* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Didn't sleep too well either. I just keep sleeping lightly and waking up loads having had vivid dreams! Think my headache might be starting to go! Pelvis still killing, but it would be!

Enjoy your class Cherry :) we've got our 4 hour class this Sunday morning! Crikey! Really going to be up for that one! X
I am due 2nd May but have been diagnosed with obstetric cholestasis, although my bile acids are normal a couple of other liver markers are very high.

I am being induced next Thursday 17th April at 1 day before 38 weeks!

Will I be the first original May mummy to have her baby?? :shock:

Wow that's not long to go then! Hope all goes smoothly for you. How exciting! Xx
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..... I can't remember how many weeks pg I was when I was told this, but I had it in childhood so prob immune. I nursed both daughters thru it and OH (when I was pg) and did not get it myself. Suffolkmum and sarah13 on another thread today posted interesting info, I would go with what they say, as they seem to know a lot about it!!!

Will try to find it thanks hunny

Feel free to ask me anything about chickenpox directly. Looks like I'm becoming an unwilling resident expert on the subject lol.

I tell you, I'm never getting pregnant again. Too much of a minefield of illnesses to watch out for. Either that or I wear a hazmat suit for the duration of my pregnancy. :D
Room looks brill, Sprog!

Glad to hear about good hosp appts and hope others go well that are coming up. Had mine this week too. Baby head down, growth consistent and on the big side of normal, including long legs! Weight estimated currently at 7lbs although sonographer said the estimate is often not accurate.
It certainly feels like I am lugging around a 7lb baby right now!

Had a "discussion" with my consultant about induction. She wants to do this at 39 weeks for no other reason than my age. We debated the RCOG and NICE guidelines and she conceded most of my points, but said she has to follow national guidelines with her advice. Well, we agreed to compromise, and I will have as much monitoring as she wants and so long as baby healthy and happy then he is better in than out. So after 40 weeks I go in for a scan and trace every other day. Fine by me. So far, tests show perfect placenta function, cord flow and baby growth, so she has no clinical reason to insist on a forced early labour. Esp as she admitted that I am more likely to have a csection just by being induced, and that would be unnecessary surgery.

Phew, she was hard work, but we politely reached agreement on a plan. Well, she thinks she will have a second go at persuading me at the next appt, but if all well, then I think not.

Funny thing was, she said it was "always possible" that I would go into labour by myself. I replied that it was not just possible, it was inevitable!! This baby will come at some point, only neither she nor I will know exactly when, lol!

What is it with bossy consultants? I'm sure they do their jobs very well, but a little less of the "I know better than you" attitude would be welcome.

At the end of the day, the decision on how to birth is yours. Doesn't matter what scenarios they throw at you or how much they recommend something, it's not up to them. Well done for putting your foot down.

Make sure your birth partner is on board with how you want things to go. It's not unheard of for medical professionals to pile the pressure on to make a certain decision while you're in the throes of labour and not able to think clearly or with enough time.
Well been to mw and she said it is spd I've had all these dam weeks this coming from the same mw who said it's just normal pregnant aches n pains grrr asked if I wanted to see a physio which I replied no wats the point now by time I get to see someone il be ready to drop il just grin and bare it and hopefully get induced at 38 weeks , all seems ok bp wee all normal but I have thrush so getting some pessery off the doc for that , told her I'm so anxious about something going wrong at the end due to my age my retained plaventa last time and previous losses and the closer I get the more anxious I become , she is organising a home birth kit just Incase anything happens at home and it happenes quickly with this beeing my 7 th baby it could well just fall out lol but FC it doesn't but I told her I would rather be induced and be at the right place at the right time and be in gd hands she just said all u can do is ask oh reust me I plan doing more than just asking lol , only thing I'm concerned about but mw has t picked up on is 4 weeks ago I was measuring g 33 weeks at 30 weeks today at 34 weeks I'm measuring 34 weeks so I've only grew 1cm in 4 weeks :-/ but all scans are ok so not to worry I guess x
Hi all. Just back from antenatal and it was really good. Covered the stages of a "normal" birth which was interesting, watched some videos and met some nice people. Looking forward to next week. Wow, four hours in one go is a bit much Vic! Two hours at a time is enough for me!! X
Welcome and good luck kiansue.

Enjoy your antenatal classes ladies. We enjoyed ours. I don't think we particularly covered anything new but it was reassuring to go over everything.

Glad to hear you have gone a plan together JoJo, at least that's reassuring xxx

After being head down for my scan last week I'm worried my little scamp has turned transverse again. She seems to have two lumps, one either side of tummy and she has hiccups which are high up instead of low down like they have been! Arghhh, I hope I am wrong.
Thanks suffolkmum and sproglett for your support. It really means a lot. I know I will be under more pressure to agree to her plans when I see her at 40 weeks, so hopefully my "test scores" will remain perfect and no spanners crop up. Then baby can come when he is ready and fx I have a nice short easy labour and baby is fine!! That's what we all hope for I guess. I just seem to have to fight to have it.

