* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Good luck Gemma.

I have major hot flushes in one cheek lol happened yesterday too, feels like 1/2 my face is on fire lol

Lol so have I - honest! It's just my right cheek and has happened for the last week! It looks bright pink and comes on really quickly! It's so warm to touch! X
Omg I just ate my weight in Chinese food, gave baby hiccups! I am such a fatty bum bum! Even considering pudding even though I can't sit up right! Lol. X
Yes good luck Gemma!!

Urgh I've accidentally caused a fall out in my family as I didn't invite one of my aunties to my baby shower. This was only as I don't have her mob number and she's not on Facebook! I'd invited both of her daughters so figured they'd tell her... Have just got her number off my dad and text inviting her but she hasn't replied... Feel bad now! X
Vic - same cheek as me lol. Its ridiculously pink lol

Jazzy - just done the same with chippy lol

Cherry - hope your auntie replies soon, fingers crossed she understands it wasn't intentional!
It's strange Sproglett - it only lasts an hour or so!

Ooh sounds yummy jazzy! We had tuna pasta and I've just stuffed a Malteaster bunny!!!

Oh Cherry that's not good - I hope it gets sorted x
Sorry if tmi, but I have had the runs all day. Deffo not something I ate as rest of family fine. Maybe having a clear out?? Baby had a quiet day too. Hmmmmmm. Trying not to read anything into it.

Parents coming to stay tomorrow, which I can do without tbh. Then DDs bday on Sunday and she will never forgive me if she has to share her bday!!!
Good luck gemma! Exciting times :)

Hope everyone else is having a nice easter weekend so far, looks like good weather tomorrow so we're having a day on the allotment - MUST get some seeds in the ground!! X
Don't know how you can do gardening, Cornish! Mine has been so neglected lately but prob cos I can't stand for long or bend down at all. Looking forward to catching up in the summer with all the garden chores. Have a lovely day, and don't overdo it!!!
Awww fao fingers crosse it's a clear out, you never know.
lol at you DD not wanting to share her birthday, there's always Monday, will just have to keep your legs crossed for the time being lol.

I had a call of my sons genes consultant on Thursday. (he had tests started back in January they said they'd take a a hile to come back and to expect them early may) he's been diagnosed with a condition called noonans syndrome which we know very little about, we also know very little about how much it will effect him physically (facial features) as well as mentally (development and learning) as it can range, only time will tell, baby will obviously now be tested when he/she is here and both myself and my DH will be tested too. I didn't really take much of the call in if I'm honest so waiting on the letter through the post to get full diagnosis and next steps.
aww sproglett, I am no expert (I work in hospital) I have seen one person with noonans, I don't know how severe his symptoms were or any thing else but yes he had learning difficulties, and short arms/legs but was living his own life and very active and was 40!
-didn't know whether above would be reassuring or offensive, I meant it to be positive! massive apologies if I got it wrong-

i feel like my feet are getting puffy, they feel tight when I point my toes! been keeping active and then putting my feet up lots when sitting down, but they don't seem to deflate. im getting sock lines very easily! my bp was 130/76 and I had protien in my wee test at my 34 app. just have to keep an eye on it I think.

yesterday was chatting to my neighbour who bought her 5 day old baby out to see me! (awww massive broody moment!) she said she had my midwife come out to see her and she was so thankful not to have had her throughout her pregnancy! boo for me! my neighbour and her husband thought she was a right unorganised and usless woman! :-( so glad I agreed to go to different hospital so she won't be there at birth!
considering complaining afterwards, anyone else complained about a midwife before? x
Gemma, so excited for you! What time are you scheduled to be induced (assuming you're not there already!)?

Sally, sorry to hear about the diagnosis, but it hope it's a mild form and won't affect your lovely little boy too badly.

Forgive the daft question everyone, but I'm having such bad baby brain at the moment - can you post your real first names as I'm having a bit of trouble remembering who is who on my facebook feed lol. I'm Rebecca in case anyone needs reminding lol.
Gold luck Gemma,
no jazzy.fizzle you haven't offended me, it's a wait and see scenario really and also when I get the letter with the exact gene "mutation" that will give a little insight hopefully, but who knows.
Thanks Rebecca x
Hey all. We've gone away for the weekend with my dad, his partner, my twin sister, her oh and my 1 year old niece. Staying in a lovely cottage right by the sea :) me and my twin went for a walk along the beach earlier and she told me she's 15 weeks pregnant! She didn't tell me before cos she was worried I'd be angry. I'm not angry, I'm excited as our babies will be about four months apart!!! I'm sworn to secrecy at the minute so need to just vent on here haha.. So exciting :) xxx

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