* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Thankyou :) saw a lovely obstetrician today too so I know I'm in good hands xx
Yeah good plan, will take some basics. Urgh I'm in so much pain with my back again tonight I can't sleep. Been pacing round the living room in tears trying not to wake anyone up! I hate this :( x
Oh no cherry that's rubbish :( I'm awake too (obviously!!) with my silly arm/wrist cramps. Fell asleep at about 2:30 and then woke at 3:30 to the sound of my neighbours shagging. Could have lived without that! Can't get back to sleep now and just had to wake hubby up in the lounge as I needed to go into the kitchen for a drink and some chocolate, I was starving! Doubt I'll get back to sleep now which is annoying as my alarm is set for 7 as I'm doing a craft fair in the morning which I have to be at for 8am. Ugh..... what a stupid idea that was!! Xxx
Oh no! That's no good Cornish (although I'm secretly glad to have some company haha) My oh woke up came in the living room, asked if I was ok, I said no, he said oh dear got a drink and went back to bed!! My alarm is also set for 7 as I have work all weekend... Am thinking I prob won't go in today though lol.. Oh is taking his dd to zoo so at least I'll get some peace!!! X
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Morning ladies! Sounds like we are all getting a bit more sore and slowed down. Final Stretch though and we will soon have our lovely babies. I'm struggling to sleep now but always tired, got the biggest black circles under my eyes.

My friends are throwing me a baby shower today, I'm not sure what it will entail but it will be nice to see the girls. I've booked myself in to get my hair washed and blow dried first and my make up done so hopefully I will feel a bit better about myself!

Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday and that work/craft fairs etc go well!
Didn't go in but feeling bad as there was me and another girl in today who's pretty rubbish and she keeps texting me asking questions and I just know it'll all be done wrong - Aaagggghh! X
That's a nightmare Cherrybelly! Hope that you don't end up being the one who has to right the wrongs! Can you ignore the texts - claim your phone was out of battery/in a different room?
Oh no cherry that's rubbish :( I'm awake too (obviously!!) with my silly arm/wrist cramps. Fell asleep at about 2:30 and then woke at 3:30 to the sound of my neighbours shagging. Could have lived without that! Can't get back to sleep now and just had to wake hubby up in the lounge as I needed to go into the kitchen for a drink and some chocolate, I was starving! Doubt I'll get back to sleep now which is annoying as my alarm is set for 7 as I'm doing a craft fair in the morning which I have to be at for 8am. Ugh..... what a stupid idea that was!! Xxx

When we lived in a terrace we were woken by the neighbours shagging once. Went on for ages and the women was incredibly noisy. When they'd finished, we cheered and applauded. Never heard them do it again lol!

Hope you are enjoying your craft fair. :)
Didn't go in but feeling bad as there was me and another girl in today who's pretty rubbish and she keeps texting me asking questions and I just know it'll all be done wrong - Aaagggghh! X

Ignore them, if she asks why you didn't respond, tell her you were asleep in bed! Which is exactly what you should be doing lol. :)
Talking of rubbish sleep, it's getting to me now. I wake up about three times a night, always busting for a pee lol. While my SPD isn't awful during the day, it's a nightmare at night because I can't roll over without agonising pain. It seems that lying in one position for too long makes my pelvis lock up, then the weight of baby and my full bladder adds the finishing touch to a very uncomfortable experience lol.
Well ladies I've made it to 37 weeks, seems we're all having fun sleeping at night.

Well here's my full term bumpy....


Mummy is very excited to meet baby now :-)
Yay Sproglett! How exciting!

Happy 35 weeks Jojo! I'm sure I'm a day behind you!

Oh Cherry and Lucy! I read your messages at 05:20 but my contact lenses weren't liking the looking at the bright screen so I couldn't reply! I don't usually go on here during the night but I was last night - with you in spirit!

Sorry about your wrists Lucy but the neighbours shagging did make me giggle! Something you could definitely live without! I hear next door sometimes - just the odd female moan (lesbians)

Rebecca that's so funny about the applause! Haha!

Sorry about your back Cherry - ouch! Pleased you haven't gone to work but hope you don't have too much picking up the pieces to do.

So I didn't sleep well for various reasons so I'm all dizzy today. I'm just going to potter about ironing and sorting stuff in the house whilst hubby is outside with the builder and electrician working on our extension! So won't be done by baby's arrival even if I go 2 weeks over! Need all my energy for our class tomorrow morning! Hope I sleep well tonight or I'm not going to be listening lol. I'm taking a notepad and lots of water!!!

Which snacks are you ladies putting in your hospital bag? xx
Hey Vic I've avoided snacks in my hospital bag (so far lol) just incase I need to be rushed off for an emergency section, plus last time I didn't want to eat anything during my labour, although might get some flap jacks for after lol x
Ahh right. I've got a few bits together just in case and for hubby! Might tell us about it all tomorrow as part of 4hr course, what with it being at the hospital and all! Thought they might be funny about 'healthy snacks' lol. So excited for you! Any time now Hun :) x
Lol, last time I put in haribo and flapjacks etc for "energy" and lucozade sport. Was great the next day when I hadn't slept and needed a boost lol x
Thnx Vic :) jeez my hands n writs are getting so bad now and still bloody splints I thought they would be here by now as physio ordered them Monday from hospital physio bloody taking the piss I have to ring Monday if nothing has arrives by then !! , do any if u find when ur bladder is full u get realy bad Braxton hicks ? Like if u dint make it to the loo ur gonna pee urself this is happening with me and it's getting bad , yesterday aswel while having a bh and a full bladder moment the baby deceived to stab me in the cervix and twist holy shit I had to swear a lot on way to the loo lo, if this happenes outside I'm going to be looking like a very pregnant lady in labour lmao , oh god fancy hearing neighbours shagging Lucy how entertaining :-/ , I would just like a shag lol dan says when we finally do have it away it will probs last. Seconds bless him hehe not had any sex at.all since we conceived and I'm gagging a bit now but he's not keen till we know we are out the danger zone for an early baby beeing born and having to stay in hospital so maybe around 36/37 weeks :) I think my body will go I to shock haha , nice bumpage sprog any day now then is fine ain't it bet it's strange getting to 37 weeks lets hope ya don't go over cos that's just the pits when that happens , have a nice weekend ladies xx
What's everyone up to this weekend? I'm relaxing ahead of a busy week of hospital appointments and putting all of baby's things into my bedroom (living with my mom ATM so no nursery just yet)
Thanks all. I told her what she needed to do and am now ignoring her lol - will see what happens tomorrow. I'm feeling a lot better now, just tired. My back only hurts at night which is so annoying! Just when I want to sleep I end up in agony :( I guess it's from being in the same position for too long. Oh and his dd are at the zoo and he called a little while ago saying not to worry, they'd be home soon! I said to take as long as they wanted (was hoping to get the whole day to myself and a for a very tired little girl when they got back lol!!) I really hope I'm not so mean about my own child :/ I've noticed I get a lot more movement with a full bladder and the odd bh. I quite like it so tend to leave my bladder full for longer haha xx
I think we need to learn to start taking things easy, I over done it Tuesday, got sent home from work Wednesday lunch, spent that afternoon recovering! We are 8 months + pregnant ladies! We gotta put our feet up!
Hopefully after a day of rest cherry you'll be feeling better!

I am trying to crack my dissertation that's due in two weeks time! Oh man, hard work 5000 words down, still got a minimum of 2500 words to write! X

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