* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Thanks ladies. I was sent up there yesterday by the doctor and now being called in to go up today. It's all just too much :( just hoping they discuss induction or something an not just do the exact same thing as yesterday; blood pressure and take loads of blood from me x
Its good that they are monitoring you closely Gemma. Don't be in too much of a hurry to get the little one out though before your body and baby's are both ready. :smile:
Vic and Jo, its great to hear things are coming together for you. This nesting thing is really major for me this week! Like I have to be ready in case he comes any day! Driving my family crazy. They just don't understand how I need to feel organised so as not to feel stressed and unprepared. And I am ssomeone who is always a bit last minute so they are throwing it back at me now, lol.

Omg, I never thought about a cupboard in the kitchen. You are prob right. Maybe I'll wait til weaning for that as I shall be bf and should only need to strerilise dummies, medicine spoons, etc until then, and maybe the odd bottle if I express or give water in summer.

I don't need a new nursery chair as will use my grandmas chair that I used for all 3 of my children. Looking so tatty now, but I put a throw on it. Family traditions, eh!

Has anyone else got any?

One that went by the wayside for me is a nightie that I gave birth to my first child in. I kept it and used it for my other 2 as well. Never wore it for anything else. Like a birthing nightie!! Got it out of the drawer to put in my hosp bag and it was so flimsy that it tore, due to being so blinking ancient (antique nightie, haha), so will have to use a new one now.

Still have a little cot blanket I knitted for my daughter, so that is another antique/tradition I will use!
sprog, so good to hear baby is a nice weight. And that baby is still happily waiting in there, lol.

Ashleigh- your cot looks lovely!

I have been sorting out baby's room (now that I have one!) this week. Laura Ashley have a sale on and their stuff is now at normal shop prices!! Got lovely stripey wallpaper there for £9 per roll, reduced from £20. Matched that with the "Henri" range of accessories at babiesrus and it is coming along nicely. Set up the cot I got from my friend, and used our existing furniture. Baby has SO MANY clothes!! Did not realise until I started unpacking them from the storage bags. At this rate, he will only wear each outfit once. Most are hand-me-downs but I have some fave outfits in there. Found my son's christening outfit too - so cute!

Cleaned the room from top to bottom today, and moved all the stuff we had put up in the loft into there - pushchair, carrycot, highchair, etc. I'll post some pics when it is finished. NOW it feels real, that I am having a baby in 3 weeks time!!

Is everyone else organised? I still have my hosp bag to finish packing (done the one for baby). have to sort out the kitchen and make space for a steriliser etc. what else? Oh yeah, print my birthplan from my old laptop. And make OH build the other wardrobe in our bedroom so we can stop storing 2 huge mirror doors on the landing...

AND... pack away all my work clothes for 6 months - yay!!

I've still got to pack labour bag too, though I'm hoping it won't be needed as I plan on having a home birth. My birth plan needs some finishing touches, but otherwise it's done.

Nursery is ready, got all the bits and bobs I need, clothes washed, just need to prepare a tub and cool bag for the placenta.
Oh I'm so tired today! My eyes just feel glazed over! I've been waking up loads the last few nights. Just wish I could stay still and not turn over - must do this in a sleepy daze 10-15 times per night. My pelvis really hurts when I do it, but it hurts all day now :( just wonder what labour will be like being in that pain!!!!

I'm pleased about your little one's weight Sproglett - that's excellent news.

Loving reading through posts but I don't know what's wrong with me - still can't keep up haha!

Fao - ooh packing away the work clothes - :) I've done hospital bags for both baby and myself but mine isn't totally finished as there's last minute stuff to put in.

I've been ironing baby stuff and put the first bits in the drawer and wardrobe yesterday - so exciting! We went to Ikea to get me a chair for the nursery and also to Mothercare to pick up a crib mattress. We just need more crib and Moses basket sheets now! Nursery still isn't tidy enough for photos - still have the pushchair unfolded and car seat, and laundry in the middle of the room! It's bugging me ladies! I'll not go into the extension work! Can't wait until it's finished!!!

