Awww fao fingers crosse it's a clear out, you never know.
lol at you DD not wanting to share her birthday, there's always Monday, will just have to keep your legs crossed for the time being lol.
I had a call of my sons genes consultant on Thursday. (he had tests started back in January they said they'd take a a hile to come back and to expect them early may) he's been diagnosed with a condition called noonans syndrome which we know very little about, we also know very little about how much it will effect him physically (facial features) as well as mentally (development and learning) as it can range, only time will tell, baby will obviously now be tested when he/she is here and both myself and my DH will be tested too. I didn't really take much of the call in if I'm honest so waiting on the letter through the post to get full diagnosis and next steps.