* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

It has slowed down but I still can't believe only 3 weeks from due date, the rest of my pregnancy has totally flown over. Also think its because I know I'm finished work now, not a lot left to do so I'm trying to think of what am gonna do to keep occupied xx
37 weeks today, finally! And hopefully seeing my little one in the next week or so!x
Congrats Gemma!

35 weeks today here! And up early for preparation to parenthood class at the hospital! I'm really hoping they condense it a bit - 4 hours is a long time!!! And I've just had my breakfast! I'm taking snacks and bottle of water! Have a good Sunday ladies xx
I just woke up :) I can't tell you how happy I am that I actually slept last night!! Got all anxious yesterday eve and refused to go to bed until gone mindnight - looks like being super tired helps sleep though the pain! Woop! Enjoy your class Vic! I think it's going ridiculously quick and wish it would slow down a bit now as there's still lots to do!! X
Thanks fao it is indeed. Although really need to get Jacob's room finished now before baby arrives lol.

Vic hope the class goes well, ours was an all day thing when we had our DS.... Not gone this time lol.

Cherry glad you slept better, I slept better too last night, think it was a little cooler thank goodness :-) x x
I've woke feeling like I've been battered all over. Inside of my thighs and my pelvis are sooo sore, that's what I get for cleaning the whole house yest I guess! Least it's done and clean now I suppose haha. Glad you all slept better last night :) I've been up since about 5! Xx
Urghh I slept awfull I was to warm needed pee every hour my hands were numb n painfull has toothache shoot me now lol , this pregnancy for me has gone super quick it's started to slow a little now but I expected that the last 6 weeks usually does :-/ I'm hoping for 38 week induction so hopefully only 3 weeks to go fir me :) , time to get up n feed my self belly is rumbling like mad n I need ice pops lol xx
Enjoy your class Vic!

Glad we mostly (sorry Hayley!) Slept better last night.

Yep congratulations on 37 weeks sprog, must feel amazing!

I managed to worry hubby a bit last night as seemed to be getting regular tightening and back ache and a bit of period type pain for a few hours before bed. Guess it must just be braxton hicks type stuff, just seemed quite regular! Gave me a nudge that I should really get hospital stuff packed up though! Xx
Morning all!

As usual I've been rubbish keeping up with this thread. Easter holidays here so been a manic week. Well done to everyone is full term :-) still a few weeks to go for me but I'm sure it will fly by!

Time does seemed to of slowed but still got so much to dop not wishing anytime away. I definitely need to slow down a bit been doing too much as usual during the day and the evening I'm really suffering for it!!

As were all getting to term now has no ones babies made early appearances? Xxxx
Ice pops. I like the lemon ones in the yellows green packet, I have like 4 boxes in my freezer.

Really got a thing for strawberries at the moment. X
As were all getting to term now has no ones babies made early appearances? Xxxx

Maybe we should have a sweepstake as to who will pop first??? :lol:

My money is on Gemma as she seems super keen to evict that baby right now!!
As were all getting to term now has no ones babies made early appearances? Xxxx

Maybe we should have a sweepstake as to who will pop first??? :lol:

My money is on Gemma as she seems super keen to evict that baby right now!!

I think I'll have my baby boy here within the next week and half! Pregnancy notes say aim induction by 38 weeks- next Sunday! :o
Ooh sweepstake sounds fun! Maybe we should guess dates, weights and gender where applicable!

Class was good despite me feeling FAR too hot and dizzy from beginning to end! There were 7 couples and the first few mins was general chatting, then we had to work with another pair to put laminate cards in order from start of labour to after delivery of baby. A 37 week pregnant girl was there sitting with her legs crossed and then kneeling on the floor to spread out the laminates! Errr no! Was well jealous and felt sorry for myself feeling so dizzy I could barely look down at the floor comfortably or move like that with my pelvis. I'm going to be a nightmare in labour with this dizziness getting worse again! It's the small things that people take for granted and I look fine which is frustrating. It's not like I fall over or faint either. Anyway I digress! The next hour and a half was spent talking about labour, everything you could imagine - breathing, contractions, positions and pushing, after birth etc so it was quite useful. Though the old fashioned, badly worded, contradictory booklet we received isn't much help do it was a lot to take in! Most of it I knew but not some of the small details so that was good. We then had a tour of the unit and wards, including the individual rooms and the one with birthing pool. It looks amazing! Tempting but not sure if I'd actually be keen on the actual giving bith bit in there. But it would be good for a huge bath or a change! Lol. I may put it on birth plan. With the dizziness though I'd rather be sitting up on a bed I guess. I'll have a think. So it was about 3 hours and very tiring but useful to see where we'll be going not long from now!

I've had the period type stuff for a few days Rachel - it's a weird feeling again! I'm sure I'll know when the real pain and contractions begin! We were told today that we should have at least 2 contractions every 20 mins for at least an hour before we ring, unless waters go! I still find the whole timing and contraction thing a bit of a minefield really! xx
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I'm glad you enjoyed your group today Vic :-) and yes fao that's sounds like a good idea how's best to do it?

Vic I felt the same as you with the pool loved it but didn't have either babies in there. I'm planning on using again and seeing how I feel. It's such a relief when you first get in but I found it soon doesn't feel the sane after a while.

So exciting that everyone is getting so close now :-) xxx
Ahh that's what I thought it might be like. The midwife said we can go in and if after a while we decide we don't like it we can just come out. Though there's only one and I'd feel like a right cow just going in and trying it if it's in my birth plan and someone else genuinely has they're heart set on giving birth in there! I'm also worried I'll just feel like I'm floating and I'm also not keen on having my foof out for all to see all of time! And I'm worried if there's something wrong with baby I'll obviously have to be hauled out anyway. Hmmm don't know what to do! X
Yeah I really like the idea of a water birth! At our ante natal we were told they don't do yours anymore cos of the risk of infection which is a shame :(

Feeling super stressed as we're doing a ridiculous seven hour journey tomorrow, funeral tues and then coming straight back. So much to sort out before hand and my oh is so stressed out cos he's got to see a lot of fam he hasn't seen for years and bury his nan - can't wait for it all to be over tbh! X
I was hoping for a water birth at the midwifery led unit at the hospital, no chance now as I'll be induced and under consultant care, oh well eh!

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