* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Aww lovely news cherry, congrats to your sister.

I had a fun night last night, baby had been really quiet all day so I tried a cold drink, a bath and just chilling out, still nothing, rang triage and they told me to go in, in true baby style we got there and the midwife had a prod and a poke to find baby's position, have him/her a wiggle and then he/she wouldn't keep still lol, they kept me on the monitor for about 45mins/1 hour, to keep an eye on baby, heart beat was anywhere between 150 & 180 as he/she was being a wiggle bum, also the machine was recognising regular tightenings (although these are not at all painful so only probably Braxton hicks) fingers crossed though it won't be too much longer, 38+1 and cannot wait to meet my baby now. Although it's definitely my last so at the same time I know I'm going to miss my bump, I'm not uncomfortable or eager to not be pregnant, would just be nice to know what I'm having now lol x
Aww lovely news cherry, congrats to your sister.

I had a fun night last night, baby had been really quiet all day so I tried a cold drink, a bath and just chilling out, still nothing, rang triage and they told me to go in, in true baby style we got there and the midwife had a prod and a poke to find baby's position, have him/her a wiggle and then he/she wouldn't keep still lol, they kept me on the monitor for about 45mins/1 hour, to keep an eye on baby, heart beat was anywhere between 150 & 180 as he/she was being a wiggle bum, also the machine was recognising regular tightenings (although these are not at all painful so only probably Braxton hicks) fingers crossed though it won't be too much longer, 38+1 and cannot wait to meet my baby now. Although it's definitely my last so at the same time I know I'm going to miss my bump, I'm not uncomfortable or eager to not be pregnant, would just be nice to know what I'm having now lol x

In guessing girl :-) glad alls well xx
Ooh Sprog! Pleased all is ok and hopefully not long now. Yes I thought girl when you mentioned the heart rate haha.

Happy Easter everyone! Enjoy the chocolate!

36 weeks today - it's amazing how these Sundays keep appearing! xx
Lovely news Cherry and what a nice age gap for your kiddies.

Sorry you had a bit of a scare Sally, but glad all is OK.

I feel so bored lately, time is crawling. My bump feels so heavy and my SPD is making me so sore that I have trouble moving about. It's hard work looking after my 3yr old because he wants me to be active all the time lol and it doesn't help that he hasn't even been able to go to nursery for two weeks because of the Easter holiday. I've been overcome by extreme tiredness for the last few days as well, just wish I could enjoy a nap in the afternoons but hubby is working.

I'm at the stage now that I can't really make any plans for the next few weeks in case baby makes an appearance. We were hoping to take a trip to the zoo, but I not sure I'll feel like waddling around for several hours lol. Plus I want to stay close to home in case I labour even faster than last time lol!

Hope you're all enjoying your Easter anyway. I've had too much chocolate as usual and am regretting it now lol. Time for a healthy lunch I think as this morning has been nothing but yorkie bars and pringles!
Lol @ girl guessed, didn't think the heart beat made any difference this late on, plus my
DS was between 160 & 200 when I was in labour. And usually stated similar to this one durning pregnancy. Only time will tell hey.
Aww Rebecca I know what you mean about time crawling so can't wait to meet this baby x
Glad all was ok sprog :) naughty baby lol I was opposite baby was very very active from around 5 ish to wen I went o bed at 11 ish so much so it was hurting me real bad , braxtons are getting worse by the day starting in bk going round to front n down legs getting palps a lot n gonna do my strep b test this week get it sent off I will stress less once I have this test done n have results bk , i am still getting real bad round ligament pain surely I can't grow much more I'm about to pop :/ got asked am I having twins ! WTf piss off how cheeky can ppl be grrrrr , can't wait to meet my baby but a couple more weeks cooking will be best for baby :) then il be ahoy to get baby out one way or another xxx happy easter ladies xxx
Happy Easter ladies! I'm holding out opening my Easter egg till I have a bath later! (Something about eating chocolate in the bath!)

Firstly....just finished my dissertation, ready to print and bind and hand in on Tuesday! Woop woop!
Having back and hips pains today and yesterday, he keeps head butting my bladder - I wonder if it's baby starting to drop?! Couldn't get comfy last night, had to sleep half sitting up to get get pressure off my hips! Bump feels rather hard today.

Jojo - baby movement are hurting me too, he keeps pushing his feet on my right side and pushing his bum out by my belly button like he's having a good stretch and straightening his legs, really feels uncomfortable! I think he's got his knees up by my ribs.
Suffolk - house arrest!
Sproglett - ah cheeky baby playing you up like that!

Well done on finishing your dissertation Jasmine! Must be nice to have that out of the way and you can now relax and wait for baby.

This baby has been trying to burst out of my stomach too. It's freaky seeing one side of me pushed right out and then something knobbly in the opposite corner lol. I'd love to know what it is (an elbow?), I give it a gentle rub when I feel it and he pops it out of the way again lol!
Awww fao fingers crosse it's a clear out, you never know.
lol at you DS not wanting to share her birthday, there's always Monday, will just have to keep your legs crossed for the time being lol.

