* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Thnx Vic :) jeez my hands n writs are getting so bad now and still bloody splints I thought they would be here by now as physio ordered them Monday from hospital physio bloody taking the piss I have to ring Monday if nothing has arrives by then !! , do any if u find when ur bladder is full u get realy bad Braxton hicks ? Like if u dint make it to the loo ur gonna pee urself this is happening with me and it's getting bad , yesterday aswel while having a bh and a full bladder moment the baby deceived to stab me in the cervix and twist holy shit I had to swear a lot on way to the loo lo, if this happenes outside I'm going to be looking like a very pregnant lady in labour lmao , oh god fancy hearing neighbours shagging Lucy how entertaining :-/ , I would just like a shag lol dan says when we finally do have it away it will probs last. Seconds bless him hehe not had any sex at.all since we conceived and I'm gagging a bit now but he's not keen till we know we are out the danger zone for an early baby beeing born and having to stay in hospital so maybe around 36/37 weeks :) I think my body will go I to shock haha , nice bumpage sprog any day now then is fine ain't it bet it's strange getting to 37 weeks lets hope ya don't go over cos that's just the pits when that happens , have a nice weekend ladies xx

Hell yes lol, I also get cramps when I empty a full bladder. It's like my uterus is warning me not to dare do that again lol.

Baby likes to trampoline on my full bladder too. Must be extra cushy with the fluid in there lol. Bloody weird sensation though and makes me wince. I suspect I pull some funny faces when he does that lol.
Yeah we def need to rest more! I've booked some holiday before my maternity starts so now leave work at 37 weeks - three weeks to go woop!! I've had enough now and really can't find the motivation any more! Well done on the dissertation jazzy. I'm doing an ou degree and am really struggling at the minute! I've got a 2500 essay due on 1st May and a 5000 end of module thing due on 29th! Then I'm off until October woop. Gonna try and get it all in early incase bambino arrives beforehand! X
Jojo yeah it's strange getting to 37w, I feel like in over due already cuz of Jacob being early lol. Won't be trying any eviction techniques though as I can't risk reducing my labour time due to getting all my antibiotics - booo lol x
Oh no cherry that's rubbish :( I'm awake too (obviously!!) with my silly arm/wrist cramps. Fell asleep at about 2:30 and then woke at 3:30 to the sound of my neighbours shagging. Could have lived without that! Can't get back to sleep now and just had to wake hubby up in the lounge as I needed to go into the kitchen for a drink and some chocolate, I was starving! Doubt I'll get back to sleep now which is annoying as my alarm is set for 7 as I'm doing a craft fair in the morning which I have to be at for 8am. Ugh..... what a stupid idea that was!! Xxx

When we lived in a terrace we were woken by the neighbours shagging once. Went on for ages and the women was incredibly noisy. When they'd finished, we cheered and applauded. Never heard them do it again lol!

Hope you are enjoying your craft fair. :)

Ha ha! That's hilarious! I've never heard them before and think it must have been because I had the bedroom window open and so did they; sounded like they were doing it on my windowsill :rofl: Pretty grim really! This morning I was looking out to see who had their windows open ;) We're in a flat so there a few options for which flat nearby it could have been coming from. Hope they don't feel as randy tonight, made me feel like some kind of pervert having to lie there listening to their 'activities'! And i was too hot to shut the window! Like you jo, I can barely remember what sex is...! Don't think we'll do it until after the baby is here as hubby is just way too freaked out and I can't say I fancy it much with the weird fanny daggers I keep getting! My bloody wrist has been sore all day today, it drove me barmy in the night too. Gonna sit with a hot water bottle on it for a bit I think, see if that helps. Cor blimey, what a bunch of wrecks we are eh?! Roll on baby time! X
I'm going to sound really dumb here, but just read in my pregnancy notes that on Monday I need to go to the antenatal day unit for my scan, what is a day unit? Wonder why I haven't just been sent to normal ultrasound department :/
I'm going to sound really dumb here, but just read in my pregnancy notes that on Monday I need to go to the antenatal day unit for my scan, what is a day unit? Wonder why I haven't just been sent to normal ultrasound department :/

In our hospital it's the antenatal clinic which is right next to the ultrasound dept. It's where you go if you have a consultant appt. Does that sound like the right sort of place? Maybe they want you to see a consultant before your scan?
I'm going to sound really dumb here, but just read in my pregnancy notes that on Monday I need to go to the antenatal day unit for my scan, what is a day unit? Wonder why I haven't just been sent to normal ultrasound department :/

In our hospital it's the antenatal clinic which is right next to the ultrasound dept. It's where you go if you have a consultant appt. Does that sound like the right sort of place? Maybe they want you to see a consultant before your scan?

Ahhhhh yeah makes more sense now. Think I need to see someone after my scan. Thanks x
Oh crikey, as if I couldn't feel any more rubbish today, this extension means the freezer that once was in the garage is now in the living room - yes ladies, the living room! It's nearly 2 metres away from me and I can feel the chill! Brr! X
I'd quite happily have your freezer next to my bed open at the moment hun lol, I've been really hot on a night hehe. X
Wow I think baby's reminding me she's full term today, kicking like mad! Fanny daggers aren't good xx
Wow I think baby's reminding me she's full term today, kicking like mad! Fanny daggers aren't good xx

Aw lol! My babas full term tomorrow and I've started getting braxton hicks the past couple days, never had them before then! Hope he makes an appearance VERY soon!
I've had them from about 30 weeks I think, now she's just pushing right down its not comfy when getting BH! I need something to do to keep me sittin down, I get bored and end up getting up to do things. Tv is so rubbish, gonna be bored on mat leave haha xx
2 weeks and 1 day before I reach term. Is anyone else finding that time slows down the closer to 40wks we get lol.
I'd quite happily have your freezer next to my bed open at the moment hun lol, I've been really hot on a night hehe. X


Speaking of being too hot, I keep going far too hot during the day, my face goes bright red - well, like one cheek does, it's weird! X
Don't say that suffolk, it's going really quick at the moment! can't wait to be full term! x
Yeah I still think it's going so quickly. We've got so much to do! Not all for baby but I feel like I'm in total chaos here! Shhhh! ;) xx
I find it's still going really slow (has from day 1!) but having said that I have lots to do that I keep putting off thinking I've got all the time in the world and I know that could bite me on the bum! Also super hot all the time, hubby keeps moaning it's cold and putting the heating on whilst I'm sweating! X
Perhaps it's because I've got nothing left to do lol. I'm sitting here, twiddling my thumbs waiting for baby to arrive.

The most exciting thing I've got left to buy is maternity pads lol.

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