And thanks everyone for putting up with my ranting!

Cherry, me too with the sleep, only my insomnia is hip pain related. Glad to hear the antenatal class was good.

JoJo, sorry to hear your diagnosis. I would recommend the physio though. Its never too late to learn how to reduce the pain! Also, don't worry about tummy measurements, they are just a guide. We should all be relaxing at this stage in our pregnancies, not stressing out!! Easier said than done, I know. Frankly as much as I will resist early forced labour by induction, I would welcome this baby right now if he decided to come out! With the backagony and him being a full term size already... But still so much to do at work and home!!
Welcome and good luck kiansue.

Enjoy your antenatal classes ladies. We enjoyed ours. I don't think we particularly covered anything new but it was reassuring to go over everything.

Glad to hear you have gone a plan together JoJo, at least that's reassuring xxx

After being head down for my scan last week I'm worried my little scamp has turned transverse again. She seems to have two lumps, one either side of tummy and she has hiccups which are high up instead of low down like they have been! Arghhh, I hope I am wrong.

Thnx I always like to have a plan always did wen ttc lol , I thought my baby had shifted from head down due to hiccups moving higher up near belly button and lumps either side of my belly but it's defo head down or so my mw says and my last scan said the same , I think I just have a very wriggly baby that like to move around a lot sometimes I am sure I have an octopus in there not a baby haha , bloody hands are getting worse by the day I'm finding it hard to even hold certain things now without getting pain and numbness :/ ,,woke up average 5 times last night either from painfull hands needing a pee or the hippo next to me snoring grrr but today is another day and the sun is shinning and it's almost Saturday which means I'm another week closer to meeting my yellow bump :) , have a nice day ladies xxx
Thnx fao I'm not worrying cos scans say baby is fine in growth I think sometimes the it depends how baby is laying as to how the measurements come out , got another scan at 37 weeks so if anything has tailed off they will pick up on it then :) , she did tell me how not to open my legs if possible in bed and when getting in the car etc just gotta be carefull and sit on my butt much as I can which I hate but needs must , not long for us all now :) , xxx
Anxiously awaiting my blood test results for my third bile acid test! Hoping it's still in the normal range! Fingers crossed!
Ladies..... I have had a brill morning, baby is now measuring approx 7lbs 7 at 36+5, and is finally HEAD DOWN! Woo hoo

Here's peanut chubby cheeks :-)
Bile acids are down to 9 but the other two enzymes are rising. Not sure what this means but got to see my doctor at 3pm so he can call the hospital to see what they want to do
Morning Ladies,

Had a rubbish sleep last night, with me I'm fine once I am asleep and I am quite settled ( the odd toss and turn ) but its actually falling asleep that I can't seem to master :( I always lie awake for ages trying to get comfy and then suddenly I wake up in the morning and don't remember falling asleep.

I've loved having the full double bed to roll about it (hubbys been working away) he is home tonight around 2am so no doubt my sleep will be disturbed....... that's if I am sleeping lol will be nice to have him home though :)

My cot arrived last night - I LOVE IT!!!!! Can't wait to get my bedding washed and get it all ready for baby, I'll attach a pic to share with you ladies.

I also got his personalised name train yesterday, I had bought it last week from eBay for £12, its so lovely, its going to hang above his cot :) its handmade and I just think its beautiful, I'll also attach a little picture of that.

I have the midwife tomorrow (hoping not to get a parking ticket this time) I don't think I have anything to query with her, I'm hoping she does my birth plan at this appointment though, she hasn't mentioned it. I also hope I have my original midwife, last appointment she was off and there was another midwife taking her appointments, she looked about 70 and didn't know her arse from her elbow, it didn't fill me with confidence.

Hope you all have a good day today. X


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Bile acids are down to 9 but the other two enzymes are rising. Not sure what this means but got to see my doctor at 3pm so he can call the hospital to see what they want to do

That's interesting as that the same as me, the bile acids are normal but other enzymes, ast and alt are raised. The ast levels are 232 where they should be under 40.

Be waiting to see what your doctor says!
Thnx fao I'm not worrying cos scans say baby is fine in growth I think sometimes the it depends how baby is laying as to how the measurements come out , got another scan at 37 weeks so if anything has tailed off they will pick up on it then :) , she did tell me how not to open my legs if possible in bed and when getting in the car etc just gotta be carefull and sit on my butt much as I can which I hate but needs must , not long for us all now :) , xxx

Wish I didn't have to open my legs getting in the car lol. We have a 4x4 and I'm really short, so I have no choice but to put a leg in the footwell before getting the rest of me in! :D

I've been nagging hubby for a new car, but so far he's not given in lol.
Ladies..... I have had a brill morning, baby is now measuring approx 7lbs 7 at 36+5, and is finally HEAD DOWN! Woo hoo

Here's peanut chubby cheeks :-)

Looking fab, seems you're going to get to full term at last and baby will be a good size too!
Gemma and kiansu, I hope you get some positive answers from the doctors soon. Xxx

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