* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Jazzy, after each of my babies, I bled for 2 months non stop after. Like a veeeeery looooooong period! You'll prob need more pads then that, but buy them later when you know how much flow you need mopping up. Sorry, tmi!!!
Arghh I'm so angry! Oh went out last night very rare for him went straight from work so hadn't seen him since thur eve. He stayed at his cousins Friday night and by 10.30 next morning he hadn't called me which I thought was odd as I knew it wasn't going to be a really late one so I called him And he tells me he's at work and he won't be home till 9 that night bit annoyed as felt he could of rang or text to let me know as he never planned to go to work.
In the end I came to bed at 9.30 and thought he'll be home soon but I've just woken up to find he's not in!! I panic and always think the worse so I've tried calling him about 20 times for about 15 mins with no answer!

He finally answers and just like what! I'm still at work! Obv by this point I'm annoyed and said can't believe you didn't ring or text because your not back! And all he could say was I told you I wasn't going to be till 11 a few words later and he hangs up!!!

It's not me is it I have a right to be annoyed why do men think we don't worry about them. I would never do that to him. So sorry for the rant and essay girls! Just so annoyed with him right now!!!! Xx
Rant away Sinead! I'm sure men really are on another planet sometimes, they just don't get it. I hope he got home safe and sound and is spending the day with you today!

I woke up loads of times in absolute agony with my back. It's all along the top of my back and really tight. I now get it every night and it goes away once I've been up for a while. My oh says I shouldn't lay done for so long but I have to sleep!! I've had enough of this pregnacy lark!! X
ah thanks fao and Suffolkmum, hopefully it'll be enough to last the first few days till I can do an online for more of whatever I need.
I think thats how im doing most of it, bought a few things just to get me through the first few days till I know what I and baby like then order a bulk online shop once baby is here.

sinead rant away! men don't get the way that women's thinking changes as soon as they are pregnant - like if they tell us something we expect them to do it! I've had plenty of frustrating moments like this with my oh's lack of communication on things he didn't think were that important.

cherry i can't spend too much time in one position either, always wriggling around trying to get comfortable. maybe you need a back rub from your oh to release some tension of your back?

Sounds like a good plan Jazzy. I keep panicking and then thinking its not like the shops will suddenly close! We can get next day delivery on everything xx

I know Sinead, I keep telling my oh that he needs to keep his phone charged. It upsets me if I can't get hold of him as I think what if I really needed him! Think he has got the message now : )

I know how you feel Cherry, I got v little sleep last night. Couldn't seem to get comfortable with back ache. I seem to have good nights and bad nights.

Happy 34 weeks Vic! Its a nice feeling, 6 weeks to go!

I love masterchef, particularly master chef Australia randomly! Lol.

Great news about your payout suffolkmum : ) every bit extra helps at the moment! Xxxxx
Thanks girls, it just annoys me that because he's a man he doesn't think I worry about him. Then to but answer his phone!! To be fair he can't do much right at the mo he just gets in my nerves do easily. Aw cherry I hope it eases off for you.

I think I've been ok at night considering but do find myself rolling around a lot! I still find myself sleeping on my front which I'm sure I shouldn't be. Xx
I feel pretty lucky to have a wonderful hubby who pretty much never argues with me lol. I'm definitely the bossy one in the relationship, though not always proud of it lol.

Sometimes my hubby just forgets to do the sensible thing though. When we moved from a busy town centre to out here in the country and I was heavily pregnant, if he was at work or out shopping in town he would often leave his mobile behind or turn the sound off and not notice it ringing. Being my first pregnancy, I had false contractions and got really panicked that I couldn't contact him. He used to come home and find me in a such a state sometimes. He kept making excuses such as there was no signal when I called, the phone didn't alert him to a missed call/message etc.

One time, he went back to our old house (we still owned it briefly while we were renting here) to finish doing it up for sale. I needed to call him, but as usual he didn't answer, so I called our old next-door-neighbour instead. He went round to our house and my hubby wasn't there, so he popped a note through the letterbox. It was a good hour or so before hubby called me having seen the note, totally unaware that I was imagining him having crashed the car into a ditch or something. Turns out he had decided to take some old furniture to the tip instead and was sat waiting ages as the tip was closed for emptying and lots of cars were backed up.