Hope you're all ok today.

Anyone starting to have period pain again? I am! I hope it's baby getting ready, but not too ready! Xx

I'm tired too, but it's mostly because baby likes to party around 5am! :D Last night I was getting poked with something bony, it was fascinating and damn annoying at the same time lol.

Try not to worry about the pelvic pain affecting labour. I was advised not to have my legs open too wide, but I ended up labouring on my back with legs akimbo and didn't give a thought to the SPD lol. I had one physio session a few days after the birth as my pelvis was misaligned again, but I honestly never felt any horrific pain from it during labour or once baby was out.

I've had period cramps for a few weeks, sometimes they can be quite intense and I have to stop and breathe through them. Just the uterus getting toned up and ready lol.
Just had a call from triage, te bloods they took yesterday need me to go in and be reviewed! I might aswel live there the amount of times Im being told to go in :(

Sorry to hear that hun, couldn't they talk over the phone? xxx
Hope the bloods are nothing serious Gemma , I have to finish my bag off towel needs putting in and some deodorant forgot to get some for my bag doh lol I've to do kitchen aswel to make room for bottles milk and steriliser so need to basicaly have a cupboard empty for the baby stuff I've been putting it off cos I hate that job lol , anyways today is a gawjus day here sun is shinning washing is out I always feel loads better when the sun shines so I may get some energy and do some more housework lol I've just cut my jasmine plant back I say plant it's more like a massive bush now but gawjus wen it flowers not to mention the giant wasps I've just seen eek I think they been taking steroids lol have a nice day ladies xx

I've seen those wasps, horrible things! It's a bugger because I like having the windows open, but then the wasps, bees and flies invite themselves in, grrr....

It's a lovely day here in Suffolk. I've got washing out too. Need hubby to mow the lawn and do some general gardening as we've got a property inspection in a couple of weeks, but he's behind on work so probably won't today.
Vic and Jo, its great to hear things are coming together for you. This nesting thing is really major for me this week! Like I have to be ready in case he comes any day! Driving my family crazy. They just don't understand how I need to feel organised so as not to feel stressed and unprepared. And I am ssomeone who is always a bit last minute so they are throwing it back at me now, lol.

Omg, I never thought about a cupboard in the kitchen. You are prob right. Maybe I'll wait til weaning for that as I shall be bf and should only need to strerilise dummies, medicine spoons, etc until then, and maybe the odd bottle if I express or give water in summer.

I don't need a new nursery chair as will use my grandmas chair that I used for all 3 of my children. Looking so tatty now, but I put a throw on it. Family traditions, eh!

Has anyone else got any?

One that went by the wayside for me is a nightie that I gave birth to my first child in. I kept it and used it for my other 2 as well. Never wore it for anything else. Like a birthing nightie!! Got it out of the drawer to put in my hosp bag and it was so flimsy that it tore, due to being so blinking ancient (antique nightie, haha), so will have to use a new one now.

Still have a little cot blanket I knitted for my daughter, so that is another antique/tradition I will use!

I've kept my son's first outfits for the new baby. I will probably frame them or something when they've served their purpose. I'm also re-using our co-sleeper crib and intend to store it and pass it down when my boys have their own babies someday (gosh, that's a weird thought!).

I still have my two nursing nighties from my first. They've held up surprisingly well and I've been wearing them the last couple of months as they're the comfiest I've got.
Just had a call from triage, te bloods they took yesterday need me to go in and be reviewed! I might aswel live there the amount of times Im being told to go in :(

Sorry to hear that hun, couldn't they talk over the phone? xxx

Unfortunately not :( at least I've got my mom taking me up there inabit so not going alone. From what they wrote in my green book yesterday I think they're going to do a scan to be honest x
Just had a call from triage, te bloods they took yesterday need me to go in and be reviewed! I might aswel live there the amount of times Im being told to go in :(

Sorry to hear that hun, couldn't they talk over the phone? xxx

Unfortunately not :( at least I've got my mom taking me up there inabit so not going alone. From what they wrote in my green book yesterday I think they're going to do a scan to be honest x

That's a pain. Be nice to take a peek at baby though. I'm sure everything will be fine. xxx
I forgot to mention I saw the midwife this morning. All looking good, though I stupidly left my urine sample with my handbag by the front door doh!

