing at this stage is pleasurable m exactly the same when he's sticking his butt under my boobs he's also stretching below too lol.. I think I'm gonna hav to jus hibernate these last lot of weeks lol... I have had all my children a 38 weeks so to go over that this time wud b awful lol xc

lol, fingers crossed it's a 38 weeker then, having Jacob at 34 and being told I was high risk for prem labour I expected my lo to be here by now, currently 38+3 and no signs (had tightenings but no pains for 3 days now but nothing substantial) this one is in for the long haul lol, can see me going over due and I already feel like I am just because I was high risk hahaha.

This is my last pregnancy though so I'm enjoying every minute, I love my bump and have been very fortunate that I'm not uncomfortable which is surprising as they think baby is a whopper lol. 11 days till due date - reckon I'll go 6over! X

Did Gemma end up having a csection?

Not sure if she went natural or section, hopefully she'll be back on soon enough to let us know the ins and outs, I know she had her waters broke and was having strong contractions.
Sorry to hear you've been having trouble with your oh too fao - men are on a different planet I swear. Mines been a lot better since we got home, I think maybe being away with my fam stressed him out. We'll see.

I agree with you all about the struggle that is the last few weeks of pregnancy! I'm only 35 weeks but get a lot of pain now if I walk too far and am so uncomfortable at night time. Ready for it to be over now!! Even googled it to check she'd be ok if born now lol.. I'm def going on operation evict in a couple of weeks xxx
lol, fingers crossed it's a 38 weeker then, having Jacob at 34 and being told I was high risk for prem labour I expected my lo to be here by now, currently 38+3 and no signs (had tightenings but no pains for 3 days now but nothing substantial) this one is in for the long haul lol, can see me going over due and I already feel like I am just because I was high risk hahaha.

This is my last pregnancy though so I'm enjoying every minute, I love my bump and have been very fortunate that I'm not uncomfortable which is surprising as they think baby is a whopper lol. 11 days till due date - reckon I'll go 6over! X

I really hope it is another 38 weeker I think as my heart is set on it because the others came then I was just b awful not to lol... I'm such a moan I swear I don't no how my hubby is putting up wi me all I go non about is this being over lol...
I agree with you all about the struggle that is the last few weeks of pregnancy! I'm only 35 weeks but get a lot of pain now if I walk too far and am so uncomfortable at night time. Ready for it to be over now!! Even googled it to check she'd be ok if born now lol.. I'm def going on operation evict in a couple of weeks xxx[/QUOTE]

Lol I keep doing hat too.. How soon is too soon ha ha.. I'll be acting my pineapple from 37 weeks and hoping it sets me off again and gonna give clary sage a go too sure not ha ha x
Did Gemma end up having a csection?

I don't do FB!

I think they broke her waters after two pessaries failed to do the job on their own, but I believe she wasn't scheduled for c-section until today (unless there was an emergency).

Lovely healthy little fella and a good weight. Hopefully she'll be along with the details soon. :)

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