I just don't think men think situations through. They seem to believe we know exactly what their plans are and act surprised when we don't.
4 weeks left today until my little beautiful is due! Getting nervous but excited! So mad we will all be having our babies well anytime lol! :) :)
Finally getting the catflap fitted today and I'm so bloody excited - sad but true.. I had one at my old house but not at the new one. Oh's friend is on his way to fit it. No more sitting up worrying cos they haven't come in yet and I don't want to lock them out :) Just gotta teach our two new cats how to use it which should be interesting. My 11 year old cat should be able to show them the ropes as she's a pro though :)

Sorry - pointless post but I really am very excited :)
I feel pretty lucky to have a wonderful hubby who pretty much never argues with me lol. I'm definitely the bossy one in the relationship, though not always proud of it lol.

Sometimes my hubby just forgets to do the sensible thing though. When we moved from a busy town centre to out here in the country and I was heavily pregnant, if he was at work or out shopping in town he would often leave his mobile behind or turn the sound off and not notice it ringing. Being my first pregnancy, I had false contractions and got really panicked that I couldn't contact him. He used to come home and find me in a such a state sometimes. He kept making excuses such as there was no signal when I called, the phone didn't alert him to a missed call/message etc.

One time, he went back to our old house (we still owned it briefly while we were renting here) to finish doing it up for sale. I needed to call him, but as usual he didn't answer, so I called our old next-door-neighbour instead. He went round to our house and my hubby wasn't there, so he popped a note through the letterbox. It was a good hour or so before hubby called me having seen the note, totally unaware that I was imagining him having crashed the car into a ditch or something. Turns out he had decided to take some old furniture to the tip instead and was sat waiting ages as the tip was closed for emptying and lots of cars were backed up.

I just don't think men think situations through. They seem to believe we know exactly what their plans are and act surprised when we don't.

Oh what are they like!! I don't know why I'm surprised by him 10 years later! Lol they really just don't think like we do.

Aw Gemma so close. Anymore more news on the ob or are they just monitoring it now? I've still got over 7 weeks left feels like forever but know the time is going to fly by! So much to do today and just can't get motivated. Xxx
That's great news cherry may sound silly but always nice when it's one less thing to worry about. Xx
They're monitoring my bile acids every week then from 37 weeks twice weekly x
Bloody men are so thoughtless sometimes grrrr if that was you I'm thinking he would be mad as hell , I worry terrible when I can't get hold of dan or the kids all sorts goes through my mind lol,hey I got my fitted crib sheets in bargain madness £2.99 for 2 n they are realy soft , the bumpers are sposed to be crap for ventilation or something like that and then once they are pulling themselves up they can use them to climb on so who knows when ur meant to use them ,must all changed since I had my last baby so it's all new to me too, got physio in the morning first day of school hols and I have to be at docs by 8.30 fgs why so bloody early urrhhhh hope I get some splints for my hands cos it's getting realy bad now and quite painfull god I hope they agree to induce me at 38 weeks I'm so stressed out with one thing and another aches pains can't climb the stairs without beeing in pain and then the anxiety god I'm a nervous wreck and I'm falling appart :-/ xx
I can't remember if I posted on here. I'm due may 11th and am 35 weeks exactly today. I'm getting induced early on either 25th or 28th April so don't know if I should go on the April one lol x
Go wherever you feel like first Time mum! It must be a nice thing to know your being induced - light at the end of the tunnel and all that!

I have my second osteopath appointment tomorrow - so looking forward to it! Though I will have to attempt a tidy up tomorrow morning, I was so embarrassed last time after he said 'trouser off'! Poor chap! X
Men haha! I'm quite lucky I can't complain about mine, I'm awful sometimes lately but he's taken it well and makes me laugh about it lol. Got my growth scan tuesday, last scan how crazy! Feels like since my 20 week scan the time has just disappeared! Looking forward to last week at work from tomorrow to friday. Pram came yest and very happy with it, looks so snug for baby :) very light and compact too! Is anyone taking raspberry leaf? I've started my pregnacare again as was getting spots and ulcers, generally a bit run down I think, plus a water infection last week so won't do any harm having extra vitamins.

I got my cot and Moses basket sheets from asda George, they are so soft and the quality is good, I got the flannelette type and they're nice and thick. All washed and put away for next couple of weeks. Has everyone had a good weekend? I feel a bit of a recluse, not been out much, just very achey is all xxx
Just ventured out to the cinema to see Noah. Baby was enjoying it (aswell as the popcorn) and bounced around all the time. Not been out for ages so it was lovely to do something!

OH is now building the changing table from Ikea, baby insisted we take him up a cake as a treat ;)
How many of you are planning to use a tens machine? I'm tempted to hire one.
But as this is my first time, i wanna experience the pain to see what it's like (does that make me sound like weirdo?!)
I don't really know what they are, will have to have a little read up I think xx

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