I'm measuring the same as I did two weeks ago (33cm), but I'm not too worried as the scan I had last weekend showed baby as average in every way. Midwife wasn't at all bothered either. I know I've grown anyway because I look massive now lol, and goodness do I ache!

My next appt will be at my home in two weeks to officially book my home birth. Then I'll be full term a couple of days later. Can't wait!
Just had a call from triage, te bloods they took yesterday need me to go in and be reviewed! I might aswel live there the amount of times Im being told to go in :(

Sorry to hear that hun, couldn't they talk over the phone? xxx

Unfortunately not :( at least I've got my mom taking me up there inabit so not going alone. From what they wrote in my green book yesterday I think they're going to do a scan to be honest x

That's a pain. Be nice to take a peek at baby though. I'm sure everything will be fine. xxx

Yeah that's the positive to it :) getting to see little one xx
Hi ladies! Happy weekend! Woo!!! ;) We had our first of two antenatal classes this afternoon, this one was on labour, next one in a fortnight is on living with baby. Really enjoyed it and hubby wasn't totally freaked out (although they didn't mention anything too grim) and he even got shown some massages to do on me whilst I'm in labour which was nice as it gives him something to do and hopefully distract him from being terrified! X
I forgot to mention I saw the midwife this morning. All looking good, though I stupidly left my urine sample with my handbag by the front door doh!

I'm measuring the same as I did two weeks ago (33cm), but I'm not too worried as the scan I had last weekend showed baby as average in every way. Midwife wasn't at all bothered either. I know I've grown anyway because I look massive now lol, and goodness do I ache!

My next appt will be at my home in two weeks to officially book my home birth. Then I'll be full term a couple of days later. Can't wait!

That's good news Hun, but not about the aching! Xx
Glad the antenatal class went well Cornish! We're going to blackpool (250 mines away) on
Monday for a couple of days. My oh was saying he thinks we should take my hospital bag so we don't have to stress but I haven't even started it yet! What do you girls reckon? X
Glad the antenatal class went well Cornish! We're going to blackpool (250 mines away) on
Monday for a couple of days. My oh was saying he thinks we should take my hospital bag so we don't have to stress but I haven't even started it yet! What do you girls reckon? X

It's unlikely anything will happen, but if you don't go prepared it might lol. Perhaps put together some emergency supplies rather than a full labour bag - an outfit for baby, some maternity pads and a good book to read for if you have an overnight hospital stay?

Whatever you do, make sure you take your maternity notes with you though. If there's any problems or god forbid you're in an accident, they will alert whoever is treating you to your pregnancy history.
An update: been put on urso and vitamin k for the time being. Scan On Monday, then to see the obstetrician on Thursday to plan a date for induction for me! They may start it off on that day, have to wait and see!Exciting and nerve wracking! Xx
I think oh's are more on the ball than us sometimes! It wouldn't even have crossed my mind either! I guess it's not a bad idea just in case, you could always just chuck in the basics like some baby clothes and nappies and your maternity notes, so you know you've got something should anything happen, but like you although I've made a start on my hospital bags, most of it I can't pack til the very last minute anyway as I'm using it day to day! X
An update: been put on urso and vitamin k for the time being. Scan On Monday, then to see the obstetrician on Thursday to plan a date for induction for me! They may start it off on that day, have to wait and see!Exciting and nerve wracking! Xx

Eek! Gosh we could have the first may baby really soon then! Good luck for Thurs, and at least it's good they're being so thorough. Xx
An update: been put on urso and vitamin k for the time being. Scan On Monday, then to see the obstetrician on Thursday to plan a date for induction for me! They may start it off on that day, have to wait and see!Exciting and nerve wracking! Xx

Wow! Yes, it's good that they're treating you well and you know what's going on. Good luck for scan x

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