I had a call of my sons genes consultant on Thursday. (he had tests started back in January they said they'd take a a hile to come back and to expect them early may) he's been diagnosed with a condition called noonans syndrome which we know very little about, we also know very little about how much it will effect him physically (facial features) as well as mentally (development and learning) as it can range, only time will tell, baby will obviously now be tested when he/she is here and both myself and my DH will be tested too. I didn't really take much of the call in if I'm honest so waiting on the letter through the post to get full diagnosis and next steps.

Thanks hun. Although now the old bowels are back to normal!! Like you really wanted to know that, lol!!! Baby moving more today though. And BH feeling more uncomfy so I think it is slowly slowly gearing up. Could take the 2 weeks to get there though I spose.

Good to hear you got a diagnosis for Jacob. That often helps things fall into place as you can much better understand what you are dealing with and what help or treatment he might need in the future. Knowledge is power and all that. Hope it helps you in the long term.
Cherry, what lovely news! It sounds like you are having a really nice weekend.

Sprog, sorry to hear about your scare. Glad all is OK now.

And everyone with belly bursting comments - I totally sympathise!!
I know this is totally off subject but sure you ladies can sympathise as no one else seems to understand why I'm upset..... Re the car - £170 fuel pump later and still not working, can't return the pump as it now has petrol on it, been told now it could be 1 of 2 sensors at £50+ each or my ECU which would be £800+, best way to "check" would be to get vauxhall to run a full diagnostic at £110+ which might even show something else or nothing at all (the aa computer and the independent mechanic computer showed nothing) - so now got to wait for someone to be able to get it to the garage as I can't take it as it could cut out in me in the middle of a main road and my DS would be with me as well as bumpy (obviously) so gonna be another week at least (and that's if they
Re open and we can get an appointment next Saturday)
without a car - I feel so trapped :-( - I swear to god if the carpet doesn't arrive Wednesday I may kill someone!
Oh dear sprog, sounds like you are stuck in a dilemma. Is there possibly a cheaper garage you can take the car to, or call out a mobile mechanic? I find small independent garages are better than main dealers, cheaper and more flexible. Like they sometimes send someone out to pick up the car. Might be worth ringing around and finding out.

Also, find a car owner forum form your type and model and ask some questions on there, they often have a techie section with some helpful petrol heads!

Hope you manage to sort it out.
This is what the forums have told us to do and the independent garages haven't found or fixed the problem (has been seen now by 4 independent mechanics and 2 AA recovery guys and plugged into 3 different diagnostic machines) seems main dealer is the last and only option :-(
Just got home and have major back to reality blues :( my sister's gone back to London and I miss her already :( she's having a scan at 2pm (her first one as went to drs late) but thinks she's about 15/16 weeks so fx we can find out blue or pink!! Bit annoyed at oh as he literally slept the whole holiday, only getting up for about three hours each eve for dinner and as soon as we're home he's on the frigging xbox. Back to work tomorrow but I have my baby shower to look forward to next weekend and my sister is coming home for it so not long now! Fx for good news from scan at 2pm :) mw found heartbeat on both sides the other day so it's either one fast little baby or twins eep xxxx
Oh Sally, what a nightmare! I live in a tiny village, about 10miles from town and being without a car would be disastrous.

I see you've had the AA out, does that mean you've got roadside cover with them? If so, I would probably risk the drive to the dealer knowing that someone can come and rescue you if need be - you can ask them to tow you to the dealer instead of going home. Could you get someone to look after your son so he doesn't have to get bored in the car if you do break down? Or could your hubby take the car instead?

Cherry, doesn't sound like your OH is being very supportive. Is he feeling depressed? Might be a good idea if you have a good chat and air out any concerns before baby is here. xxx
No he's not being very supportive but I try and talk about it and he doesn't get it at all so it's not worth the stress. He said he's feeling down so it may be something to do with it. I dunno. I'm going out in a bit anyway, can't sit in all day watching him play the xbox... X
Wish the hubby could take it, he works pretty much the dealers open hours and then some, my mom isn't off to have Jacob till Thursday, everything just seems to be taking so long to do and it's less than 2 weeks till due date :-(
I do have road side (and home start) but they don't seem happy they've been out to the same problem twice already. Never mind, screw it lol,
Cherry these men just don't understand so they :-( bless you, don't blame you for going out x
Sorry ur hubby beeing an arse cherry men sometimes realy can be such pricks! ,mine likes his Xbox but I'm not arsed as long as he does what I ask of him , oh god sprog if it's one thing I hate is spending money on bloody cars :/ was exhaust fir us last time but only around 100 quid so not to bad , dealers always charge the earth don't they FC it's not the expensive route and it can be fixed ASAP ,xxx
Cherry, that's not good. Have you considered speaking to someone professional and seeing if he'll go along? I only say this because I suffered from post-natal depression and if my hubby hadn't been there for me I would have absolutely crumbled. It's far harder to get any difficulties sorted after baby arrives because you're so tired and you just don't have the time to look after yourselves and your relationship. xxx

Sally, are you limited to a certain amount of callouts per year? If not, or if you haven't reached the limit, then yes, sod 'em lol, that's what you pay for! Is there any way you can claim a courtesy car via your insurance company while yours is being repaired? xxx

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