Ooh sweepstake sounds fun! Maybe we should guess dates, weights and gender where applicable!
Class was good despite me feeling FAR too hot and dizzy from beginning to end! There were 7 couples and the first few mins was general chatting, then we had to work with another pair to put laminate cards in order from start of labour to after delivery of baby. A 37 week pregnant girl was there sitting with her legs crossed and then kneeling on the floor to spread out the laminates! Errr no! Was well jealous and felt sorry for myself feeling so dizzy I could barely look down at the floor comfortably or move like that with my pelvis. I'm going to be a nightmare in labour with this dizziness getting worse again! It's the small things that people take for granted and I look fine which is frustrating. It's not like I fall over or faint either. Anyway I digress! The next hour and a half was spent talking about labour, everything you could imagine - breathing, contractions, positions and pushing, after birth etc so it was quite useful. Though the old fashioned, badly worded, contradictory booklet we received isn't much help do it was a lot to take in! Most of it I knew but not some of the small details so that was good. We then had a tour of the unit and wards, including the individual rooms and the one with birthing pool. It looks amazing! Tempting but not sure if I'd actually be keen on the actual giving bith bit in there. But it would be good for a huge bath or a change! Lol. I may put it on birth plan. With the dizziness though I'd rather be sitting up on a bed I guess. I'll have a think. So it was about 3 hours and very tiring but useful to see where we'll be going not long from now!
I've had the period type stuff for a few days Rachel - it's a weird feeling again! I'm sure I'll know when the real pain and contractions begin! We were told today that we should have at least 2 contractions every 20 mins for at least an hour before we ring, unless waters go! I still find the whole timing and contraction thing a bit of a minefield really! xx