* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

I'm pleased all your midwife appts have gone ok too ladies! I'm liking all this engaging! Lol x
Yay Gemma thats so exciting!!! Good luck, who is doing your labour thread?

TT254, good news about your appointment. I had my 36 week app yesterday too and the midwife went through my birth plan which made everything very real. Good that your engaged, my girl is still 'free'.

Glad your on the count down at work Kautostar, me too. 8 days left! Enjoy your party : ) Sorry to hear about your other problems, its not very glamourous towards the end is it!

Glad your class was good in the end Cherry and good luck with your appointment today. Make your husband make up for it this weekend though!

Lou glad your growth scan went well, its a relief when things like that are done. Good weight too : )

Glad your appointment went well Jazzy. My midwife is the same about forgetting stuff. She rang me yesterday to see if she could move my appointment to yesterday, it was yesterday it was booked for!

Sorry about the carpet Sprog, its such a pain when you have your heart set on getting something sorted. Sorry about the car as well, these things always happen at the worse times! Fingers crossed baby is all snug in there for another few weeks anyway : )

Looking forward to seeing nursery pics FAO : ) I still haven't put any pics up which is rubbish as I like to get to see everyone else's

Emma I say your post on Cereins thread too and just wanted to send lots of love and best wishes in what must be such a hard time. Hoping for the best possible outcome for you xxxxx
Thank you! Noones doing my labour thread. Will have to progressively do it myself lol until I actually can't nomore lol x
Fao - Lol at your OH, men always think they know it all.

Cherry - I hope your OH has decided to be a bit more involved. :-(

Gemma - think your little by is resilient to the hot food now lol. Fingers crossed for your appointment.

As for the carpet, it's a small company owned by my DH's best mates uncle, so I don't really want to pull my face too much cuz I'm getting it for cheaper and not paying for fitting etc, also DH's best mate is coming round straight from work wed to get it down for me too rather than me having to wait till he's off.

I think I was feeling a bit judgmental yesterday :samsmum: lol

mental note - take a tactful pill today, haha.
Morning all :) so I went alone.. Felt a bit better as I went and saw my friend and her gorgeous baby first which cheered me up. When I got there, I saw another girl sitting on her own and said "are you on your own too?" She said her oh had to work so I said "good, mine too" sat down and nothing more was said.

It was a good class though and I'm glad I went. It was all about slightly more complicated labour so pain relief, forceps, ventouse, Caesarian etc. Last one next week is about what to expect when baby gets here. I've told oh if he doesn't go next week I'll kill him.

Got my 34 week mw appointment this morning. Interested to hear where baby is laying as I've been getting a lot of pressure so pretty sure she's down low now. Have a good day all xx

awww cherry, sorry you had to go on your own, but it sounds like it worked out.

sorry for being so forthright yesterday, I was in a bit of a "no nonsense" mood!!
Hey fao - I took no offence, I went mad to start with hahaha. Then I calmed down ;-) x

Gemma - not gonna lie I'm a little jealous lol good luck on Saturday x x
Flip me I'm totally done in after working today! Lying on the sofa with aching shins, back, and butt, bath and bed for me tonight! I feel so useless, got next week and the week after at work, only working two days a week though, doesn't seem to make it any easier!
Oh wow Gemma! The light is at the end of the tunnel! Best of luck!
Oh no cherry! Men are muppets!
TT I'm waddling too! Didn't even know miss doing it till colleagues decided to point it out to me!

I shall be spending this Easter weekend attempting to finish my dissertation. Boo! X
Evening ladies :) hope you're all good!

I went back to work on Monday after 3 weeks off with SPD. Only went back coz maty leave would have kicked in if I didn't. I felt I had to make an attempt because every day I work now is an extra day with baby at the other end. To be honest...I'm shattered and it's a struggle but not as bad as I thought it would be. I've got tomorrow then another 3 weeks to work (plan on working until 39 weeks) so hopefully it'll fly by and baby stays put until I finish!!

In other news...had my 36 week midwife apt today and she asked if I fancied an extra scan!! Apparently there are midwives at the local hospital who need to practice their ultrasound scanning skills and are looking for women over 30 weeks to volunteer for extra scans! Obviously I jumped at the chance so we get to see baby again on Tuesday :D

Thankyou everyone :) having a chilled out couple of nights getting ready for the big day on Saturday x
Hi all. Mw appointment went well today. Baby is still head down but she didn't say anything about being engaged. She said it was good to see such an active baby (my tummy was wiggling about all over the place) as that means the placenta is working really well. Only two more weeks of work for me woooop!!

I didn't find you judgmental at all FAO so don't worry! Good luck for Saturday Gemma! That's super exciting! Xxx
Good luck for dissertation jazzy. I'm definitely waddling but only the SPD limp type waddle!

Dooeyona that's great about your extra scan, how lovely :)

I got a letter about my health visitor appointment today! It's a week on Tuesday. The letter just states that she is coming round to discuss how she'll be involved in our family! I hope she won't be scouring the place for dust! We're having an extension put on the back of the house and converting the garage! Lol

Anyone have any experience of what to expect from their first visit? X
Oh the health visitor appointment! I expected her to want a look around but she didn't. She just basically handed me a load of leaflets, chatted about breastfeeding and how important it is, postnatal depression, and other safety things like sleeping with baby! I must admit I was really disappointed but hope it goes a lot better for you :) all a step closer to baby bein here xxx
Thanks Hun. I'd be happy with an appointment like that! I'm sure she'll have something to say about our cat lol. I can't be doing with patronising people (I am one lol) but I mean in the talking to someone as if they're thick type of way - I guess they'll come across some interesting sorts though. I hope she's nice! X
Hope we're all ok today. Just want to wish you luck for tomorrow Gemma xx
Yep can't wait to hear your birth announcement! Going to be stalking tomorrow! Xxxxx
Good luck Gemma.

I have major hot flushes in one cheek lol happened yesterday too, feels like 1/2 my face is on fire lol

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